Chapter 1

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"Jennifer!" Mom was out of the homestead's front door and hugged me hard, making me almost unable to breathe. "Mom..." Like she was afraid I would get back into my car and leave her, not knowing how right she was, still holding me way too hard with her slender arms around my waist. Finally, she let me go, giving me a big emotional smile, looking up at my exhausted face, trying to smile back. "I'm so glad you're home again; I made all your favorites!" Mom snorted, still holding her hand on my face like I was a baby and not a twenty-year-old with one semester left in college. She was so pretty, not even forty since she had me at eighteen. She smiled more when I sighed, not wanting anything of what she had been making, just sleep. "I stopped for food on the way... Mom, I just want some sleep, okay?" Mom frowned. Not wanting her food was setting off every alarm in her head, burrowing her blue eyes, which had shifted from loving to suspicious in a heartbeat. "Alright... well, your father called, and his project is running late... like always... he's not making it home today... I'm sorry, baby..." She smiled again, but I knew she was making excuses for him as she always did, that he wasn't home—never was these days. I smiled weakly back at her sad eyes. Dad was never around, and when he was, all they did was fight. So, instead, he spent more time at his construction sites than with his family. I didn't respond; I just threw myself down on the oversized kitchen island when we got inside the house; she was already taking a plate from the cupboard, entering the fridge, and pulling out a form with apple pie. Mom was so damn wholesome it was making me sick. "Eat." she said, presenting the pie plate without asking, and I unconsciously wrinkled my nose at the familiar scent. I didn't want pie; I wanted to sleep after the long night of driving home. "Mom, I'm not hungry." I firmly pushed the plate away, trying not to feel too bad before her eyes, always worried that I couldn't take care of myself. I did, alone back in uni, and she needed to get that! "You're not trying to lose weight again, Jennifer!?" Mom bit her lip, worried, when I gave her a forced smile back, trying not to make her more anxious. This gave me more of a headache than I had driving back. "No, Mom, I promise. I eat three times a day, just like we agreed..." I sighed, hating that she was bringing that up; who cared how many meals I ate? As long as I got that diploma, she should be happy! I wasn’t worried about my looks; I just didn't have time between all the classes and papers. Mom smiled at my answer. She was so afraid when it wasn't a big deal, I wasn't dying, and I was an adult; she should be more worried about my wild sister. The loud thumps jumping down in a pattern I knew was some stupid song she had in her ears made you think it would be a grown man coming down and not a tiny teenage girl half my size. My younger sister Mandy was elegant, with her long blonde hair in a high ponytail after our mother. Her sweet face had a slightly superior smile after spending too much time in front of the mirror. "Jen!" She suddenly saw me and gave me a quick hug before looking down at the phone again to our mother's disappointed look when she snatched it and made Mandy take out her headphones to my sister's frown. "Amanda Lynn Thompson, take your eyes off the phone for one minute when your only sister is home! "Mom wasn't asking when Mandy huffed, put the phone down, and gave me a smirk that I didn't return. Brat. "How does it feel to be stuck in the outback again?" Mandy was playing with an apple on the kitchen island, not even looking at my fake smile. We both knew there was no way I could answer that truthfully and not hurt Mom, who was still smiling and happy that I was back. "Yeah... nice to be back..." I exhaled, Mandy looking up. Our eyes met when she smirked more, knowing I was lying, and maybe Mom did, but she wasn't saying anything, smiling more in the back, still trying to get me to eat something. "Sure...." Mandy nodded before she glanced at the phone that started vibrating. I gave up on the reunion and was about to pick up my suitcase. Mandy was on her cell phone, her big blue eyes widening in horror, like something had happened, making my stomach turn. Was it Dad? Did someone we knew have an accident? What was it!? "Jen! I need a ride! I just got a f*****g text that the b***h over at the stable is inside Cupid's box!" Mandy was already out the door, assuming I would drive her. I frowned at Mom, who sighed and begged me with her beautiful face, which made my dad marry her when they were teens, knowing I couldn't say no. "Cupid?" I looked at Mom, making a faint smile. Her arms crossed, she looked perfect in her nice summer