Chapter 1

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Lana's POV Today was going to be the death of me. Getting up and getting the kids ready for school was proving to be the end of all ends. "DJ PLEASE!" My oldest was at that lovely age of 8 where he had decided he didn't want to do school anymore. "Mommy I want muffins please," Ella my youngest was repeating over and over as I was trying to not blow my lid. I placed the bag of muffins and some yogurt in front of her as DJ finally made his way down the stairs. I looked at him and sighed. "DJ why, I know you know those ripped pants are for weekends, not school, although at this rate all your pants are going to look like that." He just rolled his eyes at me. I placed his breakfast in front of him as I poured my coffee, although I was about to grab an energy drink because I got absolutely no sleep last night. To be fair, for the last 5 years I haven't slept well. The door opened and in walked Tyler, my best friend "Uncle Ty". Both kids jolted and ran to him, like they do every day. He smiles and hands them both a donut. Usually he brings them something sweet to eat for breakfast. They have been so close to Tyler since their dad died. Well, Ella has only had Tyler since Daniel died, before we found out I was pregnant with her. Thankfully, that day, I wasn't hurt too badly as to where my pregnancy would have been in danger. Tyler and I are now both in the CIA after a 10-year time as special forces in the Air Force. That's where we met, at school after basic training and we both connected instantly. We did have a brief s****l relationship as friends, but that only lasted a few months, while we were in school, as we both didn't want to compromise our friendship. Then we both got the same first duty station so that set our forever freindship in motion. He actually introduced me to Daniel at our first station after they had gotten to know each other during some training. He decided he was good enough for our group. I wasn't interested in relationships really as I was 18 and trying to figure out my life, but after 6 months of Daniel showing up everywhere due to Tyler telling him where I was, I gave in and went on a date with him. He was an absolute charmer. He had packed a moonlight picnic, with wine, snacks and desserts. He had found this little secluded spot near the ocean and had it all set up with candles and lights. He smooth talked his way into beach s*x that night, and we never separated after that. We got married 6 months later. We had waited several years to start a family because of our jobs, we were deploying yearly, and we didn't want to miss out on anything. After 7 years, we were close to separating at 10 years, so we decided to try, and we got pregnant with DJ the first time. Watching Daniel become a dad was the best thing in the world. We were still young, though at 25 we had no idea what we were doing. Two years later, the three of us, after all our work, were selected into the CIA. So we were transitioned the last year into that, with training. We decided, since our jobs were to be a bit more controlled, we would start trying again. It didn't happen right away, which made Daniel sad he loved being a dad and DJ was stuck to him like glue. They did everything together, and I mean everything. When we were potty training him, I caught them one day both peeing in the toilet. I laughed so hard at the sight and got it on camera. A little weird I know, but honestly I am glad I got so many pictures and videos because now it's all we have got. Tyler walked over to me and kissed my head, the same as every day, but today he handed me my favorite coffee from the donut shop, "I figured you needed this after the 32-hour stake out we did this weekend." I chugged the coffee. "Oh my god you have no idea how much I need this. I don't want to do that ever again. I missed the whole weekend with the kids." I checked my watch. "DJ, Ella please get your shoes, on the bus will be here any minute." They both groaned, even though they had the weekend with my parents. They still hated being away from me. DJ gets terrors that I won't be back. I tried to reassure him that wouldn't happen, but he is still so young. "I told Sampson not to put you on those again. He tried to give me lip, but you know I have him under my control." Sampson was our boss, it really was a small team they put together, but Tyler and I were always partnered because we were so in sync and always knew what the other needed and never really had issues on missions. That's why Sampson pretty much lets us do as we want. "He said," I wouldn't have to if you didn't have to", so win-win." "Bye mom", both kids ran to me and kissed me as they ran out the door to the bus. I watched as they got on the bus and drove away. "My car or yours?" Tyler pointed to me. "You are driving today. Sampson said it was urgent we get in there today and said you may need to drive after." I looked at him confused and he just shrugged his shoulders. We got in and drove to the office. It was only about a 30-minute drive, so we just jammed out and talked about Tyler's conquests. He managed to get between missions. He was definitely the ladies man, but he hadn't quite settled down yet. The CIA building we were in was large, about 20 floors and annoying to navigate. Fortunately, we are only on the 5th floor, so I don't have to deal with too much s**t and there's a coffee shop and restaurant on that floor too, so a one-stop daily shop. We got to Sampson's office and I stopped in my tracks. Tyler positioned himself in front of me. "Sampson what the f**k" Tyler yelled out as Grayson sat there in the chair across from him. I was shaking, with anger and fear. Grayson Thomas, the man who murdered my husband.
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