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Nina sat behind the counter at the store, she looked exhausted from the stress from dozens of customers that she has attended to since the store opened for the day. It was already noonday and the hot sunshine seems to be ot its peak. The familiar noise of the air conditioner could be heard feets away as it was operating at its peak to make the store cooler compared to the environment higher temperature. Chloe who was in the store earlier before she went back to the house to eat breakfast has not came back after almost five hours. It not unusual for such to happen. During weekends it has become a habit for her to study her books after taken breakfast and then take a nap before any other things. It's seem she will want to burn all the calories in the food on book reading, with that habit, Nina was not expecting her back to the store until she is ready. In what seems like the customers taking a short break, the initially busy store was a bit quiet without any customer for almost half and hour, however the silence was abruptly brought to an end as the door of the store swing opened and a woman in her early fourties bursted into the store in a teenager like manner. The grinning smiles on her face made her looked more like someone who had won jackpot and in a hurry to share the spoil with someone special. Her pretty face with the agile way with which she walked made her look like a Lady of twenty years old. "Mandy! Where on earth have you been!" Nina exclaimed as she emerged behind the counter and greeted the new entrant to the store. "Oh! Don't mind this foolish fellow of a friend like myself, I took me three hours to get here from my house" Mandy replied as they hugged each other. "Three hours? What the hell are you talking about?" Nina said with a concern look on her face as she released her friend from the tight hug, still holding her arms and looking directly at her face With a broad smile on her face Mandy chuckles for few seconds and she replied " You know the drill my friend, I was accosted on my way by different guys whom wish to take me out for lunch and swim in a cool pool" They both bursted into uncontrollable laughter as Nina held her friends hand walking her toward the a small room located at one side of the store where she used as an office. The room was partitioned in such a way as to offer privacy from the often crowded store, so that anyone sitting therein will not be seen by those in the stores They were still laughing as they sat down on the sofa-bed. "So which of them will you have preferred to follow to the pool" "That's the saddest part of the event, none of them actually had their mojo, they were just bunch of boys camouflaging like men,they will need to up their games if they want to catch a big fish like me" "Mandy! You a big fish, what have you been smoking lately" Mandy made a face, got up the sofa took some majestic walk round the room showing off her chest and backside in an apparent manner to proof her point with Nina watching and laughing in amazement. "Mandy, do you came here today to choke me with laughter? Please stop shaking those small things that is freaking you and come sit your a*s down here before someone thinks you are doing fashion parade" "What! Do you just called my God giving endowment small thing? That is what Men in Newringa city are dying for" "Okay! Okay I got you, just come sit down here and let me offer you something delicious" Nina said as she reach for the refrigerator in one side of the room and took out a tray on which were neatly arranged fresh white onions onions and put it down on the small table by the side of the sofa. "Oh! I just love you for your onions, they are always so fresh and juicy" Mandy said as she used the small table knife to peel off the bark of the onions and chewed on them. Within a space of thirty minutes, she has eaten up five middle - sized onion as they continue to chat. As she reached for the sixth onion, she paused with a concerned look on her face she asked "where is Chloe?" looking around the place as if trying to see something "she is in the house, but why looking around as if Chloe is a little thing that can be hidden away in a corner" "You don't know that girl, she can be funny at times" "Are you telling me that I don't know my daughter like you do" Mandy smiles "The last time I was here, I have already spent an hour before I noticed Chloe was sitting down in one corner of the store" she said as both friends started another round of laughter. "That's true, that girl may be a little bit strange at times" Nina said as she noded in agreement. "But wait, I have been here for almost half an hour chatting and eating onions, who is attending to those people am hearing their footsteps in the store" Mandy said as they looked at each other and stood up abruptly and walked towards the office door to get a view of the situation in the store. They were both surprised to see more than a dozen of customers in the store with Chloe standing behind the counter attending to them. "Aunty Mandy!" Chloe shouted and waved at their directions as both woman came into the view of the store. "My dear goddess" Mandy replied taking a bow like posture in greeting "You are still smoking that your onions thing I guess" Chloe