Chapter 1

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KATHRYN MENDEZ I could feel my irritation rising as I stood up, hands on my hips, looking at Michelle. I didn’t know whether to slap her or to give her a comforting hug. After two months of not seeing her, she showed up with all her problems, and it was getting on my nerves. "Ugh, seriously, Michelle? You've been completely deceived! I've been telling you that something's fishy with your husband, but you never listen. And now he not only cheated on you but also left you for someone who looks like a frog, and he even ran off with your savings! Can you believe it? It's like you're not even listening to me! You're acting like a total half-wit!" I blurted out, frustration evident in my voice as I couldn't hold back my annoyance with my best friend. My frustration boiled over as I watched my best friend, Michelle, in tears. I had warned her countless times that her husband was fooling around, and one day I accidentally caught him with someone else. But what did she do? Instead of believing me and confronting him, she brushed it off and let her heart lead the way. And now, here she was, crying like a bawling cow. "I thought he would change. That's why I trusted him," she mumbled, tears streaming down her cheeks as she wiped them away. This girl must have gone through a whole pack of tissues with all the crying. "That's the thing! You trusted his empty promises and lies! And now, where did that trust get you? Nowhere! It all went into his f*cking d**k! I warned you and told you he was meeting someone else. But what did you say? You called me paranoid. And now, who's the one being paranoid?" I exclaimed, handing her another tissue from my bag. I wish I had brought a blanket too. I couldn't have imagined she would be like a faucet with tears flowing like this. "Hey, could you please lower your voice a bit? People are starting to stare," Michelle said, giving me a subtle look around. I couldn't believe it. This girl had been complaining non-stop, and now she was telling me to lower my voice? I gave her an eye roll and raised my voice even louder. I was so fed up with her foolishness, seriously! She seemed like a pro at playing the martyr and acting like a clueless wife. I mean, she could easily be the lead in some drama series—a heroine for all the foolish and submissive women out there! "Well, maybe it's good that everyone hears this, so they can see what a ridiculous person you are!" I shot back, rolling my eyes at her. I couldn't resist helping her wipe off the mascara that had smudged around her eyes and cheeks. It looked like she was planning some dramatic scene but didn't even bother using waterproof mascara. "Ouch! Take it easy! Do you want to erase my cheeks?!" she said, wincing a bit. "I'm not just erasing your cheeks, okay? I’ll gonna erase you in my life too!" I replied, trying to hold back myself to throw curses at her. "And seriously, it's kind of nice to see you feeling pain for once. I thought you were totally immune to it with all the crazy stuff you do. Congrats, bestie! You can still feel something, fool!" "You always call me a foo! It's like—" "Oh, like what? Why? Isn't it?" I interrupted. Should I stuff this tissue into her mouth? “Fine, but can you lower your voice? It's embarrassing. There are so many people around, and you are cursing non-stop. You're not acting professionally," she whispered in my ear. "What? Professional? Nobody's acting professional when they're angry. And now you're feeling shy after acting like a complete fool earlier?" I said, giving her an eye roll. I couldn't decide whether to pity this woman or just slam her head against the wall to knock some sense into her. I felt sorry for her situation because she gave up everything to be with her husband, Greg. She fought tooth and nail to defend him against all who opposed them. Michelle comes from a wealthy family, part of what they call the 'elite class.' As for Greg, he claimed to be a so-called 'businessman,' but soon enough, the truth revealed he was just the owner of a cheap bar. Well, he could still be called a businessman, but not the kind we had expected. Her parents disowned her when she chose Greg. But it turned out that the guy left her to be with his mistress. He even took away their savings, and shamelessly sold the club they co-owned. Now, he's nowhere to be found, as if he vanished into thin air. He didn't even leave a single penny for his poor wife. I swirled my straw and took a sip of lemon juice to soothe my dry throat from all the talking. I should have been with my husband right now, cuddled up inside our home, enjoying a movie together since it's our day off. But instead, here I am, facing my broken-hearted best friend and listening to her never-ending drama. "Bes, maybe you can help me find Greg. Let's look for him, Kathryn. Please, help me," she pleaded. I looked at her in disbelief. I approached her where she was seated, and then I impulsively hit her on the head with my umbrella. "Ouch! That hurt! What was that for?" she said, rubbing her head where I hit her with my umbrella. She even shook her head slightly and gave me a mean look. "You’re asking me what was that for, hmm? Well, that was because of your foolishness, you i***t! You're