Chapter No.13

1003 Words

Christopher Knight:- “Chris, are you alright?” Linda, Angelina’s wolf asked with a howl in wolf language while looking at me for any wounds. That’s my sister. She won’t let anything happen to me no matter what happens. Linda stood on one side and Zedrian stood on other side of me while mom stood beside dad who was leading the pack to fight the vampires. “ Ok, get ready. Here it comes.” Zediab said in our mind as we saw the seven vampires surrounding us siblings making us chuckle in unison. They think they can win from us. Well, they don’t know how powerful we siblings are when we are together. They don’t stand a chance until we are together. “ You know what to do right, brother and sister?” I ask when they both nodded their head and stomped their paws on the ground causing the ground to

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