replied mockingly as she bursted into laughter. "I just finished smoking five, am on the sixth" Mandy replied shaking her body imitation a drunk like person. Some customers in the stores could not hold back their laughters at the sight of the drunkard like display put up by Mandy. "Okay Chloe come see me when your hands are less busy" Mandy said after she had stopped her display. "Okay, give me some minutes to free my hands" Chloe said waving towards Mandy direction. As both women stepped back into the office Mandy turned to Nina made a face as she spoke "What did I tells you, that girl is strange sometimes, we don't even know when she entered the store" "I guess we were so engrossed with out chats so we could not notice, but that doesn't mean a thing, anyone can do that" After some minutes as Mandy chewed on her sixth onions, Nina expression changed to a serious one as she stared towards her friends but utter no word. "Whenever you stared at me in that manner, I know what is coming" so you can just say it as you always do. Nina shook her head as she spoke "My deary what is taking you this long to act hmm? It's almost a years you promises me to do something about it" Mandy was quiet for some minutes, she used the napkin on the table to clean her hands then looked up, her face had a sign of sadness as she spoke "out of all people on earth, Nina, you know you are the person who understands me most. Even when Ben was alive despite our closeness as couples, he do say the same. You know your words is like a precious gems to me. But am still scared" Seeing the change in her mood, Nina reached out for her arms and cuddled her in comfort. "Sweetheart, I know, but it's twelve years already after Ben death. I don't like how you are lonely living all by yourself with no kids Am just concerned. Since your marriage to Ben has no child I believe you should have gotten another man, settle down and have kids" "I sincerely understand you, but am still scared" "There quite a number of responsible men, single and widowers that had came to meet me about you. Some of them look serious and responsible, so why the fear" Mandy gently released herself from Nina arms and then looked straight into her face, "you think am scared of those men, no f*****g way" she said jokingly Nina managed to smile a little in apparent effort to maintain a serious face. "Mandy, this is not funny please, let settle this right here, right now! " "okay just that you are getting too serious with this your marriage thing. But it's like you don't understand what is scaring me away from getting another man" "Okay tell me what is it" "Do you remember Dr Peter that young guy two flats away from my house?" "Yeah, I remember him crystal clear, he came to me some months back and discuss about his desire to marry you" "Do you know he is dead?" "What no way! That young man, he looked healthy so what killed him is it an accident?" Mandy shook her head as she spoke "No! Not an accident. We have became somehow close and I was giving his words some serious thoughts so he was very healthy like you said, but just about three months before he died, he complained of tiredness, colour of his urine changed to dark brown and some other symptoms. At last he died of kidney related problems" "Thats somehow serious, but I think the guy is a Doctor so how come he could not find a clue about what's going on his body?" "it's like you are not getting my messages yet, Nina! That's exactly what killed Ben too" Nina got up waved her two hands in a rejection like gesture "Mandy I just got the meaning of what you are saying, but you are making wrong inferences here, you are simply drawing wrong conclusions and comparison. The circumstances of their death can be similar but it has nothing to do with you or your destiny!" she said as she slammed the sofa. Mandy slowly got up from the sofa, paced around the room with Nina watching her not knowing what to say. " Okay let's say I agree with you but there are still some strange things that is still scaring me " She said as she settled down back into the sofa. "Am all ears" "I can pointed to at least thirty people within the last few years that have died in what looked like a similar circumstances as Dr Peter and my husband Ben. Although I may not be privy to the details but it looks like someone healthy who died within a short period without apparent signs of serious illness" She got up again and paced around the room stopped at a corner and then continued "You know that estate where I lived is quite big, yet news goes around very fast. Some people are of the fear that there is something around Newringa that is responsible for such death. So I don't want to be caught in another headache again" Nina used her palms to cover her face then sigh heavily in reaction to what she just heard. The truth finally drawn on her as her mind recalled similar stories and statements in the scenario of chats and gossip from customers who came to shop for groceries in her shop. Both women was quiet for some minutes and it was Nina that finally broke the silence. She removed her palm from her face then looked up with a serious concerns on her face. As she spoke. "You are quite right about that. Although they looked like isolated cases, but it's still happening and anytime it does, the