What an Exhausting Day It Was

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Vivian and Judith's mouths were failing open, Duke touched Soren's shoulder and gave him an incredulous stare, Ethan was widening his eyes, and the rest stared at Soren in disbelief. "I told you, we can help you, Ethan," Emma said proudly. Everyone's attention was now on Soren. "The name of the cafe is Early Rise Coffee Bar. Stoneycroft Road Number nine." Judith typed the cafe's name into the search engine, and she couldn't say anything when she saw the photos of the cafe that were there. The cafe looks similar to the cafe in Roman's photo. "How did you know that, Soren?" "The cafe is a cafe as well as a mini art gallery. The cafe is spacious, and sometimes they hold live music. The cafe is about half an hour from here." As Soren spoke, Judith showed everyone her cell phone. Other people also used even some of the places used by Roman to take pictures. So Roman spent about an hour on the trip, so he spent about two to three hours at the cafe. Ethan couldn't believe he could figure that out so quickly, plus Soren was the one who said it in the first place. Two surprising things happened at the same hour. "Soren, you didn't answer my question earlier." Soren glanced at Hunter, and he just smiled at him. "It doesn't matter how I found out about the cafe. The most important thing is that we've solved that problem now, right, Ethan?" Ethan nodded his head, but his movements faltered like a robot. Duke immediately wrapped his arms around Soren's shoulders. Soren didn't do anything to get rid of Duke's hand because his strength with Duke was comparable. The two of them are often called giants in this gang because they are taller than everyone else. "Duke, please." "So tell me, come on," said Duke, tightening his arms around Soren's neck. Soren put on a lazy face. "Okay, I give up." Duke removed his hand from Soren's neck. "I've been there twice because someone invited me, but I've never met or seen Mr. Pearson. Maybe it's because I came around eleven in the morning." Soren got up and moved away from his chair when Duke wanted to wrap his neck again, but Duke didn't stay silent and chased after Soren, who in the end begged, and he would tell him more. Judith, who couldn't hold back her laughter, slapped Dante's thigh because Duke wasn't by her side. "Like what I said a moment ago, the cafe is also a mini art gallery, so I accompanied this person because one of his works was displayed in the mini art gallery at the cafe. In the third photo that Ethan sent, Mr. Pearson is standing in front of an abstract painting in red and yellow, that's his work." Ethan immediately saw the photo that Soren mentioned. He was right. Roman was facing the painting, half of the painting was covered by his body, and he didn't seem to realize that someone had taken the photo. "As soon as I saw the painting, I immediately knew where it was." Ethan nodded. "Who is that person Soren?" Soren got back up and moved away from his seat, and Duke was chasing him, and the same thing happened again. Soren gave up and was about to answer the question. "He is my ex-boyfriend." "I thought you were having an affair with Mr. Pearson." Once he spoke, Hunter took everyone by surprise and then laughed. Dante even pushed Hunter's shoulder with all his strength, making Hunter lose his balance due to his lack of preparation with Dante's sudden movement. "How can you come up with that? Could it be that you are the one who has been an affair with Mr. Pearson?" Hunter was surprised then threw a napkin at Vivian, which Vivian immediately threw that napkin back to Hunter while laughing. Emma then glanced at Ethan, to which Ethan gave her a wide smile. Emma was happy to see her friend's smile because they had solved at least the thing keeping Ethan unfocused. "By the way, should we just go to that cafe right now?" asked Hunter. Ethan immediately shook his head before the others had time to tell what was on their mind. "Today, I want to spend time with you guys, and I will meet that old man later." Emma smiled, more like an annoying smile to Ethan. "I will come to that cafe tomorrow. Are you satisfied, Emma?" Emma laughed, then nodded her head. *** Everyone helped Duke close his cafe. Maybe it's not a good thing for Duke because they've been making a mess since this afternoon, plus they were playing cards thanks to Emma's idea. And finally, everything was settled precisely at nine o'clock at night. Ethan hugged Emma tightly; who knows when he will meet his best friend in person. Ethan also gave Hunter a quick hug. They had joked, telling Ethan to hug Soren too. The funny thing is that Soren couldn't hide his nervousness when he hugged Ethan. Ethan could even feel Soren's heart beating fast, but Ethan didn't say anything and just gently pushed Soren when they finished hugging. Then, they all finally parted ways. Hunter and Emma also went straight back to their town that very night. Now Ethan is left alone in his car, with a radio playing a song that Ethan never heard of. No one could make Ethan this much happier than the seven of them. No one else could make Ethan's heart warmer than the seven of them. Ethan was curious about why this could happen, but Ethan would always be with them even though he never knew the reason. Ethan would make sure that no one will not break their friendship unless death itself broke their friendship. Ethan honked the horn, the door automatically opened. But one thing caught his attention when he accidentally glanced at Mr. Pearson's house, the gate is also open. A smile danced on Ethan's lips as he put his car into the garage. When Ethan finished taking care of his car, Mr. Pearson entered the house, followed by the gate closing. Without any hesitation, Ethan walked out of the gate of his house, headed to Roman. The half-closed gate stopped its movement, then opened again to greet Ethan. Roman got out of his car, his hand still holding the door open. Roman looked at Ethan; his eyes seemed to be asked to Ethan, 'what do you need?'. "I know where your friend's cafe is," said Ethan with a beaming expression. Roman gave him a silly grin. "Of course you know, I've told you the address this morning. Millholm Road number three." Ethan shook his head, then hid his hands behind his back. Seeing this, Roman raised his eyebrows. "It's Stoneycroft Road number nine." Roman blinked in disbelief, but his expression quickly turned into a smile. "No, it's Millholm Road number three." "Early rise coffee bar. Stoneycroft Road number nine." Roman lowered his body to turn off the car, then closed the car slowly; without a word, he left Ethan, who still smiled in his position. Ethan then returned to his house, the gate behind him closed, ending a tiring day.
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