Chapter 19

2174 Words

Chapter Nineteen Summer 496 Someone had been caught, but I was not sure who. When I retired the following night, Lyonesse locked Isolde and me into our room, promising to liberate us after they returned from Mass at dawn. For a few moments after the bolt slipped into place, we stared at each other in silent shock. I had thought we were in the clear; Lyonesse seemed pleased that Galen and I refused to exchange more words than politeness required, and he gave no indication that our tryst had ever taken place. Had the maid spilled our secret? Worse yet, had Galen told them everything? After I pushed him so far, he would have little to lose, especially if he implicated both Isolde and me while remaining an innocent victim in their eyes, a deception I had no doubt he could accomplish. Horri

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