
4041 Words
Mara's POV Once I'm dressed back in my clothes, I turn around to walk back home but someone is in front of me. I nearly jump, scared, but I'm able to hold the impulse. The Destroyer is right in front of me... He attacks!! I jump backwards to avoid the attack, but he just keeps attacking and I have to continue avoiding. *I don't even have my sword here!* I think. Then I remember my claws and try to run to my bag. But the Destroyer appears right in front of me and attacks before I could reach it. His blade hits my arm. I scream in pain. Blood screeches from my arm. I'm completely defenseless now. *This is it. I'm dead!* I think, waiting for the final blow. But it never came. I look up. The Destroyer is nowhere to be seen. I think this is tricky, so I walk slowly to my bag, holding to my injured arm. I'm almost getting to it when something covers my mouth. It has an intense smell… My vision starts blurring and I can't take it anymore. I faint on someone's arms. Cain's POV (some minutes ago) Me and Jack are now jumping on the buildings to get to Amelia's house. Suddenly, we hear a loud scream, coming from far, but there was something about that scream that scared me. It was Mara's scream... "It's Mara! I have ta help her!" I say to Jack. "Kay! I'm goin' with you!" Jack says. "No! Ya go warn Amelia! Call ma brothers! We're gonna need help!" I say and jump to the place where the scream came. Once I get there, I see The Destroyer holding Mara on his arms. Mara is bleeding from the left arm and she unconscious. "What've ya done ta her?!" I ask, really pissed. The Destroyer doesn't answer. I attack him, but he hits me first and I go against a wall. He grins and jumps off the building holding Mara. "Damn!!!" I curse. My whole body hurts. "Amelia called us! What happened?!" I hear Soren say. My brothers run to me, alongside Jack. I look up to face them. "Mara... she..." I mutter. "Mara?! Mara what?!" Miclair asks, looking frightened and worried. "The Destroyer kidnapped her!" I say. "Destroyer what?!" Miclair says in complete shock. "Do you know where he went?" Soren asks me. "He went that way" I point. "Good. Me, Luc and Jack are going after the Destroyer. Miclair, you take Cain back to the lair" Soren orders. "But-But-!" Miclair protests. "Do as you’re told, Miclair" Soren says, with a threatening voice. "Ok…" Miclair says. Miclair helps me up and Soren and Luc run the way the Destroyer went. Me and Miclair start to walk back to the lair. We enter a manhole and keep walking. "Sorry I couldn't protect yer girlfriend" I say. "She's not my girlfriend! If she was, we wouldn't fight that much!" Miclair says. "Yeah! But ya still love her!" "I don't-" "Don't try ta deny it, Miclair! I can see it a mile away!" Silence moment. "I really do love her, heh?" Miclair asks. "Yer tha one who should know!" "We're here" Miclair says. He leads me to the house after we leave the sewer tunnels. Master Itsuki is there, sitting on a chair, next to the table. He looks up at us. "What has happened?!" He asks, when he sees that I'm hurt. "Mara was kidnapped. The Destroyer attacked Cain when he tried to protect her" Miclair tells. "I see..." Master Itsuki looks deep into Miclair's eyes, like he was trying to read his mind or something. "Where can I put Cain? He's getting heavy!" Miclair says. I would smack him on the head if I could move a muscle. "Place Cain on the couch. I will get the curatives" Master Itsuki demands. Miclair stretches me on the couch. "I'm fine! I don't need ya ta heal me!" I say "I hope you're lying! I can't go save Mara because of you!" Miclair says. "I'm not tha guilty one! Soren was tha one who wanted ya ta get me here!!" I say. "Enough. Let me see those wounds of yours" Master Itsuki says and takes care of my wounds. Miclair seems to be thinking about Mara. Like reading his thoughts, Master Itsuki says: "Cain's wounds are not very bad. You two can go help Soren and Lucas save Mara, once I'm done." "Really?!" Miclair says, cheering up again. Some minutes pass by, while Master Itsuki finishes the healing. "You're ready, but still, be careful!" Master Itsuki warns. "Of course!" I say, getting up. I feel pain in my leg but I can hold it. "Let's go!" Miclair