Every Day, on Every Note

1704 Words
According to his parents, Roman finally found out about the one-sided event they had held for two days without him. It all happened when he caught Liana giving a novel to Odette, and she told her that she go to the bookstore with Ethan. She also tells Odette about a book that Ethan bought.  First of all, to hell with that novel. But Ethan must be grateful because Roman has discovered what his parents and Mrs. Pearson did to him and Liana in the past two days, thank that novel.  Even though that old man just grumbled as his reaction to that, he's not scolding anyone. After all, no one has the right to be angry over that. Aren't all these things that happened to make Ethan and Liana closer. As annoying as it was, Ethan had to accept that everything was going pretty well according to what everyone had wished even before they met each other, before the first dinner. And anything that happens outside of whatever everyone wished or planned, it's not what it's supposed to be. Or to feel.  Liana finally clarified everything about their very unpleasant meeting, how troubled Liana and Ethan had been on Wednesday. Not forget to mention the photos from the hotel's roof that Liana sent to him, but which that old man had not seen yet, maybe because of a pile of messages that he got, or he was too busy with his work in the office.  However, Liana emphasized that Thursday was lovely. She lauded Ethan for accompanying her at the bookstore, even buying books, though he rarely read books. Liana also applauded Ethan's idea of ​​taking her to a cafe to read the book they had just bought. Ethan's face paled as he recalled his memory at the cafe when he sat and turned the first page of that novel. To his surprise, it was too detailed for Ethan, even though it was only the first paragraph.  Then when Roman asked if Liana liked to go with them again, Liana shook her head. Nonetheless, Liana reiterates that she just wants to go with Ethan. "Liana also said, only if you ask her to go first." His eyebrows squish together. If Ethan asked her to go first? So Ethan should take Liana out from now on? But as soon as Ethan wanted to ask more about it, his parents darted at Ethan with hopeful eyes, making Ethan swallow all his words. "You have asked her out today, to the library or wherever it is. It's up to you. You know better how to get her attention than us." Ethan hesitantly nodded his head. Then wouldn't Ethan just lie to Liana and say he had sudden things to do so that he couldn't take Liana out. That way, Ethan could peacefully drive straight to the Early rise coffee bar. Ethan beamed. *** Ethan said that he couldn't go with me today because his friend from another town suddenly came to visit; since they haven't seen them in a long time, Ethan will meet them today. But he said he would take me to the library on another day, maybe on Saturday or Sunday, because Ethan said he didn't have anything to do on the weekends unless someone asked him to go, but Ethan thinks that this person is not going to ask him out.  That's the message Liana sent to Roman about half an hour ago. He read that while waiting for his black ice coffee. "Mr. Pearson, did you like to play a game?" Just then, Ethan appeared beside him, his mouth's corner almost touching the corner of his eye. He just found out that a smile could be contagious; he also pulled the sides of his lips. Roman wonders, what is the power behind a smile? It had a powerful force, even though it looked effortless.  Roman looked back at his phone; he felt stupid and even took the glasses he hardly ever wore from his bag. He doesn't know how many times he's read that message, but it seems he still doesn't comprehend with Liana means.  Ethan said he couldn't go out with me today. Ethan said he could NOT go out with me today. It was clearly 'not' is written in the message. Meanwhile Ethan is seriously playing a game on his phone. His eyes moved left and right; sometimes, he said something about the game, but Roman didn't understand that.  "I would recommend some games if you want to try to play, but you should tell me what kind of game you prefer to play," said Ethan, glimpsing at Roman. But his eyes returned to Roman. "I just found out that you're wearing glasses. What is your glasses size?" Roman directly took his glasses off, then closed his eyes; he rubbed the area in the middle of his eyebrows with his finger. Ethan sighed, then he laid his head on the table, but this time he was facing his left, so the top of his head was facing Roman. "Why did you take it off when I only saw it for a split second," said Ethan, nearly whispered.  