going to look for Greg? And then what? You'll be the one to pursue him to get back together? You'll reconcile and act like a fool, then he'll leave you again. And when he does, you'll call me, whining and telling me all your drama," I scolded her. It seems like she needs more than just a hit on the head. Maybe she needs a wake-up call to realize that her husband is crazy. "Bestie, you just don't understand," she said, lowering her head. She played with the tissue in her hand, tearing it into pieces and just letting them fall on the ground. Damn it... I bought that for her, and now she's just wasting it? "What didn’t I understand, Michelle? Go ahead, explain it to me. I'll give you a chance; I'll listen. But remember this: if I don't like your explanation, you had better run, or I might throw you into the sea behind you.” I threatened her. She looked up at me but quickly looked down again. "What now, Michelle? Do you still want to play a guessing game? Should I guess what you want to tell me? I'm not Madam Auring to guess what’s on your mind. I'm not a mind reader. Or maybe you want to play 'Pinoy Henyo'? You want me to guess if it's a person? An animal? An object? A place? Is that how you want me to figure out what you want to explain?" I sarcastically asked. I was really annoyed with this woman. I felt like hitting her again! A few seconds of silence passed before she looked at me again. "Bes..." "What is it?" "Bes..." "What now?!" I angrily shouted. My voice rose, and people around the park started looking at us. It's irritating. It's like she's a broken record. Why can't she just say it directly? "I'm pregnant; that's why I need him! My child can't grow up without a father, Kathryn!" she blurted out, avoiding eye contact with me. "Well, what do you prefer? Your child growing up without a father or having a father even if your child sees that you’re not happy together?" She didn't say anything, so I took the opportunity to lecture her. Perfect timing since it's Sunday, the day of worship. Stupidity isn't the solution to her problem. She's acting foolish, searching for him even after everything he's done. It's so infuriating! "You don't have to force your husband to come back to you. You can still introduce him as the father even if you're not together anymore. Explain it properly to your child when they understand the situation you're in. Kids nowadays are intelligent. Your child won't be the first product of a broken family if that happens. Many single moms raise their children well. I'm here, Joaquin and I, we'll support you." I held her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. "You're only saying that because you don't have any problems with your husband. But if you were in my situation, I'm sure you'd feel the same." "Oh, please! If I were in your situation, I'd never force myself on my husband if he cheated! I'd give him to his mistress right away! Free delivery, door-to-door, like that. I won't play the martyr, you know! The moment someone cheats, it means they don't value you. So let go, don't be foolish!" She didn't say anything and just remained quiet, lost in thought, as if her mind were wandering. I wanted to help her, yes, but I wouldn't tolerate her foolishness and martyrdom. Even dogs return to their own when they leave their owner's house; what more can a person with a sane mind do? That is, if her husband still has a sane mind. But if his mind is consumed by his desires, oh! It's really finished. My attention shifted when my cellphone in my jeans pocket rang. I glanced at Michelle, who was silently crying, before answering the call. "Hello? Are you on your way? Oh, where are you?" I looked around to find my husband. He said he was nearby. I smiled when I saw him waving from beside the hotdog stand. He held his cell phone to his ear with one hand while holding a jumbo-sized hotdog on a stick with the other. He walked toward us and kissed my cheek as he approached. He then kissed me again and handed me a jumbo-sized hotdog on a stick. Michelle, lost in her thoughts, didn't seem to realize that there was someone else with us. She was so focused on her emotions. I coughed loudly, causing her to grip her chest and nearly fall off her seat. "What the hell, Kathryn! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" she yelled at me. "Oh, why do you look like that, Michelle?" Joaquin asked her. She seemed surprised to see my husband, so I just shrugged. "Well, his husband left him and went with his mistress. And now this witch wants to find him," I said with annoyance. Joaquin just laughed at my comment. "Find someone else out there. You shouldn't waste your time on your husband. Greg has been untrustworthy from the beginning," Joaquin said, subtly caressing my waist, so I slapped his hand and gave him an annoyed look. "If there were someone like Joaquin, well, I guess I could forget about Greg," Michelle said with a smile, glancing at Joaquin, who suddenly lost his smile. "This one is one of a kind, Michelle, but if he ever cheats, just like I said earlier, I'll give him to his mistress right away," I said without hesitation, but Joaquin just held me closer and whispered in my ear. “Not going to happen, wife.”
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