dress, giving me an amused smile; she was proud just because Mandy had some stupid ribbons hanging on her walls, I had a valedictorian hanging in the living room, and I was proud of that! "It's a horse, a good one at it, too. Amanda doesn't want anyone else to handle him..." Mom snorted upon hearing that. Mom wasn't a country girl that way; she was like me, staying clear from animals, which was the only evidence we were related. I looked nothing like her. "Mom...." I was already complaining when I took my keys out and stared at her, begging her not to make me go back out there, but it was useless. Mom wanted Mandy and me to be bound, like me driving her would help anything! " You're a good sister, baby..." I ignored her gratitude. The truth was, I was happy to escape the house and her worries that had hung over me like a wet blanket. Mandy was already sitting in the back seat of my old car like the countess she was. I ignored the anger of having to play limo driver, especially after I had just arrived and had driven all night already. She might be annoying, but she was still my sister. The sun was already setting on the horizon, and I hoped for Amanda's sake that this would be a quick stop when I was already dead tired and wanted to sleep. "Jen!" I ignored the annoying voice of my younger sister that I tuned out, still pissed she was making me drive her; she had a bike! Mandy was three years younger and looked like our mom. Her big blue eyes glared at me from the backseat for ignoring her; I bet she wasn't used to that, having mom's full attention and every boy around here. "Can this piece of crap go any faster, or are we supposed to walk!?" Mandy snarled at my growing smirk. She was so bratty; I couldn't believe our parents let her do whatever she wanted. I wasn't even allowed outside past ten when I was her age, but Mandy had different rules, always had. "Calm down, Mads..." I glanced at her in the rearview mirror. No one could believe we were sisters. She was a petite, straight blonde with slender curves and the delicate features of our mother. I was a curvy, black-haired mess who didn't care if my hair wasn't perfect or the lipstick didn't match my dress. I was a black sheep, looking into my severe green eyes from our father, Edgar Jr. Thompson. I didn’t mind looking like Dad; I was nothing like my mother and sister, who were softer and more feminine. People around here didn't understand that I didn't care; there were enough beauty queens in this county, and I didn't look bad. I wasn't that type of girl, that's all. "Don't call me Mads!" Mandy's scowl became deeper onto that pretty face, making me snicker. She hated that name and had a bad temper, and we all knew since she couldn't shut up once she wanted something! Mandy didn't wait for me to stop; she would rather have died than be caught inside my crappy car. She must have been truly desperate to let me drive her! "How are you getting back home?!" She waved me off like that wasn't my problem and walked off to my sigh. Goddam brat! I was exhausted, meeting my hollow eyes in the rearview mirror. It had been a rough patch for a long time, and honestly, I didn't want to go back home; it was hard to keep up the front for my parents, who had different expectations of me. Mom wanted me to graduate with flying colors, and Dad said I would get ready to help him with the company. Making him spend less time on numbers and do the more hands-on work he was passionate about. My grip on the steering wheel hardened, and I took a deep breath. I could do this. It was only a couple of weeks, and I had to make it. I had to. A large black pickup truck drove past me, catching my attention when it was too fast to be legal. It blocked the path before me, leaving me trapped and angry on the patch of dirt. Where the hell had that guy found his driver's license?! My cheeks turned red from the rage consuming me. I was cranky and tired of being on the roads, and that truck was getting out of my way. One way or another! A tall, athletic guy jumped out. He looked like all the other guys around here, wearing a T-shirt, an eagle on a ruffed-up cap, and worn jeans. I stared at him for a few seconds before realizing who it was. "Dylan Hooper, son of a bitch..." I whispered his name painfully when I saw the familiar man standing on the stable outback, smoking, making me frown. He still looked like a bastard with a crappy attitude against anyone that wasn't in his circle. Dylan was three years older than me; we shared one in high school. He was a notorious senior who could get any girl he wanted. The freaking king of Perryville! I was a nobody freshman who wouldn't have made him turn his eyes on me even if I was drowning beside him. How did I know that? Well, I told him. I told him once that I liked him when I had tried beer and