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"So, when I was younger, the other kids would constantly tease me." Deserell's childhood days continued, and all ears couldn't help but listen. After all, the others have almost the same reason as they have grown up in society. "You see, I grew up in the City B's poorest neighborhood, which you dubbed the 'Dark Side of Sol Tierra.' I'd met a lot of people until I met a wonderful woman who brought me up. She has become my benefactor, and she has a library full of books from previous generations. Where I always come to read in her room whenever I have time. " They could see an almost smile creeping out of Deserell's innocent face as he recalled his younger memories. "One of the books I've read is Esperanza De Supervivencia, which is what my deceased mother always told me. Those colorful drawings and stars make it really look like a children fairy tales." Deserell, a younger eight-year-old, had opened the book and was tracing each page, wondering about every line printed in the book. "It's beautiful," he can't help but say, and the only woman beside him agrees. "I had hoped to see the starry night one day." "I'll show you the night sky!" "Are there a lot of stars?" "Of course, I'll show you a lot of stars!" "Then make a promise to me!" "I promise!" "Since then, I've worked very hard to become a researcher student in the most well-known city, of course, Sol Tierra's capital, and here I am." Deserell laughed and mumbled, "I finally see them," before taking another hard bite of chicken wing. "Wow, what a romantic guy we have here!" BG Lace Jest, as well as some cackling laughter. "You must be a lucky man! Your presumably fictional people were never fictional in the first place." "You're right, Big Brother Lace!" Deserell smiled, his face beaming with joy. "Idiot." Yuheiyo muttered to himself on the other side. Deserell gave him a strange look before shrugging. "Anyway, Big Brother Lace? Sister Roya? Is there anywhere this little brother hasn't heard of?" "As far as I know from working on the surface for three years, there are three rumored unnamed facilities somewhere on the planet. Of course, unless you're a Major General, like our Captain, location wouldn't be a problem. But, as you can see, they can only gain access to one of the three hidden grounds, the Elysian Field." Roya responded truthfully. "However, those are just well-known rumours amongst us." "Why don't you ask your Big Brother Kinley?" It caused the mentioned scarred man's man to stop tapping on the tablet as he placed the Soya Milk on the table, and he looked at the smiling BG Lace. "I'm not sure what you're talking about." "It's all right, Senior Kinley." Deserell and the young people have been reminded by the man to address him with seniority rather than any brother or uncle name, despite the fact that he is already in his late twenties. Kinley nodded and resumed reading the copy of their Captain's article. It all comes down to 18061819. That obviously piqued his interest at first sight. Nonetheless, he does not disregard not paying attention to those around them. He did hear the youngest member ask once again. "What about the other two secret locations? Could you tell me what they're called?" "Hmm, come here and listen to what I have to say." Deserell has leaned to BG Lace's waiting face, signaling with his hands. Instead of hearing a response, his white brow was being flick hard with fingers. It is done without mercy, hurting the skin as he felt a hot sting on his forehead. That he couldn't help but wince as others chuckled around him. "It is better for you not to know much, or else you will become meat for the Graded B Monsters outside these walls," BG Lace chuckled. "However, Big Brother Lace, you don't have to hurt me." Deserell pouted, as if he was wrong about what had happened to him. "Speaking of, why don't you share the close encounters of our Six with us?" That's the word of a number six isn't a whole number but nicknamed for 18061819. It is because they have decided to call the other 'Boss' as BG Lace deemed it, to be nicknamed because of his Human Code Subject Number—18061819—which is way too long to say whenever they're having the figure into the conversation. Though someone had guts in them, he tried to ask the name, but he was shut up by the Captain quickly before he could utter a full sentence. "Senior Six?" Deserell muttered, tasting the name on his lips, "He is amazing, as what the story tells, it is all true." "The written children book did not tell us the facts about them, such as whether or not our Six can eat anything. Even when we went to have dinner celebration last night for our new team, I have never seen our Six open his mouth." As stated by BG Lace. "I received a word from the Captain. Any Human Code Subject does not eat normal food like the rest of us." 2LT Sia sat down, surprising others and causing them to turn their heads to see Captain Sarpencia in front of the meals counter. He seemed to be planning to eat with the Colonel Yalang, whom they haven't seen in a long time because the old man was quickly called back to Sol Tierra. It was said his family member has been brought into the HOPE Institute, and that almost has scared the old Colonel to death. On the other hand, the majority of the public's attention has been focused on the two figures walking behind. It was 18061819, 18072519, and the rest of the Human Code Subject. Then at the same time, the rest of the Captains also entered their lower-rank soldiers' common cafeteria. Now, this is getting more confusing. What is going on?
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