says, running to the front door. I follow him and we run, on our way to save Mara. Soren's POV Me and Luc are still running, searching for the Destroyer and Mara. I still feel sorry for not letting Miclair come with us. "Look there, Soren!" Luc points to a building. Getting inside the building is the Destroyer with Mara, still unconscious. That must be his new headquarters. "Let's go!" I say. We jump to a place near the front door and hide. There's a guard in there. "I'll take care of him. You go up ahead and find out where Mara is" I whisper to Luc. "Right!" He says. We get into action. I attack the guard with a simple smack and he passes out. Luc runs in front of me, but there are too many doors! "Which one should we take?" Luc asks. "Try that one!" I say and we open the door ahead of us. Wrong choice! A bunch of ninjas are there! We have no choice but start fighting them. Miclair's POV Me and Cain are running the way the Destroyer went, but we have no idea where he or our brothers are! We keep searching and I find something odd. A ninja is laying unconscious at one building’s door. "Hey Cain! Check that out!" I point to the ninja. "Great! Let's kick some creeps!!" Cain says and gets into the building's door. I go right behind him. We're at a big corridor with lots of doors. "Aw! Which door?!" I ask. "Let's try this one!" Cain says, opening a door. As soon as he opens it, he closes it. "Nop!" He says and starts running away. "Hey! What's the matter?!" I ask. "Ninjas behind that door! And ya betta start running if ya don't want them ta catch ya!!" Cain screams, running. Suddenly, a ninja attacks me from behind. I can avoid it and start to run as fast as I can. I catch Cain shortly after. "Told ya so!" He says We keep running and turn to open a door. "Great! More ninjas!" Cain says But there aren’t just ninjas in there. Soren, Luc and Carl are there too. We all fight the ninjas that are there, until they're all gone. "Where's Mara?" I ask Soren. "We couldn't find her yet" Soren answers. I look kinda disappointed. "But don't worry, Miclair! We'll find her!" Luc says to cheer me up. I nod and put a little smile on my face. *Deep inside this building, Mara’s in big trouble!* Mara's POV I wake up slowly with a huge headache. I notice that my arms and legs are stuck by some kind of metal strands. My arms are on each side of my head. I try to free myself, but the metal strands won't break. I hear someone getting in the room, but I still continue trying to free myself. "It's useless to do that. The metal strands will never break" I hear the Destroyer saying. I look up at him. "Why do you want me?! You already have the piece! Why do you need me now?!" I scream at him. Another man gets inside the room. He starts maneuvering the machine that’s in front of me. "You have the "key" inside you, my dear" Destroyer says. I feel like I just swallow a block of ice. *s**t! He knows!" I think. "Is everything ready, Jameson?" Shredder asks the other man. "Almost, sir. I just need to make a few more adjustments to the machine" Jameson says. He is the alien responsible for of the Destroyer’s tech. "Make it fast!" Destroyer shouts. Jameson jumps and starts running around the machine, checking everything out. "It's done, master" He says "Good. Bring me the Darkness Box" Destroyer says. Jameson delivers him a black box. It's the one I saw, when I was Kitty Girl. The Destroyer opens the box. A Black Hand, like smoke, comes out of it. I stare at the hand with a frightening look. "You're right in being afraid. You see, to get the pure “key” off from your heart, I need to have a Dark Hand and this is the darkness that will take the "key" out of you. Who'd have known that you are the one pure enough to hold the "key", the purity itself? Well... This hand will be the last thing you will see before you die. You see, once the "key" is out, it takes with it all of the energy you need to live. Now... Let's end this once and for all!" Destroyer says. The Dark Hand starts coming straight at me. It penetrates deep in my chest. I scream in pain. The Dark Hand is taking the "key" out... Miclair's POV *Where are you, Mara?!