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Mist’s P.O.V. “I don’t know what are you talking about?” I said to Chris and concentrated on my food as if it was the most interesting thing in the world right now. “Don’t take me as dumb, Mist. Can’t I see what’s going on between you and Kane?” Chris once again started spitting nonsense and I glared at him this time. I put down my fork and knife on the plate while glaring at him. “What do you want, Chris? You know very well that nothing can happen between me and Kane. Then why are you insisting on something that doesn't even exist, huh?” I asked him in an accusing tone and he grinned. My eyes widened a little in surprise when I saw him grinning at my confrontation. “This is what you think, princess. But are you sure that Kane doesn’t have any feelings for you?” he asked me the same question that he was asking me again and again during our lunch today and now he was getting on my nerves. “I am one hundred percent sure that Kane also doesn’t have any feelings for me. Come on, Chris… you are his best friend. You know him like forever”, I once again tried to put some sense into him and he put down his fork and knife on his plate. “I am his best friend and I know him better than anyone else in this world, princess. That’s why I can say that he has some feelings for you. I just want to know what you think about him”, he said in a calm tone while looking at me calmly. I sighed aloud and took my knife from the plate once again. My grip was a bit tight on the knife. “Why are we discussing Kane’s love life here, Chris?” I asked him in a low tone this time but didn’t look at him. “Because his love life also involves you and I care about you. I don’t want either of you to be hurt”, he answered me in a calm tone and I closed my eyes. I couldn’t tell him that I had a crush on Kane and I really like him. I was happy with my one-sided crush but it would be difficult for me if he also had some feelings for me. “No one is going to be hurt here because this is only an illusion in your mind”, I once again tried to shrug off him and started eating once again. “I am not delusional and can see clearly that you also like him. It’s just you don’t want to admit it and I don’t know why”, he said in an annoying tone this time. “We are not only boss and subordinate but also friends, Mist. I know you and I know how stubborn you are when it comes to your own desires and feelings. I… okay.. I understand that you have so many responsibilities but you are also a living individual, princess”, Chris once again comforted me and I looked at him blankly this time. I didn’t know what was wrong with him because this was not the discussion that I was expecting from him. “I know that I am also a living creature and trust me, I will go for my own happiness when the time comes. Right now, we have to finish our meal and then have to go to the office to finish our work here so that we can go back. So, please stop talking nonsense and finish your meal…. Boss”, I once again tried to finish this topic. He shrank his nose in annoyance but didn’t say anything once again. He muttered something under his breath which was inaudible to me. I didn’t ask and concentrated on my meal once again. To be honest, I was trying hard to control my emotions all this time. My heart was thundering inside my chest. There was no way that I was going to accept my feelings for Kane. Kane was caring and a bit protective towards me and I could understand that. I was a female employee in an unknown country with him. That was why he was overprotective and concerned about me. He knew this world better than me and that was why he always showed his concern and protectiveness towards me whenever he thought he needed to show it. I couldn’t misunderstand his concern for me and his liking. Chris was really delusional here and he needed to see a good doctor now. After finishing our meal, Chris cleared the tab and we both walked towards the lobby. Chris and Lucas reached here in the morning today with a group of ten people from our main office in New York. They all went to the branch office here with Kane and Lucas. Kane asked me to stay behind today and come to the office after lunch with Chris as we had something to finish this morning before going back to the office. I was walking out of the restaurant when I noticed that someone was following us. I grunted internally. Mr Byers must have sent someone to follow us and I didn’t know whether he was going to just follow us or going to harm us. I didn’t tell Chris about the person following us. I just kept glancing at him from time to time when we walked towards the car that Kane had rented for us. “I will drive”, I said to Chris and he raised his brows in suspicion at me. “What happened?” he asked me in a low tone and I just moved my shoulders carelessly. “I know the way from here”, I answered him in a casual tone as I didn’t want to alert him. “Okay”, he said and gave the keys to me. I once again looked behind me at the man who immediately hid behind a pillar. I smirked at his action and then hopped inside the car on the driver’s seat. I saw him running in the other direction. “Did something happen, Mist?” I heard Chris once again, who was now in the passenger’s seat buckling his seat belt. “Brace up yourself, boss. We have company”, I told him this time when I saw the man hopping in a car behind us. “What? Why didn’t you tell me before?” Chris yelled immediately and opened his phone immediately. I was looking at the car behind me through the rear mirror. I was now assured that Mr Byers did his homework on me after my confrontation yesterday and wanted to teach me a lesson for messing with him. That was why he sent someone to follow me or to threaten me, but he didn’t know me well. I drove smoothly at a slow speed in the beginning as there was a bit of traffic on the road. The car was still behind us but it didn’t