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Mist’s P.O.V. (Continued) I blinked at him blankly while processing what he was telling me. Of course I needed money for Naomi’s medical expenses but what he was telling me was illegal. He took a deep breath and then motioned me to follow him. I put down the instrument that I had in my hands and followed him. My mind was in chaos right now. His offer was tempting but the pros and cons of this situation were also in my mind. He went to his office and closed the door behind me. He went to his chair and I sat down in front of him across the table. “I know what is going on in your mind, Mist. I … I know that what I am telling you is an illegal stuff but I am in this business for more than five years”, he paused and looked at me. I just nodded to let him know that I was listening to him. “I agree that there is a risk in this business but the money is also good. I have seen you driving since you were teenager. You are a skilled driver and I am sure that you will earn the money with ease there. Moreover”, he paused and put both his hands on the table and leaned towards me. “You don’t have to exhaust yourself. You don’t have to look for another job to pay the bills. You are a responsible girl, Mist and I love you as my sister and you know this, right?” he again paused and looked at me with hope in his eyes. I took a deep breath and then nodded again. David had always treated me like his sister. He was very protective towards me since the day I joined him. He never let any man or boy come near to me and for that, I was always thankful to him. “You have to participate in a race once in a week. We have our network and connection and we never let our drivers to be in any kind of legal problem that I can guarantee you”, he said in an assuring tone. There was silence in the room as I was still looking at him while thinking hard about his offer. It was tempting but with a lot of risks. “I …… need some time to think, David”, I spoke after a short pause and he smiled. “Take your time, kiddo. The next race is on this Saturday and today is Tuesday. Just trust me on this”, he said and I nodded. I stood up and then walked out of the room. David was right about one thing here and that was my passion for driving. This is the only passion that I had. David was the one who taught me driving. I had beaten him so many times in short races here near to the garage but what he was telling me was a bigger picture. I was the only earning member of my family. My father was also a victim of that accident. He was partially paralyzed and couldn’t use his right hand and leg completely. He could do light work with his right hand only. That was why I didn’t want to put myself in any danger. I was their only hope and if something happens to me then…. I jerked my head harshly to throw this thought out of my mind. I couldn’t put myself in danger for the sake of them. I continued my work and put everything back in my mind. The offer was tempting but not so tempting that I could risk everything. I would find another way to earn money but not this one. It was too risky. It was not that I didn’t trust David. Of course he was also a brother to me but his offer was too risky. After finishing my work, I called the night. David gave me a knowing look once again before I left the garage. I drove my bike to home. Dad stayed with Naomi in the hospital all the time. I stayed with her in the weekends. I already had delivered him his dinner and all I needed to do was to get a good sleep. I had to attend an important meeting with my boss in the morning. After parking my bike in the parking area of our apartment building, I went to our apartment on the third floor of the building. It was a two bedroom apartment that my parents bought after their marriage. My mother died during giving me birth. So, the only mother figure in my life was my step mother who gave me her motherly love and never differentiated between me and Naomi. After locking the door securely, I went straight to our room that I shared with Naomi. We had both of our mother’s photos there on the wall together. I went straight to them and looked at their photos. They both were smiling and their smiles were full of joy. I smiled while looking at them. “Please guide me what I do, mom…. I… I really need help now”, I requested to both of them in a cracked voice. This was the only time when I let my guards down in front of them. The tears started building up in my eyes and I let them flow this time. They were my mothers and I had no shame in shedding tears in front of them because they were the only people who could understand me better than anyone else. “I don’t know what to do now. I… don’t want to lose Naomi. She is part of my soul, mom.. what do I do?” I said to them in a choked voice while crying bitterly. I lay down on the bed and curled up in a fetal position while looking at their photos. Soon I felt my lids heavy and I drifted into deep dreamless sleep. I opened my eyes again when my alarm clock started ringing loudly at the night stand. I stopped the alarm and stretched my body that was aching badly right now. I stayed in the same position the whole night. I sighed aloud and looked at their photos again. “Good morning, mom”, I greeted them with a small smile on my lips. It was our routine to greet both of them in the morning. Naomi always kissed their photos before going out of the room. It was five in the morning and I knew that I needed to start my day. I had to deliver my father’s breakfast to him before going to the office. So, I stood up and then went straight to the washroom attached to our room. After finishing my shower and other business in the washroom, I came out in a bathrobe and went to the kitchen while leaving my wet hair to dry naturally. I prepared some sandwiches and some pancakes for both my father and for me. The hospital provided Naomi’s meals according to her health situation and that was a good relief for me. I poured his coffee in the flask and mine in the mug while taking a bite of my sandwich. I finished my breakfast within a few minutes and washed all the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. After packing the meal box for my father, I went straight to my room again and got ready for the office. My mind drifted back to David’s offer again and again but I decided to put that thought aside for a while. I always wore pant style formal dress so that I could drive my bike easily. After getting ready, I took my bag and put the meal box inside it. It was already six-thirty now. I had plenty of time to reach the office as I needed to be there by eight. The good thing was that the hospital was on my way to the office. I could give Naomi a quick visit before starting my day at the office.
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