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"I sometimes think that maybe things would have been a bit better if I would've been normal. I wouldn't have been sitting here in a psychologist's office if I would have just liked girls like any normal man does." I said, tugging on the sleeves of my shirt. He stopped writing for a split second before he started writing again. He was really calm and gentle maybe because of his profession but he intimidated me in ways nobody ever did. His one gaze was enough to make my insides to tremble. "It’s not about you, Mr Roosevelt. You shouldn't be ashamed of your sexuality. We need people to understand that love is love and we shouldn’t associate love with gender or with money. We shouldn’t associate love with any materialistic thing either." He said, making me squint my eyes at him in confusion. "But isn’t it because of which I’m sitting right here? If I would have just simply liked girls like any normal man does I wouldn’t have been sitting here, Mr Hudson." And Mr. Hudson smiled at me again. The smile that made me curl my toes. He stopped writing for a second again. And when I thought he would start scribbling again he kept his pen down before he focused his eyes on me. His piercing brown eyes were looking down through my soul. "Are you ashamed of your sexuality?" He suddenly asked me. I was left frozen down at his question. "No I’m not ashamed of my sexuality, Mr Hudson. But I’m just not very pleased with the problem that follows with my sexuality. I won't very pleased with the disappointment that would follow me once I would tell my parents who I am." I said, my voice was small and almost broken and he looked at me with great observation. "Are you scared that your parents will disown you once you tell them about your sexuality?" He asked me and I shook my head, not missing a beat. "I got very lucky with my parents, Mr Hudson.  If anything I got blessed with the best." "Then tell me about your parents Mr Roosevelt. How many members are you there in a family?" He asked me and immediately a small smile slipped on my face. My parent were my strength. They always will be. "We are three members in our family. my father, my mother and I." "And are your parents supportive, Mr Roosevelt? Do they love you?" He asked me and for a second his question felt unnecessary. But then I remembered I haven’t been so open about my family. "Yes, Mr Hudson, my parents do love me. They are very supportive of me. Though I am more close to my father but I can’t live without my mother either. I can forget about everything but not her; and I can sacrifice anything for my mother. Even in my lowest moments I won't need anybody but just my mother. I would always need my mother." And Mr Hudson smiled at my words. It wasn’t a teasing smile but a smile that melted me into a puddle. "So that means your father is your strength and your mother is your weakness." He concluded making me shake my head in disagreement. "I never said that." I argued and he snorted, shaking his head. "But from what I heard it felt like your mother is your weakness. You said you can give anything for your mother. So if I hold her on my gunpoint won't you everything in your might to save her? Isn’t that your weakness?" He asked me, making me frown. "But isn’t this what love is? To sacrifice things for the people he love?" I asked in confusion and smiled. "My definition of love may not match with your definition of love Mr Roosevelt. For everyone love may mean different. Not everyone sees love with the same eye. Even though there are some similarities in everyone's love. But everyone may not agree on the same definition of love as mine. Have you ever been in love?" Mr Hudson asked me. And his last question took me off guard. I wasn’t expecting this question out of him. I shook my head, nonetheless. "I never had the courage to walk on the path of love, Mr Hudson. I had many crushes. But I never dared to confess my feelings to them. I may have sometimes felt more than a crush on someone but I never let it reach the destination of love ever." "Then I won’t define love for you Mr Roosevelt. That would spoil everything for your first time experience." He said, making me smile slightly as I nodded my head. "Fair enough.'' "And tell me....." Before he could've completed what he wanted to say next, the alarm clock kept on his table started to ring, indicating that our therapy session for today has come to an end. "We'll continue this in our next session. Do I need to buy you more chocolate incentives to convince you for another therapy session?" He asked with a teasing chuckle and my cheeks reddened as I rubbed my neck, laughing softly. "No, I don't need anymore incentives to come to the therapy sessions. I will come. Trust me." I promised and his face softened as he nodded his head. There was something in his eyes that told me he wasn't very happy that our session had ended. And for some reason neither was I. I had always been nervous about confessing my things out but with him, I was starting to get used to it— used to confessing things out. "I know." He murmurer softly, almost a whisper and I bit my lips, standing up from the chair. My eyes held his brown ones. They were swirling with an unknown emotion that made me feel different than usual. "I should go. Your patients must be waiting for their own time slots. I'll..... I'll see you again." I said and he smiled, nodding his head. "Take care, Mr. Roosevelt." "You too, Mr. Hudson." With that I was out of his office. ~~~~~ "The designs are really good." Mr Jones' secretary