The Way He Spends His Break Time

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However, Ethan thinks that Hunter's plan was not acceptable this time because he wanted to involve other people they didn't know well, Duke's acquaintance. Duke didn't know these people well enough, so he couldn't ensure they would inform if they saw Mrs. Pearson hanging out in their places.  Or even worse, that person could turn out to be Mrs. Pearson's friend or at least someone who would pick her side because it was more promising than them siding with Ethan. As Ethan noticed, Mrs. Pearson had relatively extensive connections; perhaps she had acquaintances at every bar in the town. Or even if she didn't, the man she was with might have it. Or maybe from his close friends. To be clear, asking people they don't trust for help is an awful idea. "I agree with Ethan. We don't know how many guys she's close with or how many friends. We're outnumbered when it comes to connections, and we'd better find another approach." "This plan is dangerous, and the risk is not worth what we will get. Mrs. Pearson might take advantage of this to keep Mr. Pearson from Ethan." After all, Duke only knew the baristas from a bar he often visits, and there were probably only three or four bars. "But other than Hunter's idea, I can't think of any other way to spy on her. Even if we asked the employees at Roman's office, they wouldn't dare spy on Mrs. Pearson. Not to forget about that arrogant secretary and other guys she probably closed with." While listening, Ethan peeked at the painting he had displayed on his desk. He placed the painting next to his laptop. Ethan wanted to constantly stare at the painting at every opportunity he had. "It's too risky to follow her car every time she leaves, and none of us can follow her car all day. We all have to work." Maybe if Ethan was doing his job, he'd move the painting somewhere else first. He could be scolded by his father if Ethan did his job half-heartedly. "How about asking Liana for help?" Everyone was hushed, but they all agreed that it was a good idea. "However, how to ask Liana for help? What should I tell her to do?" Hunter shook his head. "You're not the one who tells Liana, but Liana will tell you and all of us what to do. Liana had an advantage because she must know Mrs. Pearson. She can make the most proper strategy by assuming her routine, how much she cares about her surroundings, and other things." Ethan nodded his head. "So all I have to do is ask Liana to collaborate in collecting evidence? Right?" Hunter nodded. Emma and Duke even gave their thumbs up. "But you have to be able to communicate your intentions with the right words. However, Mrs. Pearson is still her mother. There must be a heavy feeling in her heart if you ask her to help you find evidence." In conclusion, asking Liana for help is not the easiest option, but they will all be secure. *** Since waking up, before he'd even closed his eyes the night before, Ethan couldn't stop thinking about Liana, thinking about how to tell Liana in the best possible sentence so he wouldn't intentionally offend her. The text that Ethan sent to Roman yesterday hasn't been replied to until now. The man seemed really busy or forgot to answer Ethan's text.  So when lunchtime comes, Ethan sends Roman a photo of his grilled chicken. He also sends a short video, asking that old man what he is eating for lunch while Ethan chews on his grilled chicken. Unexpectedly, Ethan received a video as a reply as well. He exclaims in surprise as Roman points out his lunch one by one, which, as predictably, are all healthy. Chicken breast and most vegetables made Ethan feel lazy to eat by just its sight. Then at the end of the video, Roman asks Ethan why there's not a single vegetable seen in the video he sent. Ethan replied with a voice text and a photo of a bag of vegetables he hadn't opened. "I didn't even touch it," he said with a giggle. Who would have thought that Roman quickly recorded a voice message, but when Ethan had finished chewing a few mouthfuls of his food, he had not received a reply from Roman, and he was still recording? "Doesn't that old man know how to send a voice text? I bet he didn't know," said Ethan skeptically. But who would have thought this quiet old man sent Ethan a minute-long voicemail? Even making Ethan choke on his food. Ethan hit his chest lightly as he drank some water. With his throat still burning, Ethan listened to Roman's voice text. "You are like a child who doesn't want to eat vegetables. Even Miles and Niall eat their vegetables smartly. And oh yeah, Guen sent me many texts and called me many times. It looks like I'll be coming to the cafe today. It seems that if I keep procrastinating, Guen's irritation will only increase, and I will receive more scorn." Ethan sent tons of laughing emojis before he finally sent a voice message. "Good luck, Mr. Pearson!" Ethan had thought of asking Roman to go somewhere else. He was tired of spending time at Guen's cafe. It's not because he didn't like her cafe. Ethan needs some new vibe. Ethan also wanted to feel what it was like to go for a walk or go to a park together, or Ethan wouldn't mind if Roman took him to the zoo again. Either way, as long as it's just the two of them. Finally, Ethan got a short reply text; it's a thumbs-up emoticon that signaled their conversation's end. At first, Ethan thought he could enjoy the rest of his lunch in peace. After Ethan finished his meal, maybe he'd play a game or watch some videos. But he gets two messages from two unexpected people, even before Ethan finishes his meal. Liana and Duke. Duke sent a lot of photos. At first, Ethan thought that the photos were related to the game they played a few days ago, so he decided to open the text from Liana. Liana just called his name without saying anything, so Ethan asked what was wrong. Ethan didn't understand why everyone shocked him today while he was enjoying his lunch because the text that Duke and Liana had sent him reached him at the same time. "Do you have time this afternoon?" "ETHAN OAKLAND. OH, GOD. OPEN THIS TEXT, YOU LITTLE DIPSH*T" Don't they recognize that Ethan only has one heart? At this rate, Ethan could have a heart attack no matter how young he was. Ethan decided to see what Duke had sent him, and to his surprise, he saw Mrs. Pearson and a different man are enjoying their coffee at Duke's cafe. He even sat right in front of the cashier, allowing Duke to clearly see what they were doing, actually not very romantic. They were just joking while enjoying their coffee. Also, there were some light touches that a friend usually does. Ethan replied to Duke by sending so many surprised emojis. "Duke, can you take pictures from another angle? The photo looks like it was taken from the cashier's desk. Your cafe might get into trouble." "OH GOD, YOU'RE RIGHT, MR. OAKLAND. HOLD ON." Ethan now turned to Liana. They finally agreed to choose Ethan's room as a place, around four in the afternoon. Meanwhile, Duke has sent a new picture. Duke somehow managed to photograph two of them from the left and behind Mrs. Pearson so that the man's face was clearly visible in the photo. "I don't understand how many guys she's dating." No wonder Duke said it because he managed to take a picture when the man held Mrs. Pearson's arm. Immediately, Duke sent his photo to the group chat, and to everyone's surprise, they hadn't even made a move to gather evidence. This one piece of evidence suddenly showed itself in front of Duke, indeed a sinister coincidence. "I think Ethan was meant to expose her." Ethan laughed. In his laughter, he thanked them. Now, just leave the business of talking to Liana to him. "But don't you guys feel that our discussion last night was useless? Especially if Mrs. Pearson is a regular at Duke's cafe." Unfortunately, what Hunter said was true. "Why don't you make Mr. Pearson regular at Duke's cafe? So it's easier if Mr. Pearson wanted to book a place to catch his wife. Duke's cafe can be booked at any time!" "We can also come at any time to help." They are actually clever; it's just that sometimes they prefer to be silly at particular times.
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