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It’s one of those days again. You know what I mean right? Those days where everything seems a bit too normal for its own good. “Juniper! You better be ready to go to school!” That was my grandma. She’s a bit. I don’t know how to say this, Odd? She is certainly something, I will say that. Today is definitely going to be ‘one of those days.’ Cannot wait to see what it has in store. ... “Hey June! Where have you been?” “Yeah, we have been looking for you all morning!” “I was just at home getting ready guys. Nothing too interesting” these are my friends. Kyle and Jake Harold; they’re twins except Kyle has deep aqua blue eyes and Jake has emerald green eyes. Other than that difference they both have dark brown hair styled in the “loose swashbuckling”, “emo” haircut and very tall, 6’3” to be exact. I suppose they are thin, however they are in the athletic club at school, so they probably have muscle too. I have known them since middle school. “June? Hello? Don’t tell me that you are zoning out again.” Kyle raises an eyebrow at me. Why he does that? I will never know. “No, I’m not, don't worry” I shove into his hip and walk past. “Now, common we don’t want to be late for Ms.Zelder’s class! She will give you two detention again and you will miss your ‘beloved’ club” I ran to the school doors. “Hey! Wait up shorty! You won’t get away from us that fast!” Jake hollars and runs inside before I could open the doors. “Hey! That’s cheating you d**k!” I yell at him and he just gives me that charming crooked smile he always gives me when I yell any kind of profanity at school. Like I will get in trouble. “Awe, is our little mouse being feisty?” I jump at the voice behind me “Jesus Christ Kyle!” He chuckles a bit “what? Did I scare our little mouse?” “Do you really have to call me that? Let’s get to class.” we all walk through the doors and head to Ms.Zelders. We are already 2 minutes late. If we are over 4 she will have one of her famous hissy fits.” “Oh s**t. You’re right” he is using sarcasm again. “Stop giving her s**t Kyle, she really is right. Zelder has quite the temper and you know it!” Jake shoves into his brother and I end up getting caught in the crossfire, but as usual Kyle catches me before I hit the floor. ... As usual the morning announcements come on during class, one of the most boring parts of this class. I usually just ignore it. I am going back to reading my book. Ms. Zelder will be pleased that I am getting ahead in English anyway. “Juniper Johnson.” I look up to see Ms. Zelder by my desk, not looking very happy. Great, what did I do this time? “The office called you down. Again. Take your things and go.” “Alright. If you say so Zelder.” I get my things and head to the office. I did hope this isn’t because I called Jake a d**k. Nah, that can’t be it. I know it can’t be because they usually don’t care about that here at school. I wonder what it could be. Well, Here I am. Let's see what I’m in for. “Hello, Ms. Johnson” I look at the principal's arms to see my dog Spot. He is a white beagle, pomchi mix with a big light brown, tannish spot on his behind, another covering his ears and one part of his face. I love my baby boy, but why is he here? “It seems as if he followed you to school, go and take him home, but be quick about it. This better not happen again.” “Yes sir.” He handed me Spot and I headed out the door. I look down at Spot, his light brown eyes looking right at me, ears perked up and tail wagging. “You’re such a silly boy” I giggle as I watch his tail wag vigorously. I really do love Spot, he makes even the most normal days better. “Let’s head home buddy.” he barks in delight and as we headed back home. ... As we walk up to the house I notice that grandma’s car isn’t there. I wonder where she could be. I walk into the house, put Spot on my bed and look at the clock. It took me 30 minutes to walk here. I am definitely going to miss my art class. Damn it. At least I can message the boys now and tell them What happened. The Twins Tuesday, November 11th 10:06 am Hey guys,I just thought I Would tell you that I was Sent back home because Spot followed me to school. :/ ~ Juniper Really? That is great June XD ~ Kyle Not really guys… I am going To miss my art class.. How  Are you guys anyway? ~ Juniper We’re good, it’s boring here  Without you. There is no one Here to pick on! XD ~ Jake Oh geez. Common be more Mature than that. XD ~Juniper Mature? What gave you the  implication that we were? XD ~ Jake Today 10:12 am Good point. Back to  Kindergarten for you two Then XD ~ Juniper Ahaha good joke preschooler XD ~ Kyle Nice try baby brains XD ~ Juniper Ooh she got you good! ~ Jake Shut up dude XD ~ Kyle Hey guys, I have to head Back to school now. Ttys. ~ Juniper Ttys June! ~ Jake See you shorty ~ Kyle ... Back at school again. I wish my grandma was home. I could have asked her to call me in, oh well I guess. The boys will definitely be happy to know I am at school. I have math with Jake this period and Kyle next. They will probably make fun of me again, not in a mean way, just, jokingly. They tend to do that alot and I do it with them. It is all in good