death looked the same. Just yesterday Chloe was telling me about some lecturer from her university about five of them who lived in the staff quarters. They died fews days apart, and she said the diagnosis was the same " " Nina, do you know the worst thing, just few weeks ago, I had a chat with the chief Medical Director of the city hospital about this particular issue, you know we where colleagues in High school. From what I can see it's like they all feels helpless in that hospital and they were been secretive and putting on bold face to prevent panic in the city. Although he tried to use the medical terminologies to explain and assured me that it's just a normal situation as it's found elsewhere but all I can see is a man who was trying to be professional " " Okay, let's assume it's like that, yet there are still people like you and I living fine. So it's still safe to say that you can still get a man that falls within our circle " Nina said trying to press on with her demands. " I get your point dear friend. Am going to keep the door open but that skeptism is still in deep place right down my heart " "OkayI agree with you so when you see someone who you know qualified to be your soul mate, we can press for a full medical check to ensure the fellow is healthy. I think that's another way right?" Nina said trying to calm her friends already troubled mind. " Yea! I think that's okay and I think I have had enough friends chat for today. So now let's get right down to the business of the day. Where are my vegetables? " Mandy said as she rose up from the sofa and made hand gesture to her friend. "You should trust me, I already have them in the store, I was just waiting for you to come before I bagged them. I added extra onions as you demanded" "Okay let's go pack them, am dying to get home and have a taste of my favourite onions salad dishes" As they both stepped out of the room and walked towards the side of the stores where the vegetables were located, Nina suddenly stopped and turned to her friend direction "Oh! Thank God I would have forgotten. Frank wife called me to say I should tells you that he will be finally here on Sunday to teach you and Chloe how to make that Nigerian Dish that you both eat in her house the other time since you were desperate to learnt it " she said " Oh that's fantastic! You need to see and have a taste of that delicious dishes. She used yam to prepare it and the soup has Mellons and vegetables in it. I can wait to learnt the secret and cook it myself" Mandy said as she jumped up and down in apparent reactions to the good news "is the dishes that good, I was told she learnt about it in Africa when they travelled the last time for their usual holidays" "No! Not Africa, its Nigeria where she learnt it" Nina shook her head put her hands on her waist as she looked at Mandy in a pitiful way "oh mine! I can see why you failed geography so bad. Is Nigeria not an African country? Dumb head!" she said "Who is dumb head here which African country? What were you saying, is it not that country with those footballers in Premier leagues and European league? So how can it be African country, I think the country is in West Europe?" She said and then turned to a teenager boy who was trying to choose from the apple trays nearby with his friend who was busy playing a hand video game. " You watch soccer right? " Mandy asked the boy " Yeah, all of it. Premier league, Italian SeriA, European league, Spanish laliga, French league even Brazilian league." the boy said boadtfully. "Very good, I watched them too. Okay you know some of the football guys from Nigeria?" " Yea! I do both former and current. Austin Jay Jay Okocha he played for Boston Wanderers and Paris Saint Germans. Kanu Nwankwo he played great games for Arsenal. Of current Alex Iwobi he also onced debut for Arsenal. " " You are very correct high five! And take two apples I will pay for it " Mandy said in excitement as they both exchanged high five shake and the boy took two apples happily showing off to his friend like someone who just won a trophy . " Okay my soccer friend, last question just to prove this my friend wrong "Mandy said pointing towards Nina in mocking reference. " which continent is the country of those footballers you mentioned located " She asked. The boy paused, put his fingers on his mouth shook his head as if trying to remember. " Yea! I remember now, they are from Nigeria and the country is located in South East Asia" he said noding in affirmative. " Wow! Rick you are all wrong!!! You are more a dumb a*s than this Aunty here. Nigeria is located in West Africa my Uncle worked with an oil corporation Schlumberger in that country so am damn sure of it. I spent my last holiday with him in his town of residence called Porthacourt City in that country. Next time someone asked you a question and you are not sure of your answers either shut up your dumb mouth or just Google search for the answer its all there! " said the boy standing beside Rick as he kept pressing on the keypad of a hand video game without looking up. " Shut up! who asked you about it you are not even in college I am in college so I know more than you "Rick shouted down the other boy. " Oh! College my a*s! You have not even resumed and you came last in your class. Your mum said