said, making me breathe a sigh of relief until he said the word that made me clench my jaw in irritation. "But," "But?" I asked in my low and tired voice and Mr. Jones looked at me with sympathy. Honestly at this rate, even I would sympathize myself. "But Mr. Jones thinks these designs are more ordinary than exotic. He wants something more extraordinary. You know he is Mr. Jones, the richest business of our continent and also our mayor." The secretary said and I curled my fingers into fist. "But, Mister Blue, for the price you're offering, these designs are extraordinary. You want us to design a company which is worth a million dollars more than what you have offered us to build. That won't be possible with the money your boss is willing to spend. If you want additional changes, you need to increase your budget." I said calmly and he sighed. My boss was glaring at me. "I understand your concern, Mr. Roosevelt. But you need to understand who Mr. Jones is. You do know what he is capable of. And he isn't very happy with the delay in the work either." The secretary warned me and I scoffed, shaking my head as I sat down on the chair, running my fingers through my unruly locks. "He is a little tired, Mr. Blue. Of course, he will redo all the designs as per your and Mr. Jones' recommendations. Won't you, Theodore?" He asked, threat lacing his voice and I gritted my jaw in visible anger. "But that's not possi........" Before I could've said anything, Mr. Blue turned towards my boss, cutting me off very rudely. "I don't understand why you keep forcing him to do this job. I am sure Penny and cents have more capable engineers to do this job in less budget." Mr. Blue said, making my blood to boil in raw anger. Who the hell he think he and Mr. Jones think they are? Mayor, of course. My subconscious mind mocked me. "He is the best we have, Mr. Blue. If he can't nobody else can. But of course, he will. Won't you, Theodore?" He threatened me in disguise and I nodded my head in frustration. What other option was I left with, either? I needed to keep this job and my boss needed this client. Seemed like we both were stuck with each other. But how can they expect pure silk in the cost of nylon? "If you say so, Sir. When shall I be back to collect the fresh designs?" Mr. Blue asked and my boss shrugged his shoulders. "In a week? I'll send you the confirmation email as soon as the work starts. But you can expect the delivery of the new designs in a week." I narrowed my eyes at my boss with my pursed lips. I was so done with this job. "Of course, Sir. Anyone can complete such a big ass project in a week. We just need to sacrifice our sleeps. No big deal!" I snapped at my boss and this time he held my bicep and pulled me to the corner. His grip on my arm was tight enough to hurt me. "Do I need to remind you how much I pay you, Mr. Roosevelt?" My boss asked and I pressed my lips together. "What? Cat got your tongue now?" He mocked me and I jerked my arm out of his grasp. "You pay me that much because I deserve it, Sir. You know I am the best engineer in your company. Don't you dare rub it on my face again. Because you get paid triple the amount I get paid!" "I don't pay you to talk back with me, Theodore!" "You pay me to work, Sir. Not to tolerate rudeness of secretaries like Mr. Blue and clients like Mr. Jones who have zero percent knowledge about my work and yet blame me for their idiocy!" I snapped back and he sighed, taking a deep breath before he looked at me. "If we don't agree to Mr. Jones' terms, Theo, he will not let my company run. You know how he is. Who he is. He is a gangster. And I can only rely on you." He said, softly and for a second, I felt his vulnerability. I knew he was tired too. "But a week is too much. You can't expect me to work day and night on this worthless project, Sir." I argued and he smirked as he leaned closer to me. "I will pay you for the overtime, handsomely. Will you work now?" He asked and I let out a sigh. Money. It's money. Of course, I will work. "You better pay me good enough to keep my spirit and patience up then." I grumbled back and he laughed, slapping my shoulders. "You know, you're a very greedy person, Theo." Boss smirked at me and I rolled my eyes at him. "Look who's even talking." And he laughed with that I exited his office. What a day. ~~~~ "Kyle! We need to go for coffee." I said, barging inside his room and Kyle sighed, shutting his laptop as he walked towards me, his hands on his hips. "What happened now?" He asked me and I jutted my lips out and tugged on my hair. "Don't ask, man! Our boss wants me to redo the same project again because the Mayor is too much of an i***t to understand that with the budget he has passed, his dream project can't be completed." "Poor you. What's the deadline this time?" He asked me with pity and I shook my head, closing my eyes. "Seven days." "Wow. That's too petty, no?" He asked me with his own pitiful eyes and I shrugged my shoulders. "As long as they pay me overtime, I'm fine. So, are you up for coffee?" I asked him again and he laughed loudly at me. "I swear, you drink coffee like people drink alcohol. You know a few bottles of beer will help you forget your miseries?" He asked me and I snorted. "I know. But I promised Ma to never drink again. And besides, it encourages me that if I can drink that black bitter s**t, I can deal with anything in my life." I said, dragging him out of his voice and he chuckled. "You know, you have weird ways of encouraging yourself, Theo." "I trust me, I do."
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