Chapter 55

1241 Words

Rose Vincent:- I sat down in the backyard of the Knight mansion rocking Tristan in my arms andwatched my son's cousin playing in the garden with one another while Angelique and Jericho sat down beside me quietly with tears in their eyes. I frowned because it is rare to see tears in Angelique's eyes because she never shows her emotion to anyone or shows her tears to anyone but today she shocked me and know I can't make her talk to me so I decided to give my brother a call. I know only he is the one who can cheer her up at the moment and find out what is going on in her mind. I took out my phone and sent a text to Angelo. Even five minutes didn't pass, the portal opened and Angelo stepped out of it looking worried for Angelique, his mate and held his arms opened for her. " My gem, come he

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