But with a hand-sized gap between them and with not as many visitors as usual, Roman could hear what Ethan was telling. "Did you lie to Liana?" Ethan didn't seem surprised; he even nodded his head without hesitance. He continued playing as nothing had happened. Roman should be angry, right? Shouldn't what Ethan did lower the way Roman thinks of him? Ethan shouldn't be someone Liana can depend on. A little lie like this will someday turn into a big lie. That's a normal thing that should happen, right? But Roman took a deep breath, then exhaled gradually. His eyes flickered and looked far away, though it was vain because his mind was already latched in one place.  Then he grabbed his black ice coffee, stirred it. Roman nodded slightly, attempting to convince himself. "This shouldn't have happened." Ethan bit his lip. Meanwhile, Roman tried to defy the desire to look at him. "All of this shouldn't have happened." He was worried that he would change his mind if he peeked. "I'm not the only one feeling the same thing, am I?" Ethan was muted, his hands floating over his screen. Meanwhile, Roman sank his gaze, staring at his drink blankly. Too bad. "We should stop all this while we can, right?" He's right. "I just feel comfortable around you, Mr. Pearson. If that's not what's supposed to happen, then what should be? Who decides what should happen and what shouldn't? Isn't that person is us?" It's annoying. Seen on the screen that Ethan's team had just won the first round. Then, he returned to the main room and started the second round. By the way, the air feels heavier to breathe, doesn't it? It turns out they weren't the only ones who sensed it. It was as if the oxygen surrounding them was running low for some unidentified cause.  Or maybe it's not a problem with the oxygen. Perhaps this problem lies within each of them. Or it could be about this reality isn't going in the same direction as the way they feel. Guen's voice was muffled, Roman raised his head, and his eyes met his best friend, who was now not far from him.  She commanded the people who lifted the sound system and prepared some musical instruments to work faster.  Roman almost forgot that today the cafe would be holding live music. Guen walked to Roman, causing Ethan to raise his head to greet Guen. "Hi kids, where have you been?" Ethan smiled in a small, powerless smile. "Where haven't I been? We haven't seen each other for just about two days. I've been anywhere," he said in a barely audible voice. Guen patted Ethan's shoulder. Roman quickly shook his head, who could sense Guen's mischievous mind. "But it's been a long time for him." But Guen, yes his bestfriend Guendolen. It wasn't that she didn't know that the atmosphere between Ethan and Roman was not pleasant. She actually knows. It's just that her ignorant mind dominates over herself. Roman could only shake his head. A dark cloud surrounded Ethan; even some electric spark appeared. "There's going to be live music soon. Once it's dark, there won't be too many lights on, and the show begins." "Sounds fun," Ethan said, glancing at Roman, but he quickly looked away when Roman didn't look back at him. He says he could stare at him all day long.  Ethan lay his head back on the table and played another game; meanwhile, Guen tilted his head at Ethan with a frown on her face, trying to tell Roman that there was a problem with Ethan. Either Guen was teasing him, or she thought that Roman was unaware of Ethan's situation.  A split second later, Guen gave him a grin, leaving them. She yelled at someone carrying a standing mic to move it to the center. Roman glanced over at Ethan while he pressed down on his phone screen with unnecessary force. He lost to with own feelings. This can't be happening, right? Roman took a deep breath, then held it. "Ethan." "Hmm?" It turns out he gets cold when he's sulking. "Is there anything you wanted me to do?" "No."  He usually looked like he could talk all day, or at least mock him as an annoying old man.  "I'm sorry. It's been bothering me lately. And I think you might be thinking the same thing."  He didn't understand either; he didn't understand how being called such an annoying old man could give him this tremendous happiness. "It's never going to work. and I know you're thinking the same thing."  If he were, to be honest, he didn't want this pleasant feeling to be taken away from him. He had just held it; he hadn't even had the chance to appreciate it yet. He hadn't even had the opportunity to understand more about it.  "So that's why I said it."  Right, right, this was the thing he missed the most. "Must end it while there's still a chance." Why? He wonders.
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