got tipsy and felt brave and stupid. He had not said a word back to me at the pep rally I was forced to attend by some friend I had made for once. She didn't stay my friend after that; being rejected by Dylan Hopper was really bad. I heard girls' laughter everywhere when Dylan hadn't kept quiet about what had happened. Mocking me for even thinking I had a chance with a guy who could have anyone he wanted, and that sure wasn't a girl like me! After that, I decided. No more crushes and no more distractions. I graduated without a boyfriend and was the valedictorian of my year; Mom was so proud. I looked up, sitting in the dark, just waiting for him to leave, when Mandy was back outside again, and she was giggling like she did when Dad bought her something she really wanted when we were kids. She was staring at Dylan Hopper. His eyes were sparkling when he threw away his cigarette and leaned over her with his tall, lean body. He pointed at her phone and smirked, making her giggle again. What in God's name was happening here!? My jaws cleaned together so much that it hurt. Dylan Hooper was hovering over my underage sister! She had no idea what kind of man she had in front of her, a playboy, and he was not getting his filthy paws on her, over my dead body! Before I knew what had happened, I had thrown myself out of the car. I walked fast across the muddy yard with my white sneakers, not hearing a damn word when my heartbeat was banging in my ears. I was so nervous that I wanted to throw up seeing him, the same guy who had made my life miserable, and I hated him! "Dylan Hopper!" They both turned to look at me, my sister's face distorted from charmingly sweet to terrified, seeing me coming closer; that son of a b***h was not getting my sister! She was seventeen, and he was twenty-four; that was a f*****g felony! Dylan just stared at me, making my heart sink even more. He didn't remember me; of course, he didn't! I was just a nerdy girl who stayed quiet around guys like him, and still was! He was going to stay away from Mandy! "Dylan Hopper, just stay the hell away from her!" I was sneering at it, coming closer to my sister's misery. She didn't want me here and ruin whatever shot she had at him, but I didn't care; he was an asshole and would only break her heart! Dylan's stern gray eyes examined me, surprised and annoyed when I was almost where he and Mandy were standing. This made me angrier, panting the slightest from how upset I was, my chest heaving up and down, hating that I was so out of breath. "Do I know you?!" Dylan looked good with stubble that needed to be shaved two days ago and a basic haircut, the unruly hair ending in small blond curls under the pulled-down cap. "Jen, stop it!" Mandy was squirming, making me even furious when Dylan's eyes were narrowed on my face. That blockhead! I didn't care if he remembered me. I wasn't into him anymore and never would be! "I'm Amanda's big sister." I was already scowling at his careless face that was scrounging up like he finally was making sense of who I was, that i***t. " She is seventeen, and you will stay away from her, or I am telling our dad and the whole damn town you are a perv!" I held my breath afterward, still nervous, yelling at the arrogant bastard, slightly stunned by my words. Mandy looked like she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. "Perv!?" Dylan started to chuckle when I still clawed my nails into my arms. I was tense when Mandy gave me a look that she would kill me when Dylan Hopper wasn't around us anymore! "Yeah, you are a perv for trying to take advantage of my sister! That is a minor, or maybe your brain has been taking too many hits to the head, chasing a damn boll!?" I didn't care that I was sneering back when he dropped the grin on his amused face. Oh, he didn't like being called stupid, but he was. So f*****g stupid! "I'm not seducing her, you crazy b***h! I'm working!" Dylan was snarling it right back, making my heart drop to Mandy's confirming nod. She was backing him up; of course she did! Everyone always backed Dylan Hopper! "Mr. Hopper is working here, you i***t!" She hissed even lower, and I took a deep breath, my eyes dilating in horror, seeing Mandy mouthing that I was dead, and Dylan... oh, he wasn't going to let me off the hook. He looked like he wanted to kill me. "But he leaned over you and…." I looked confused at him and then at my sister, who was holding up the phone with a list of different agendas to be made. "Mr. Hopper is helping me, and I showed him my schedule for next week since Biscuit and I are competing!" Mandy was hissing it again, showing me her phone like she didn't want me to rat her out to Dad; she was right; that was a schedule. Oh fuck.... I lost my last seeing Dylan's face change; he was laughing at me, was he!? Just like before! "I