bother me. He would do nothing in a crowded place. “Kane… someone is following us”, I heard Chris talking with Kane and looked at him annoyingly this time. He knew that I could dodge this man easily still he informed Kane. “Mist is driving right now and there is traffic on the road ahead of us”, he informed the situation to Kane truthfully and I glared at him. Kane would surely confront me about my decision of driving in this situation whenever I reach the office. Soon we are on a less crowded road. We were still far from the office. I increased my speed while glancing at the rear mirror from time to time. The man also increased his speed. I had this hunch that he had help and soon there would be more cars soon in front of me. I was not afraid of this. This was like the races that I won on the track earlier. All I needed was to keep myself and Christopher safe. Suddenly a car appeared from the left side from an alley. I immediately swayed my car a little, escaping the collision. “Are they insane?” Christopher yelled in fear. I knew that he was scared as he was now holding the belt tightly. “We will be safe… just trust me”, I comforted him in a calm tone while looking at the road in front of me. “I don’t know how are you still calm?” he said still scared to death. I chuckled at his comment. “This is because I can save ourselves in this way”, I almost sang to keep him calm. I was not looking at him because my whole concentration was on the road and on the two cars that were now chasing me with all their efforts. The car that I was driving right now was not meant for racing and I was sure that we would be in need of backup soon. “What did Kane say to you?” I asked him when I realized that there was one more car behind us. “He… he said that he is coming to us… b… but I.. don’t think that we will be alive by then”, Christopher sounded so scared. “I will not let you die today. They are not for you here. You can be collateral damage here only”, I teased him to ease the tension. But deep inside, I knew that I was right. Chris came here only this morning. I was sure that they were here for me. It was related to me and my threat to Mr Byers. I used all my skills on the road to keep myself and Chris safe. I was also scared now but I had to keep myself cool. “Call Kane and ask him to meet us at the junction on the 20th block”, I suddenly instructed Christopher and took a sharp turn towards the said block. I remembered that the security team from this branch takes their lunch breaks at different intervals. If I was not wrong, a group of security guards must be on lunch this time and they would be near the restaurant at that junction. I heard Chris calling Kane again. I didn’t try to listen to his conversation because I was completely busy dodging those three cars behind me. Two of them were trying to overtake but I was not giving them the space. My heart was now racing inside my chest too. I took a breath of relief when I saw the junction. But my relief was too short as suddenly two cars appeared in front of the car, making me apply the break immediately. “s**t”, Christopher gasped and I took a deep breath. Soon we were surrounded by more than ten goons around us. “We need to get out”, I said to Chris and before he could say anything, I opened the door and went out. We were still a little far from the junction and if I wanted someone to notice what was going on there then I had to take this risk. I was no match to them as they were trained. They all had rods and batons in their hands. “Are you insane?” Christopher yelled at me while coming out of the car. I didn’t have time to listen to him right now. I had some basic training in self-defence but that was not enough here. I ran towards Christopher but they attacked me. I dodged them while sliding myself in between the gaps between them to go towards Christopher, who was also attacked by now. I was scared to death now but there was no time to show my fear here. I somehow managed to snatch a rod from one of the goons and then took a defensive stance in front of Christopher trying to cover him. They all attacked me. I stopped them by attacking them in response. Christopher also came out and stopped one of them. I was hit on my back by one of them which made me wince in pain but I hit him back on his legs immediately making him fall to the ground. I needed help soon or else both of us would be dead. Suddenly I heard someone yelling something from a distance. I was glad that some passersby noticed the commotion here. “We need to finish the job now”, one of the goons yelled, making me snap my head towards him. They were here to kill me as they all were trying to surround me but Christopher was getting in their way. I was hit more and all of them were enough to leave bruises on my body. Suddenly a group of people attacked them from behind, taking my attention. I took a breath of relief when I realized that they were bodyguards from our company. “Aaahhh”, at the same time I heard Christopher yelling and looked at him. He was pinned on the ground by two goons. I took a deep breath and immediately rushed towards him to rescue him. I hit both the goons on their back without mercy, making them fall to the ground. Christopher immediately pushed the goon who fell on him and started punching him in the face. I beat the second goon with the rod in my head without showing any mercy. Two bodyguards reached us and I backed down. I leaned to the body of the car from my back and looked around while breathing heavily. “Are you alright?” Christopher immediately reached me and asked me worriedly. I just nodded in response. I knew that my body was shaking badly right now but I couldn’t do anything right now. This was getting out of hand. I was furious because Mr Byers messed with the wrong person. I had so many other ways to harm him and now I was determined to doom him.
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