Non Date

1082 Words

Amaya I could hear them discussing the arrival of someone important from the office Ryder and I shared, just down the hall. It always irked me how I was never included in these meetings. “I may not be the soon-to-be-Alpha, but I’m still an important member of this family,” I grumbled to myself. Noticing the paperwork scattered across Ryder’s desk, I sighed. “Apparently, I’m just good enough to tidy up the mess he makes.” Picking up the stamp, I rolled my eyes at the half ass job he did on the registration form. Pressing the stamp more firmly onto the ink pad, I re-stamped the form and signed off on his behalf, like I’ve done a hundred times before. ‘Males should never be in charge of paperwork if it’s to be done right.’ I thought to myself. Collating all the reference materials and fo

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