Under Cover of Night

989 Words
Aliyah Mr Black decided it would be best to leave under the cover of night, leaving me little time to prepare or say my goodbyes. Quickly scribbling a note, I slid it under Ralph’s door before heading to my room to pack – essentials only, as I’d been directed. My mind racing as it went in overdrive, thinking of all the situations and scenarios of how I could take down this Alpha wolf and restore peace among the supernatural’s. ‘How would it feel to avenge my mother and finally hear my father say he’s proud? Would it finally bring him peace?’ I wondered. A knock at my door sounded all too soon and I turned to look out the still dark window. Quickly folding the note I’d scribbled for Ralph, I tucked it into the back pocket of my jeans and slung the backpack over my shoulder. Mr Black kindly offered to carry the bag for me but I declined, knowing the items in this bag were all I had left of me, and I still didn’t know exactly what to expect when I arrived in New York, or their expectations. * Boarding their private plane, I looked around in wonder at the plush reclined seating, mini bar and what appears to be a butler heading towards us. “Good evening Sir, may I take your coat?” he offered to Mr Black, before glancing towards me, “and your bag, miss?” “Oh, um…” I glanced towards Mr Black, who nodded in reply, to hand over my belongings before guiding me to one of the seats to discuss things further. “Ok, Aliyah,” he stated as we’d taken our seats, and I heard the engine burr to life, “let’s talk details.” ***** Arriving at the New York coven, I opened the car door and looked up to take in the twinkling stars. They always filled me with comfort that maybe my mother’s spirit was lying in a meadow filled with marigold, looking up at the same stars as me, thinking of me as I was thinking of her. It didn’t matter where I was, so long as I could breath in the fresh air and be calmed by the shining guides in the sky, I knew I could take on anything and make her proud. Looking back down towards the building before me, I gasped in surprise at its size compared to my coven. “Just a tad bigger than what you’re used to,” Mr Black smiled softly, “but I’m sure it will feel like home in no time.” His hand against my back guided me towards the entrance doors not leaving any room for further questions or hesitation. “Your room is already set for you,” he informed me as we continued up a set of stairs just inside the entryway and progressed down the hallway. “I’m looking forward to a hot shower,” I said dreamily, “then flopping into bed and sleeping like a log.” The sound of his chuckle filled my ears making me smile to myself from the warmth and genuine care this man has shown me. This place was already starting to feel more like a home, just for him being in it. “Before you go to bed and dream of daggers,” his eyes glanced down meaningfully to the dagger resting in its sheath on my thigh, “I just want you to know we don’t expect any more than you’re willing to give. No one is forcing you to go outside your bounds and feel secure in the knowledge that we respect the word no, here.” I couldn’t have stopped myself even if I tried, I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around him, and was surprised to feel the warmth of him embracing me back. I never expected to hear those words, since I’d never heard them before; instead felt the biting cold of metal clasped around my extremities. “Thanks,” I whispered, holding myself together by a thread as I stepped back towards the room allocated for me, “I appreciate that.” “No need for thanks, my dear,” he stated, before advising of the message given to the members of the coven, “All members have been notified of your arrival and as discussed, they are unaware of your previous coven, just that you were rescued from an underlying coven after escaping an attack by the masked bandit. I nodded confirmation that I understood my backstory, placing my hand on the handle. Taking a step back, Mr Black turned back around to face me, “There’s water in your room. Your father wanted me to remind you to take your supplement before bed.” “Thank you, I haven’t forgotten.” I shook my head at the ridiculousness. ‘Good luck, daughter. You’ve got this. I love you,’ were just a few other things he could have thought to say, I thought sarcastically. “Some people don’t have all the right words, but it’s the thought behind them that counts. Just remember that, Aliyah.” Turning back around, he began for the staircase back down, but not before calling out a final, “sleep well.” With that, I opened the door to my room, admiring the blue and gold decor before placing my bag gently on the ground to avoid breaking the perfume bottle inside. Sitting on the bed, I unzipped my bag pulling it out as I thought back to the night my father gave it to me. ‘Like this perfume, you are unique, Aliyah,” he stated, “It would do you mother honour to wear this perfume every day and think of her as you do so. It will protect you from the beasts within,” he pointed to my chest, I presumed alluding to my inner guilt at my mother’s death, “and the beasts surrounding this world that taint our peaceful existence. Thinking over Mr Black’s parting words of wisdom, it reminded me again that while he may never say those words I’ve longed to hear; actions speak louder than words. And for that, I placed the perfume bottle beside my bed, laying myself down feeling grateful.
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