* I ask myself. Me and my brothers have been looking for her for an eternity! All we find is ninjas and more ninjas, no Mara!! I swear, I’ve had enough of fighting! We're running through another corridor. Soren, who’s on front, turns and opens another door. We all get in the new and different room. This room is a bit small, but there's a glass in front of us. I walk to see what's on the other side. My jaw drops. On the other side of the glass is Mara! And she's screaming because something is penetrating her heart! The Destroyer and Dr. Jameson are watching her. The Destroyer has a black box in his hands with some black thing coming out of it. But I can't stop looking at Mara! She's suffering way too much! "We have to do something!" I say and start hitting the glass to break it. My brothers start wandering for a way to break the glass. "MARA!!!!!!!!!!" I scream. Mara's POV "MARA!!!!!!!!!!" I hear Miclair’s voice, but I'm unable to look up at him. The pain is way too much! I keep screaming due to the deep pain. Suddenly, the hand comes out of my heart holding a lightning marble. I look up at Miclair. He's hitting the glass that's in front of him. "Miclair...." I murmur. Not being able to hold any more time, I faint. Miclair's POV The key just came out of Mara's heart. She faints almost immediately. "No!" I shout and start hitting the glass harder. My brothers also see what has happened. "Stand back!" Cain says and throws his blade to the glass, making it break. We run pass it and some ninjas appear. We have to fight them. The Destroyer grabs the "key" and puts it in the piece. Then he puts the piece inside the machine. Wind comes out from a hole that's forming in the wall next to the machine. It's a portal!! Many of the ninjas are dragged with the wind, but me and my brothers hold on to some tubes. Flying from the portal comes Kitsune, a girl with foxy ears me and my brothers have met earlier when we too had to travel to another dimension about a year ago. She lives in that other dimension along with many other fighters. They usually hold an ultra-dimensional contest yearly and me and my brothers were chosen to participate last year, but it is not time for it to start yet. She must have been forced to cross to here because of the portal. She flies until she lands and takes out her knife. She looks around confusingly for a while but then she sees the ninjas and starts fighting them. We join her soon after as the wind fades a little. "JAMESON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shredder screams. "It-it must have been a little circuit that was bad connected. I'll check it again!" Dr. Jamson says. "No, you won't!!" The Destroyer says and grabs him by the neck "You will come with me and then we will have a talk" He drops Jameson and runs away with Jameson following him. Minutes later, the portal starts closing. "You should get in! Now!" Soren screams to the foxy girl, knocking down a ninja. "It is too late!" She says. The portal closes and the last ninjas fall to the ground. My brothers turn to talk to the strange girl and try to figure out who she is, but I run to Mara. She is still there, unconscious. I try to free her from the metal strands, but it doesn't work. Then I notice something. "She's not breathing!!" I say. "What?!" Luc comes running towards us "We have to take her out of here!" He says. "Luc, there must be something in there that can free her. Maybe some button" Soren says. "It must be this one!" Cain says and pushes a button. Mara falls to my arms. Luc examinees her. "She needs the "key"! And fast!" He says. Soren runs to where the piece is and takes it out. The "key" is inside the Piece. Soren brings the “key” to us and delivers it to me. I put the key back inside Mara's heart to see if she wakes up. Everyone is waiting... Nothing happens. Mara doesn't wake up. We all stay in extreme silence. "We're too late…" Soren says. Mara's POV "No! This cannot be happening! It can’t!!" Miclair screams, holding me. "You're right. It's not" I say. They look down at me. I'm finally awake. "Thanks for saving me" I say, smiling at Miclair, whose face is still in shock. "Oh! Mara!" Miclair hugs me tight. "Take it easy there! Do you want me to faint again?" I say, chuckling. But Miclair doesn't let go. I smile and hug him back. "I missed you