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  "That b***h! She's so annoying. I could....I could....." "You could do what Reina?" Raye asked glancing at her. "I don't know. I feel like I could do something but I don't know what" Reina sighed, settling into the love couch she'd spent months to save so she could purchase. Her brother had gone nuts saying she could have used the money for something else but she didn't care. When she wanted something, nothing could stop her from obtaining it. People called her a spoiled brat and others even went as far as to tell her she didn't deserve such a nice brother. All of them got the middle finger and a few curse words. No one had a right to tell her what she did or didn't deserve. "What did I say about keeping calm even when there was a storm raging beside you?" "I was calm about it. But I wanted to I don't know throw her out the window or something like that. She acts like she's above just because she was promoted to a supervisor. I could be so much more if I wanted to" Raye only shook his head "Not with that attitude" Narrowing her eyes she studied him. Sometimes the way he behaved had her believing he was a weirdo. Not that she had any right to call him that when she was one herself. To some extent she believed she had powers. What had led to that belief? Well there was that one time when she was five and one of her classmates had pushed her off the swing claiming her time was up. Reina had stood aside fuming and wishing the damn thing would break while that kid was midair. It broke alright. Which led to him being hospitalized for a month. Broken bones was the diagnosis. Also the other time she'd wished Naomi would get hit by a car because she was a b***h. Thank God she'd only ended up with injuries and hadn't died. Those experiences taught Reina to be careful with her wishes. Of course once in a while she'd wish someone would trip and spill coffee all over themselves, fall down the stairs or did something to embarrass themselves. Nothing too serious. She believed she had mastered the art of controlling her thoughts until she met Lara. Tall, blonde and apparently every man's dream, she thought she had it all. Too bad she didn't have the most important thing which was brains. Beauty without brains was... well... It was like an empty bucket of ice cream. Useless. How she was promoted so fast after joining the company was beyond Reina. And she wouldn't have cared if the b***h didn't set her eyes on her. According to her, everything that went wrong was her because she was stupid. It took everything in Reina not to wish the b***h dead. Thinking about that made her laugh out loud. She was the number one weirdo. If she honestly had powers then her life wouldn't be so pathetic. Living in a small two bedroom apartment, their life could be referred to as average. All that was thanks to Raye who remembered to buy groceries and pay the bills. If she had lived alone, Reina was sure she would long be dead. Due to starvation or negligence. While she remembered to get her hair and nails done, she often forgot to eat or buy food. Surprisingly she was never hungry. Another strange fact about her. Raye always reminded her to at least have breakfast before leaving. Sometimes he'd even go out of his way to bring her lunch . Those were the joys of having an older brother. She couldn't even begin to explain on the pains. For as long as she could remember, he was always nagging at her. Do this not that. Be calm, don't get angry, brush your teeth, don't fight with other kids. His instructions were endless. She'd asked him why she had to act that way and his answer had annoyed her. Because you're a lady. That was it. Because she was a lady, she couldn't hit others back. Even when they'd hit her first. According to Raye, there were a lot of things ladies couldn't do. But for all his faults, there was one thing he'd never done and that was get mad at her. No matter what she did, he always analyzed the situation calmly then told her to do better next time. She loved him for that. He'd raised her all by himself, claiming that they didn't need parents. As long as they were together, everything would be alright. Funny how she'd never felt the absence of their parents. Raye wouldn't let her. He catered to all her whims, gave her anything she asked for whenever she asked for it. He was better than most parents. An idea popped into her head making her sit up "Raye, should we move?" "Where do you want to go this time?" His condescending tone didn't bother her. "I don't know, somewhere cool. The city?" "No" he replied "Raye..." "Remember we're keeping a low profile. With your attitude, we wouldn't last long in the city" "I'll be good" he shook his head "I promise" "Reina, we would leave right this second if the police weren't looking for us but I can't risk that. You have no idea what prison is like" "It's not like I'm a criminal. I didn't mean to put Jack in the hospital" "I know that better than anyone else. The police won't understand even if you tried to explain to them. Where will you start? Who will believe that it was only a kiss?" "Am I a succubus by any chance?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows. Raye gave her another look then sighed, indicating her assumptions were ridiculous. She didn't care "If not then how can you explain what happened? We were kissing then all of a sudden he faints. He's taken to the hospital and the doctors say he's in a coma even though he had no internal or external injuries. Only a succubus can do that. I'm convinced that I'm at least a supernatural being Raye" "And I'm convinced that sooner I will have to check you into a mental asylum" "It's not a joke. Remember that kid from kindergarten who broke his bones because I wished the swing would...." "Is this town so bad that you're starting to lose your mind?" "Hear me out. It's happened more than once" "Okay Reina. I'll talk to my boss at work and let them know we're moving. I'm doing this for your peace of mind" "But...." "I said we'll move. Where do you want to go?" She paused and gave it a little thought. It didn't occur to her that he'd agreed to move so she'd stop talking about her imaginary abilities "LA? Or New York. Somewhere flashy. Can we go to Paris?" "LA. We'll start there. If you don't like it then we'll pick another place" "You're not messing with me. Right?" "Have I ever gone back on my word?" He hadn't. Not even once had he disappointed her. Aside from being her brother, she was sure he was her guardian angel. Reina didn't know how, but she was sure someday she would find a way to repay him for everything he'd done for her. Just like how other people took care of their parents when they got old or bought them property to say thank you for raising them, she would also do the same for him. He had gone out of his way to make her life comfortable so that she wouldn't even feel the absence of their parents. "I'll find us a house and call movers...." "No thank you. I'll handle that myself" he told her getting up from the sofa he'd been lying on "I don't need your help, not now or ever"  "Ouch" Reina slapped the hand that was about to mess her hair "Are you saying I'm useless?" "Your words not mine" he laughed on his way to the kitchen "What do you want for dinner?" "Your head on a platter" "Not available at the moment. Anything else?" "I'm not hungry" "It doesn't matter. You still have to eat. I'll order some chicken and pizza" Reina had already tuned him out and was busy planning on what to do once she was in LA. She'd need a new set of clothes. The thing with small towns was that she couldn't wear what she wanted without people judging her. They especially had a lot of things to say about her. She was like a bright star that couldn't succeed in blending in because her light outshone everyone. That was what Raye had told her. No matter where they went, people always noticed her. Even when she wanted to go unnoticed. The problem wasn't the attention, it was the prejudice against her that came with it. Maybe now that they were moving to a big city she could breathe and be herself. She hated restraining herself so people wouldn't say bad things about Raye. The excitement of going to a new place made her forget everything and she was back to wishing. While some wishes were extreme, others were childish. Not that any of that mattered because the second they stepped foot out of that small town, it would disappear into thin air. He didn't want to leave any trace of their existence there or anywhere else. ***************************************** The first chapter is done. Thoughts? Personally, I love Reina's thinking. She's like a naive child that I hope will grow up once they arrive in LA. Raye on the other hand
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