Cracks are Forming

1171 Words

Aliyah We remained there, frozen in shock as Carter entered the room, starring as though he wasn’t quite sure what he was seeing. When Ralph cleared his throat beneath me, we all seemed to snap out of our trance. Releasing Ralph’s hands and rolling myself off him, I raised my hands in the air palms outwards, “Its not what it looks like.” I could see the anger slowly building as his face starting heating like a barometer before he burst in a rage. Barging into the room, he used his magic to lift Ralph out of the bed, marching closer to him. “You don’t touch her,” his voice boomed, and I cringed knowing others in the coven would surely hear the exchange, “this is why rooms are allocated. I don’t know what happens in other covens, but we have rules for a reason here.” “Carter, put him d

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