too, Miclair” "It's very nice an' all ta see tha happy reunion, but there are ninjas coming this way!!" Cain says. I let go of Miclair. "Right! We have to leave!" I say. Then I look to the fox girl that’s in there. "Who’re you?" I ask. "We'll introduce each other once we're safe. Now, we have to get out of here" She says. "Come on! Let's go!" Soren says He and Cain start running to the exit. "What about the portal machine?!" Luc asks "The Destroyer can't use it without the key! We'll come back and get it once we can! Now, let's go!!" Soren says. Miclair turns to me. "You sure you can run?" He asks "Positive!" I say. "I'm not that sure" He says and picks me up. "What are you doing?! PUT ME DOWN!!!" I say, blushing "Let's just go!!" Luc says and runs after Soren, Cain and Kitsune. "Guess you don't have a choice" Miclair says, smirking. "I'll give you the choice once we get home!!" I say, threateningly. Miclair starts running after Luc, with me in his arms. We run through the many doors and corridors. "Hey! How do you know where we're going?!" I ask Soren. "I memorized the corridors all the way" He answers. "Nice memory!" I say. Miclair was right when he stopped me from running. I was still very weak from the process of taking out the "key". We continue running until we get to the front door. There, ninjas are waiting our arrival. Miclair places me down and starts fighting along with his brothers and the foxy girl. I just can't help them! My arm still hurts a lot and I can barely stand on my feet! A ninja attacks me. I can hit him with my foot, but I fall to my knees right next. *s**t! I can't keep on like this! I'll have to get out of here!* I think. Fortunately, Soren seems to notice I'm not very well. "We have to get out of here!" Soren says and runs to a manhole. Miclair picks me up again and runs after his brother. We all jump into the manhole and close it tight, once we're all in. Soren and Cain are holding the manhole so the ninjas can't open it. Miclair looks at me. (I'm still on his arms) "You ok?" He asks. I wait some time before I answer. "I can't say I'm in good shape..." I say. Luc walks to us and looks to my arm. "Gash! What happened to your arm?!" Luc asks. "Oh! That's nothing! Just a little gift The Destroyer gave me before he captured me" I say. "Let me take a look at it" Luc says. I hold my arm close to me. "Will it hurt?" I ask. "Probably" "Then I don't want to!" I say. "But, Mara, I have to heal that arm! Or it will just keep hurting more!" "Oh, ok then!" I stretch my arm, so Luc can watch it. "Does this hurt?" "OW!" "This?" "OOOWWW!!!" "What about this?" "OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! Luc, are you trying to kill me?!" I scream at him. "Sorry" He says. "Quiet back there!!" Cain says, still holding the manhole with Soren. "I think your arm will be ok if I immobilize it" Luc says. "You think?!" I say. "I think they're off" Soren says. "That's good" Me and Miclair say. We start to walk back to the lair. I look to the fox I don't know. "Now we can introduce each other! What's your name?" I ask her. "Oh! Excuse me! My name is Kitsune. It is a pleasure to meet you miss...?" "Mara! Nice to meet you too!" I say with a big smile. Kitsune looks at me and Miclair and smiles. "I'm happy you finally found a respectful girl, Miclair. It's very nice to meet such a happy couple" Kitsune says. "WE'RE NOT A COUPLE!!!!" Me and Miclair scream. "Oh, you're not? Sorry, it was my mistake" Kitsune says. "Ya don't need ta say sorry, Kitsune! They're a couple! They just don't want ta admit it!" Cain says. "ARE NOT!!!!" Me and Miclair scream. Cain rolls his eyes. "Of course yer not" He says, sarcastically. We get to the stranded island through the tunnels and reach the house in that same moment. Master Itsuki is there waiting for us. "What happened?!" He asks, when we all get in the lair. Miclair lays me on the couch. Master Itsuki is watching me. Soren and Luc are telling him what has happened. "So the Destroyer was able to take the "key" out" He says. "Yes, but the guys got it back on time" I say. "I know, but still you were lucky. You could have died without the "key", you know that" Master Itsuki says. "I know... But there was nothing I could