fun. Oh, there’s Jake now! Maybe I can sneak up on him. Got to be quiet…  “Nice try June. Better luck next time!” Jake turns around as I am about to scare him. “Damn, you have good hearing Jake. maybe you should be a spy or something!” I am only joking but he knows that. “Oh yeah sure. I would be a great spy.” he raises his eyebrow and just smirks. He just has to do that… he is so annoying when he thinks he can make me blush. “Try again. I’m not gonna blush.” “Oh really? Then what’s this?” he takes a picture and shows it to me. I am blushing… crap… I hate that he can make me blush so easily. Both him and Kyle. “Tha.. that doesn’t mean anything!” I feel so flustered right now. “Common let’s get to class. “Whatever you say mouse” he chuckles and we head to class. ... “Psst, Juno” Jake whispers from behind me. “Wanna ditch next class with me and go on a little adventure?” I reply with “No, You can’t have anymore’ll get banned from your club for two weeks. I know you will not benefit from that situation.” “I can deal. Common! Pleas” I look behind me and see his signature puppy dog face. God I hate it when he does this. “Maybe.” and here comes the pouty face. Great.”Fine. See you after class.” The rest of the class was fairly normal for the most part. Same old, same old. Things don’t really change much here. I wonder what Jake has planned. ... “Where to?” I ask curiously. “Hmm. Let’s go to the theme park.I heard that they got some ‘scary’ rides in.” Of course he says the theme park and he just had to add the scary rides. How can I not go now? I love creepy, scary things! “You already know the answer to that.” he chuckles and we head to the theme park. I wonder what’s in store there. “Welcome to Spooky Woods Theme park! We have some new attractions here today! Let your mind wander at the sight of the ‘FREAK SHOW FUN HOUSE!” “This seems promising.” Jake watches the flashing lights that lead into the eerily realistic skull. “It really does seem that way. First one out wins!” I run into the fun house and find myself in a maze of mirrors and pieces of glass covered in blood. They really outdid themselves this time. I wonder what’s next! “Juniper! Where’d you go?” Oh no. he’s getting closer. “MARKO.” and it begins. “Pollo!” I laugh and run into a room full of weird creatures. They’re moving! “Turn back” I hear a ghoulish looking human say in a raspy voice. “BEWARE” says a Humanoid lizard. All of these creatures in tattered clothes with blood smeared upon them. They really did outdo themselves! “Marko!” there he is again! Crap I better be quick. “Polo!” and I run past the creatures as they try to grab me, adrenaline pumping through me. My heart is racing and I know I am having fun. We haven’t done this since we were kids and I think there is something there. No really, there is something there. What is that? It’s kind of cute. It’s so small though. There is no way it can be real, where’d it go? It must have been my imagination. “Gotcha!” I scream as Jake wraps his arms around me. “Oh my God, you scared the s**t out of me Jake!” I shove him to the side and we walk out of the funhouse laughing. “That was certainly an adventure.” He says while looking into my eyes and I into his. They look as if his emerald green eyes are sparkling. He looks happy. “Y-yeah, it definitely was. Common, let's head back to school before it ends.” I looked down at the ground and walked away but before I could take another step he swung me into his arms and he kissed me. My body feels like it goes limp and I realize that I am kissing him back. My heart is pumping, beating fast, or is it slow? He stops and I can tell my face is bright red. I am speechless and so is he. We walked back to school in a silence that wasn’t at all awkward. He holds my hand ever so gently and I fill with questions I cannot ask. ... “Hey guys! Where were you?” Kyle yells at us through the halls. “You missed a police investigation!” “Really? You aren’t telling a tall tale again are you?” Jake replies. “Nope! You can even ask the teachers. It was something.” I stay quiet. I am still quite flustered from that much unexpected kiss from Jake. “Well, it’s about time to head home anyway. I’m going to walk June home; I will catch up with you at home bro.” Kyle looks at me and then Jake and me again. “Alright, see you then!” he hops in his mom’s car and goes home. “So, how are you feeling?” Why did he ask me something like that? I can hardly speak! Um. Um. Oh no. I can’t even think! “It’s okay you don’t have to tell me, you already seem very flustered. I am sorry for kissing you back there,” he rubs the back of his neck.” It wasn’t very gentlemanly of me.” “I-it’s okay, it was,” well I might as well say it “It was nice.” His face lights up in a big smile and he walks me the rest of the way home. ... I open the door and the first thing I see is spot whining and spinning around in circles. He’s excited I’m home and he runs up and jumps into my arms. “I’m glad to see you too, baby boy” I giggle and head to my room. Grandma isn’t home yet but that is okay, today definitely wasn’t one of those days and I couldn’t be happier!  

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