Chapter Four

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Hades paused , he should be getting back to the city . Back to his life and responsibilities. By the two moons he really shouldn’t have left in the first place. Especially without an official guard. But he wanted to see his friend as himself and not as king. And he had wanted some time to himself. Then it hit him. The same smell that has enticed him earlier that day when… He froze. The omega. The one who he couldn’t seem to get out of his mind even though he hadn’t even looked at her face. She was close by. Her scent wafted over him on the breeze. Stronger now. And sweeter. Groaning , he turned on his heel . Sucking in huge lungfuls of the entoxicating aroma as he back tracked down the road. Each step taking him closer. Squinting against the darkness , he sucked in great lungfuls of her scent. The omega from earlier. Sat alone in the grass, the red light from Aurias brightest moon bathing her in light . She seemed to glow as she pulled her hand from beneath her simple dress. Giving him a glimpse of a pale thigh . “It’s slick” He didn’t mean to speak , the words just slipped from his mouth. She looked so confused as she stared at the wetness on her fingers. Her fear was unwarranted though, it caused something primal to surge to life in him. It wasn’t just the aroma of her arousal. It was her fear. If she ran from him, he would chase and he would claim. He knew it just as well as he knew himself. She was..his. Ellands smug face hovered in his mind. Elland had known before he did. “If you run I will catch you” He stalked a wide circle around her her , like he would a wild animal. Circling the clearing with sure steady steps. She would run. The growls that were falling from his lips just added to her discomfort he could tell but they were also exciting her, the scent of her slick was so thick He could almost taste it on his tongue. Sweet and sticky And when she ran , like he knew she would. He launched himself after her. long legs making short work of the distance between them . The growls coming in low and fast as He caught her easily around the waist. Lifting her bodily against his solid chest so her feet were fully off the ground. “I told you not to run” Hades almost moaned the words against her hair. Up close she smelt even better. “I told you I would catch you” “Please sir, please” She wasn’t fighting but his arms tightened anyway. Keeping her flush against him. She was crying he realised with a start. Big hiccuping sobs that shook her curvy body. “Please you can’t do this, I belong to another” Another? Hades brows shot down. If she meant that snivelling beta then she and him were in for a rude wake up call. “Please sir, he will kill me if you touch me” “Then he should take better care of his woman” Hades voice was thick with the need to lay her down on the damp grass and feast on her. He wouldn’t. Couldn’t. She was right she did belong to another. At least on paper. His only option was to get her as far away from her former master as possible if He was going to claim her. “Please” Anger bubbled up unbidden. Was she really begging to go back to him? “You aren’t his any longer. I plan on keeping you” Hades meant my words to be reassuring but she just struggled even more. Her soft bare feet making contact with his shin. It was a blow he barely felt. She grunted in pain. Rolling his eyes at her feeble attempt at hurting him. Hades pressed the pad of his middle two fingers into the groove where her neck met her shoulder. Pressing down hard. “Sleep” She slumped almost instantly , head forward so her hair dirty hair covered her face. Moving her into his arms, he cradled her. Like one would do with young Mine. The sooner He got her back to the palace the better.
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