Chapter 1

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Dawn. When the sun is just barely rising upon the horizon and the moon is setting. That's when our world is the most visible to the human eyes. More importantly it's the start of a brand new day. At least down in the realm of mortals. Before I confuse you even more, I should start by introducing myself. My name is Aulora. I am known as the zodiac sign Aquarius. The water bearer. I am the eleventh astrological sign. Along with my 11 sisters we bear a different sign and each have our own individual roles. Each of us are given a task after each mortal is born, whatever month they were brought into the world, that zodiac sign plays a role in the child's behavior and personality. Each child is different and each of my sisters are also very different. We do not always bear the same idea in mind and well sometimes we don't agree with one another but we love our job. Each sister overlooks a certain part of the celestial realm. I along with my youngest sister Plumeria overlook the water barrier, Where the lily pads and lotus flowers bloom. "Aulora! High priest has requested for you and goddess Plumeria." "Is it urgent?" I asked, whilst watching over the Silver lotus flower. "yes your grace." Plumeria and I didn't waste any more time. Plumeria has already started to shield away the lotus flowers and Lily pads while I made sure the barrier was tamed. "What do you think the high priest will say Aulora?" Of course the curiosity was heavy on my mind. But another feeling came over me. An uneasy feeling. "You're guess is as good as mine meria. (Short for plumeria)" As we proceeded to make our way towards the Ansel Fortress. By the time we had arrived my sisters had already took their seats. All except Valeria. Valeria if you hadn't guessed her sign is Virgo. She is what we call her "fashionably late" She likes to make an entrance. Valeria was a woman of intellect, but she gets easily stressed. "I'm here! I'm here!" Valeria made her big debut now of course it wouldn't be considered peaceful since there are 12 of us, it's not likely that we all get along, well we all have one sibling that we aren't compatible with, but doesn't mean we don't love them. It's just our love doesn't show on the surface, it's more our smart comebacks and death threats is pretty much what sums up the chaotic life of us celestial beings. "I have gathered you goddesses in one room to inform you about the ultimate task." Us sisters looked at one another, some curious, some unbothered. "Go on high priest" I ushered gently. He seemed to be in deep thought and well it was starting to concern me. Only because I know Theia And Celeste were going to start getting impatient. "Your task is to look for the severed soul." I looked around trying to read my sisters expressions because to be completely honest, I had absolutely no idea what the high priest was talking about. "Severed Soul? You're not talking about the mortal descendent of the cursed mistress of the old water immortal." Oh! Now I'm caught up. 8,000 years ago. There was a king that was very lonely. He longed for a family to call his own. But his Queen was barren. She couldn't give him the heir he so desired. He was known as the cursed immortal. His name was Irmiyahs. Desperate for an heir he had heard about the star enchantress. She supposedly had this herb that can help the barren bride the gift to bear life. Irmiyahs was so desperate that he went to pay the enchantress a visit. She gave the herb to the water immortal but like everything there was a price that had to be paid. According to the legend Irmiyahs received the herb under one condition. He was to accept her daughter as his goddess's royal doula. Irmiyahs didn't need to hear more. All he wanted was to take the herb and create a medicine for his bride. He accepted the enchantress man conditions not realizing who he had agreed to let into the water gate palace. After trying for a month, news broke out that the king and Queen was expecting their first child. The celestial realm roared in happiness. Shortly after his queen gave birth to their daughter Irmiyahs Couldn't help but feel betrayed by the gods. For he wanted a son. Irmiyahs couldn't help but feel angry. He couldn't look at his bride nor their daughter. He stormed out of the brides chambers, Thinking he needed some time to clear his head, he then proceeded on his nightly watch. Keeping his guard up he managed to match the silhouette of that of the enchantress's daughter. ( Flower Pot Vase Broke) "Yeah yeah yeah, we know what happened. But can you spare us the story? Just hurry and tell us the reason for this impossible task." Genesis was trying her best not to walk out but at the same time Valeria was already starting to get impatient. " There's one thing you don't know about the legend my goddesses" the high priest was getting somewhere. All us zodiacs and almost the entire celestial realm knew about the cursed king. "Which is?" Valeria urged. " Well you know how the legend stated that the star enchantress made the deal with the king, she offered her daughter as a bride. Not in technical terms but since the king had already took the herb that would help the kings bride bear an heir." "For goodness sakes high priest I can't handle anymore of this suspense. I'm leaving" Genesis was fed up. She and the rest of my sister got up and was headed towards the gates when suddenly. "Sapphire is the mother of the mortal you each are destined to seek." Us sisters had all come to a halt. "He is the severed soul. When sapphire found out she was pregnant the king denied their affair, he broke her heart so as revenge she cursed him. But since he was born from a broken hearted mother he never felt was true love was." "Sapphire didn't want anything to do with her child so she abandoned him in the mortal realm." "Okay still doesn't make sense as to why he is considered the "severed soul" only someone who has created a huge damage gets a curse like this" I mentioned. It made no sense especially if he was only a infant. "The reason why they say he's the severed soul, is because as soon as he turns 25 years of age he reincarnates. Every generation different timeline. Same man. The only difference is he hasn't hindered the powers to remember his previous lifetimes. That's where you goddesses will come in." "You don't mean?" "This is absurd" "One of you are his destiny and whichever one of you goddesses is the one he remembers first in a different timeline. His curse is lifted and you both will ascend and take possession of the celestial throne." My sisters have never been so quiet. "Sayuri. You are first"
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