you were going nowhere this year, you gonna repeat the class and take the exams again, she hasn't told you? Oh! Sorry go asked her when you reach home" the boy replied as he moved away in fast paces trying to avoid further confrontation with Rick who appeared bigger than him and was already fuming in anger, eyes all red. "is that so, hmm! I must be getting old these days and eating too much food is affecting me" Mandy said as she and Nina who was watching the drama bursted into laughter. "I told you, Nigeria is in West Africa and have lots of delicious foods and dishes. My husband Frederick has been there several times working as a consultant with a corporation involved in building a resort in one state there, I think Calabar or Cross - Rivers it reads like that in those magazines he brought home with him" Nina said. "Oh! Okay I think I have learnt a lot today, so let's pack these delicious creatures and take them home" Mandy replied as they both bent down sorting out and packing the fresh vegetables from the basket on the stalls. After bagging the vegetables and other things in the bags. They both got up and stretched their back in apparent sign of been stress up from the just concluded task. Both women kept chatting as they walked out of the store towards the road to catch a cab they were so engrossed in their chats and Mandy forgot to wave goodbye to Chloe who were watching them from behind the counter where she was attending to customers. She shook her head as she watched her mother and friends disappeared from her sight. With funny thoughts coming to her mind. I wondered how these women managed to chat for hours. What on earth can they be talking about for hours. It's their habits to spend the day in chats whenever they see one another. She smiled as the thoughts of another one of her mother friends came to mind, hmm! Aunty Catherine that another interesting friend of her mother. Aunty cat as she do call her behind her back. Just like a cat, she would be rubbing herself against anyone who she likes. Although very generous, if not one of the most generous of her mother's friends, she could give anything out to anyone who dare asked her. An unconfirmed story stated that before Chloe was born, Aunty Cat once gave out her house to a homeless family and spent about two years staying with Nina and Frederick House when they were newly married before she saved another money to buy a new apartment for herself. That's was how generous she could be. By the evening time, the hot sunshine had already gone leaving behind the golden evening rays all over Newringa city. The store was almost empty with just an handful of evening customers coming in and going out. Nina and Chloe sat behind the counter working on summing up the day sales. "You looked tired, maybe you should go in and rest" Nina said to her daughter who was yawning beside her "Let's just finish up and go in together, I still have a late evening work to do in the garden" Chloe replied her mother. "Okay but why was Richy not in the store today?" she asked turning to Chloe "He had a whole series of his newly bought cartoon films to watch" she replied smiling. "That boy and cartoon, only something more interesting can separate them" "I guess so" "Now go change the sign to closed, otherwise we will not finish this calculations in time" Nina said as she pointed towards the store entrance. "Okay mum" she replied her mother as she walked towards the door and changed the signs. As she made a turn towards her mother, something outside caught her attention as she turned again towards the entrance to take a closer look. At the opposite side of the street, she could see about four Mens discussing as they took occasional quick glances towards the direction of the stores. When they notice that someone was looking at them from the store. They quickly moved away from their current position towards the end of the street, two of them trying to cancel the pistol g*n that were hidden at their back pockets but not until Chloe watchful sight caught it. Chloe made a quick turn and ran towards the counter where her mother was sitting working on the sales book. "Mum I think we need to close the store right now and call the police" she said with her voice trembling out of the fears of what she just saw "What are you talking about" Nina said as she raised her head towards Chloe direction. "I just saw four men at the other side of the road opposite our shop two of them had guns cancelled in their pockets. They walked away as they saw that I was watching them. " You must be mistaken, they may just be bunch of men taking an evening walk " " Mum I am sure of what I saw. Please listen to me! " Nina gave her daughter a stern look "Sit down and let's finish our task here and stop seeing things where none exists! " she said to her "Okay mum but I know what I saw" she said as she sat down reluctantly taking an occasional glance towards the entrance. The four men stopped few blocks from the store, they talked in hush voices to perfect their plans. After which the two men among them checked their guns and they all moved menacingly towards the direction of the store taking quick glances around to be sure that they were not noticed by any passers-by or neighbours.
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