chapter 2

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I am sitting here in front of my parent's grave just staring at the headstones, as Alpha John speaks. I do not even hear a word he is saying, I am still in shock. I still have not cried. or spoken a word since Ms. Cheryl told me they had been killed. I felt someone Taking hold of my hand, I looked over and saw the Luna Merry with a small smile. looking down at me. “Are you all right, Lacey dear?" She asks, I saw her son, the future Alpha Blake, giving me a mean look over his mother's shoulder. So, I did not bother to answer her, I just turned my head back to the graves. When everyone left, I got up from my chair and went over to their graves. I lay down across them. What I would not give to hear my mother's laughter, to feel her hug one last time? Or to hear my dad call me his little Moonbeam one last time even though I hated it, man, what I would not give now to hear it. I do not even know how long I was lying there when I heard a twig snap behind me. I did not even look up, I did not care who it was, it was a rogue who would take my life too. “Are you just going to stay there all day, Or what?" I heard Blake ask me. “Get up already stupid, my dad the Alpha wants to see you in his office now, so move your ugly face,” he says. Yep, that is Blake. He never did like me. He was 2 years older than Hannah and me, he was always so mean to us. And we do not have a clue why. I do not even get why Hannah has a crush on him when he is nothing but mean to us. I start to get up, only Blake kicks me back down. Blake starts to laugh. “How can you even be a Beta? You are so stupid, weak, and pathetic." “If you think my parents like you better than me, you better think again, mutt. Because they do not." “When I become the Alpha, you are not going to be my Beta mutt. That is a promise." Blake kept on. "I am going to make you an omega like your worthless friend Hannah," he laughed. “Are you deaf or what mutt? I told you the Alpha wants to see you in his office now, So, move it," he kicked me again, then walked off." I hate him so much. I walked to the packhouse and up to the Alpha's office. Standing outside the Alpha's Office, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. “Come in," I heard the deep voice of Alpha John say. Alpha John was kind to me, unlike his son. Alpha John had short black hair, green eyes, and a welcoming smile. He and my father were best friends. I opened the door and walked in, bowing my head. “Lacey my dear," Alpha John says. "Come in dear, I believe you already know Luke and Shannon Anderson. Tomorrow, they shall take the place of your parents as my betas," "Lacey, dear," Shannon spoke “Luke and I would like you to come and live with us and our son Mason. Would you like that?" She asked me Mason is Blake's best friend, he treated me the same way as Blake did. “We will be moving into the beta house, so you will not have to leave your home." Ms. Anderson went on. I lifted my head, looking towards the Alpha. “This is a good thing, Lacey," Alpha John says? "It is better than going to the orphanage," "You are a Beta by blood, so you should stay and live like a Beta with the Anderson's,” he spoke. I looked over towards the Andersons. I smiled a little smile, and for the first time since my parent's death, I spoke. “Thank you,” I said. "I guess I would be OK with staying with you, in my house." “Well, then,” said Alpha. "Now that we have all that settled, Lacey, you can go home now. While we have grown up talk, we have a Beta ceremony to go over." I bowed my head and left his office. Once outside the office, I saw Blake and Mason standing there waiting for me. “Why did my parents give in to the Alpha and agree to take in your orphan ass? I will never understand,” said Mason. He steps up to me and grabs my hair. “If you think you are going to steal my parents from me, or have an easy life, living with us, think again, orphan," he spits in my face, then threw me to the ground. Both Blake and Mason then kicked me multiple times as I was on the floor. When they finally stopped kicking me, I was able to get to my feet and make my way to the staircase to go home, when from behind Blake pushes me down the stairs. As I tumbled down the stairs and landed at the bottom, I saw the two of them standing at the top of the stairs, laughing. I will not let them see me cry, I said to myself. I get back up and limp home, I head straight to my room and flop down on my bed, and break down crying. It has been a week since the Andersons have become the new Betas and have moved into my home. Their son, Mason, has made good on his promise and has made sure I was never happy. When the Andersons were not around, Mason would pull my hair punch me in the face, call me names and kick me, there are times he would even use me as a punching bag just like Blake always did. I would never let them see me cry though. I was the daughter of a beta, I would not show them weakness, not to these bullies. I would always wait till I was alone in my room to cry. Today is Monday, so it is back to school. My teacher, Ms. Taylor was on the board going over math problems when a note was tossed onto my desk. I looked up to make sure Ms. Taylor was not looking my way, then I opened the note. At first, I thought it might have been from Hannah, but I was wrong. I read the note: “You are a total waste of air, you stupid orphan, you should have died with your parents." End of note. I looked around and saw a big smirk on Mason's face through the door's window. I fold the note back up and toss it onto my desk, then focus back on the front of the class. I refused to let him or anyone see me upset or cry. The bell rang, and I ran out of the classroom. Hanna and I were walking to catch the bus back home, when we were pushed from behind, falling to the ground. I can hear the laughter behind us, Hannah is crying beside me. I turned over and saw none other than Blake and Mason pointing and laughing at us. I look down at my knees, my pants are torn, and my knees are bleeding. I got to my feet and pushed Blake back as hard as I could, even though he was a future Alpha, and two years older. I was able to push him to the ground. “STOP BEING SO MEAN TO HANNAH AND ME," I screamed at them. Blake and Mason both had shocked looks on their faces. I turned and took Hannah's hand and headed towards the bus. Only we did not make it extremely far before I was grabbed by my hair and thrown to the ground. "Do not (Kick to the face) ever (punch to the gut) touch (kick to my side) your future Alpha ever again, you worthless orphan" (another kick to the face), Blake screams at me. "Mason?", Blake said, “You had better teach your orphaned sister her place. " “She is NOT my sister," then Mason bends down and starts to punch me in the face, my stomach, and then my sides and back. Before, they both ran off to the bus and told the driver to leave us behind. Hannah and I were left behind bleeding and crying on the sidewalk. Everyone would just stare at us and keep walking. No one dared to get involved when it came to the future Alpha and his Beta. Hannah called her mother to come to pick us up. Cheryl took one look at us and began to cry, but she did not say anything, she was just an omega, so there was nothing she could do about it. She just helped us to the car and took us home. When I get home, I run up to my bedroom and take a long hot bath to wash all the blood away. Within 15 minutes, I stood in front of my mirror and looked at my 8-year-old body all bruised and beaten. “Lacey dinner," Mrs. Anderson yelled up the stairs to me. I got dressed and made my way down to the dining room. When I entered the room, Ms. Anderson looks up at me and gasps, dropping her fork. At the sound of her gasp, Mr. Anderson followed her gaze at me. He shot out of his chair. "Dear God, child, what happened to you?" He asked, rushing over to me. I look over at Mason as he glares at me. So I stepped around, Mr. Anderson and I spoke. "Tell your parents how Blake and you beat me and Hannah up and left us bleeding there?" I spoke Ms. Anderson's head jerked at her son. "Mason, what did you do?" she asked. "We have not been told to start yet," I heard her whisper. “She pushed the future Alpha down to the ground today, mother, as the future Beta, I had to help my Alpha, and teach a no-good orphan her place,” he said. The next thing I knew, I was hit across the face by Mr. Anderson "HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT YOUR FUTURE ALPHA", he screamed at me. “GO TO YOUR ROOM, YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT!" Ms. Anderson yelled. "You will not be getting any food for the next 3 days," "Maybe that will teach you not to touch the future Alpha," she said. And that is how my life went on every day, living with the Andersons. I was beaten and punished for the next seven almost 8 years of my life for every little thing, all because I stood up for Hannah and myself against the future Alpha.
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