do! I couldn't free myself!" Master Itsuki sighs and compliments Kitsune. They obviously know each other, but I guess they will tell me about it soon. "Still you got hurt! Let me see that arm" Luc says. I hold my arm with a frightening look. "It won't hurt much this time, I promise" Luc says and goes get some curatives. Luc wraps my arm with bandages. "This should do it! Now you can't move your arm much" He says when he's finished. "Yes, doc!" I say to him, smiling. He blushes a bit and gets up, going off to his computer. I look around. Cain is (again) punching his punching bag. Soren is meditating with Master Itsuki and Kitsune. But I can't see Miclair anywhere. *Maybe he's up in his room* I think. *I want to say sorry to him, but I'm scared that he doesn't accept... Don't think that, Mara! Besides, he doesn't even deserve my apologies! Why would I do that?! No! I need to tell him sorry! I have to!* My inner thoughts just keep fighting against each other, but I'm able to get up and walk to Miclair's room entrance. I notice that Cain is watching me, but I don't bother. I prepare myself to knock at the door but I stop in middle way. My inner thoughts keep fighting: *Why am I doing this? He's the one who should apologize, not me! No! I need to tell him sorry! I don't want to lose him! Because I-I love him!* I finally knock on the door. A happy Miclair opens the door, but his smile fades when he sees it's me. "Oh! It's you. What do you want?" Miclair asks with some rudeness. "I-I want to talk with you!" I say, not able to look into his eyes. "K, get in!" He says and lets me in. He closes the door behind him and leans against it. "Split! What do you wanna talk with me?" He asks "I-I want to apologize!" I shout. Miclair raises his eyebrows. "For what?" "F-for having escaped... A-after that fight" I can't speak straight! Since when did Miclai get me this nervous?! "You don't need to apologize because of that! You nearly got killed because of that mistake and you got your arm hurt! You already had your punishment" He says Anger starts replacing sadness and nerves. "Punishment?! Is that why you don't accept my apologies?! Because I already had my punishment?!" I scream. "Hell yeah! You shouldn't have escaped in the first place! Or you wouldn't have been close to death!!" "Oh Yeah!? Well I don't need you to accept my apologies anyway!! I'm leaving, DUFFERS!!!" I scream and walk to the door, but Miclair gets himself in front of the door and doesn't let me get out. "Get out of the way!!" I scream, trying to open the door. "No!" "Yes! Let me go!!" "NO!!!" In a sudden move, Miclair wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me. He breaks up right next. I look up at him with a mad face. "What was that for?!" I scream. "When I went to your room, today, I didn't just want to say I’m sorry..." He starts, still holding me by the waist. "Then what did you wanted to say?" I ask, getting a little nervous. "I-I wanted to say... Hmm..." "What?! What did you want to say?!" I ask, getting impatient "I-I wanted to say I-I l-love you" He says. I’m in complete shock. "What? I don't think I understood… Can you repeat?" "Don't make me say it again!!" "Please! I didn't hear well..." "I-I love you…" I look at him. He's looking away and his face is all red. I smile. "I love you too, Miclair" I say He looks at me, surprised. I slowly lean my lips against his. It takes some time, but he kisses me back. Minutes pass by and we can hear footsteps coming from outside. Still, we don't break up. The door starts opening. "So have ya two already killed each o- Holy s**t!" Cain says, when he sees me and Miclair. We break up the kiss and blush heavily, looking at Cain. Cain is looking from me to Miclair. Then he smirks. "G'night, lovebirds! Make sure ya don't goof around too much!" He says and gets out of the room. Me and Miclair offer a big smile at each other. "Good night, duffers!" I say "Good night, missy!" He says He kisses me and walks back to his room. I let myself fall in my bed. *I feel like I'm in heaven! Is this how it is to be in love? I don't care! As long as I'm with Miclair...* I dive in a deep sleep. After all, it was a harsh day.
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