don't have to chase schoolgirls... You think I have a problem getting laid?" The sparkle in his hard grey eyes lit up the darkness around us when he pulled up his big arms, flexing them and giving me a tiny peek of his t-shirt riding up. Holy moly, he was so ripped! Who the hell even looked like him in real life!? I almost choked on the air I was breathing of how freaking good-looking he was, even as he was mocking me, that devil! I forced myself not to stare at him, giving me a serious look that didn't match the smile. He was toned but still broad over the shoulders, making him look mouthwatering in any girl's eyes, including mine! "No..." I was whispering it, eyes on the ground, and wanted to run away. He would tell everyone what had happened. People would be laughing in my face, behind my back. Just like they did the last time! "Yeah, that's right.... use that brain of yours before speaking next time, won't you?" He didn't sound as pissed anymore, and Mandy was staring at me, embarrassed, still holding her phone, standing beside Dylan. I wanted to say something rude to him, but I had nothing. Not one single insult came up when I stared at his face, hating that he was smiling now like he thought I was just a dumb girl. I wasn't! "Don't you tell me what to do, and maybe you can move your damn truck!?" The anger felt good, brewing inside me, waiting to bubble up to the surface. I didn't care anymore. He deserved it! Even if he was innocent this time, he was still Dylan Hopper, far from that, innocent! Dylan looked bored at my crappy car, which I had left the door wide open with the keys, still running, unimpressed when I was holding my breath, hating that I cared what he thought I didn't! So what if he didn't like me or my car!? f**k him! "I think waiting five minutes for me is the least you can do after being rude and accusing me of harassing minors..." He scratched the short stubble over his broad jawline, marked by rudely high cheekbones in his elongated face. He looked like an angel. I clenched my jaw, and Mandy stared pleadingly at me not to say or do anything stupid to my scoff. How dare he accuse me of being rude when he was the bad guy!? I turned fast without saying a word. I could feel Dylan's chuckle in the back of my neck and my sisters' anxiety seeing me marching over the yard. I slammed the door and started the old car before rearranging the gear. I stared him straight into his eyes through the rear mirror, smiling, making him nervous. Good! He would see my rude side, that bastard! I had turned the old car around in a far too narrow space, taking shrubs and flowerbeds along. I was reversing carelessly at full throttle straight into the black pickup that thumped when I crashed into it! I chuckled as I shifted down and flipped Dylan Hopper off, driving away from the scene with two gaping people looking at the dust after me. Screw Mandy, and most of all, screw Dylan Hopper! I was glancing, annoyed at my phone ringing, like it had for the last five minutes, when something jumped in front of my hood, making me curse, trying to steer away from the thing blocking my path! Pain. It was the only thing I felt right now. My head felt like a brick. I was leaning on the expanded airbag. My mouth tasted blood, and I slowly moved my arms one at a time while my brain tried to understand what had happened!? A short squeak came out of my mouth as I raised my hand to my head, where blood was pouring out, making it harder to see, and it hurt like hell; everything did! I closed my eyes, panting hard, my seatbelt still holding me down when it took several tries before getting loose. I had to get out! My brain, still not knowing what was going on,when I fell down onto the soft grass just outside my car, crying out in pain from how much everything was hurting; I was going to die, wasn't I?! A short snicker was bubbling up along with blood, hating myself for being so stupid, I was. When I died, that's what everyone in this town would remember, the strange girl that died on the back roads of Perryville! My eyes were closed now, my head tilted to the side when I was lying on my stomach; everything around me was dull, my heart beating softly around my ears; maybe this wasn't so bad, dying right here, on this soft patch of grass after all... "Hey, hey! You need to wake up!" my eyes fluttered, just for the shortest of seconds, seeing an angel before me, his grey eyes tense, trying to get me to wake up, before feeling myself being lifted up into the strongest arms, dangling with my head back, mouth open and staring at him. I was too exhausted, smiling, knowing that I was dying in the arms of an angel, whose eyes got strange seeing my face before I closed my eyes, thanking God that I didn't have to die alone.
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