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In another part of the same town, Frederick rolled on his bed as the fresh breeze of the daybreak slowly filled the room. It was a beautiful night rest with the previous day filled with interesting activities that had made him made love to his heavily pregnant wife whose EDD was already late by 2weeks. Yet the love making was refreshing to both couple as good events is capable of improving libido.  The previous day saw Frederick been appointed by his company to supervise the contract of construction of a new research building of a popular University in the State.  The new Post came with a new project vehicle with a special allowance that dwarf his mouth watering salary. On sharing the news with his wife after arriving from office, both were filled with joy, had a rich dinner and ended up in each other arms in a fantastic mood and the result was a lovey love-making night.  He stretched his hands to touch his wife who was sleeping beside him, but all he could feel was the soft touch of the blanket. He opened his eyes to take a look at his wife but his eye meet an empty space on the bed. With concern in his face, he got up and walked toward the bathroom in the left corner of room. He gently opened the door and peep inside to see his wife resting her back on the marble wall that adorned the bathroom with a mixture of pains and excitement on her face.  "Honey what is wrong?" He asked his wife in a concerned voice.  His wife just looked down towards the end of the night gown all the way to the floor that was dotted with drops of mixtures of mucus and blood.  "The baby is coming " Frederick exclaimed. All his wife could do to reply was a nod. The pains from the uterine contraction was taking its toil on her body.  Frederick ran back to the room leaving the bathroom door widely opened and dial the emergency number of the most popular emergency ambulance/ mobile Hospital service. The line rang only once before it was picked up by the ambulance customer service personnel. "Hello, you have reached Precious - life Mobile Hospital emergency ambulance service what can I do for you" the person on the other side asked in a polite voice.  "My wife is in labour please come quickly fully prepared its possible she delivers any moment from now" Frederick reply  "We are on our way" the health officer replied as the call ended.  That is the advantages of preparation. The couple have earlier in their marriage registered with the company mobile hospital services and have been paying their monthly subscription fees for more than a year without any emergency. But at the moment it all paid off as it very obvious that the coming of the baby is very imminent and there is no way the man would risk taking his wife to their family hospital some miles away from their residence where she was registered for antenatal and delivery.  Barely Seven minutes after the call the sound of ambulance siren could be heard outside their house. Frederick walked very fast towards to open the door of the living where him and his wife were already waiting for the. As the door opened, 4 health personnel were already waiting with a stretcher.  They gently made their way into the living room and placed Nina on the stretcher and pushed it towards the ambulance and speed of, few meters away from the house, the loud cry of labour could be heard as Nina gave birth to a baby girl before they could reached the hospital.  Frederick line rang while he was driving in his car behind the ambulance on the way to the hospital "Mr Frederick, congratulations Sir, you wife had given birth to a baby girl" one could hear the voice of the ambulance monitoring officer as he break the news to the baby father.  "thank God and thank you for your professionalism" Frederick reply in a very happy voice.  "we have already contacted your family hospital where your wife had her antenatal care will now take the next turn and head there to transfer mother and baby for further treatment" the officer said.  "it's alright, see you there" replied Frederick.  Later at the family hospital As the medical officer handled the baby to the mother after cleaning and dressing for breastfeeding a look of surprised could be noticed on Nina face as she looked at the new born baby and shifted his gaze towards her husband who was seated beside her on the hospital bed.  "Sweetheart look at the baby eyes" Nina told her husband. As Frederick moved closer to see what his wife was trying to show him on the baby face.  "Wow! She has a blue eyes!" they both exclaimed in excitement  "Just exactly like your Uncle Jude" Nina said happily as she gently kissed the baby eyes and the husband inturn held the baby hand.  "why not call uncle Jude and share the news with him. He will be so happy and will lift his spirit as I heard he has been sick for a while" Nina said as she breastfeed her baby  "I will do that right away " Frederick replied as he took out his mobile phone and dial Uncle Jude residence phone number. The line rang two times as no one picked up. At the third attempt the line was picked as a young voice could be heard from the other side" hallo, you have reached my grandpa residence line who is it "Evelyn asked in her childish manner  " Baby Evelyn! How are you? Is your grandpa there or your mummy? Please give the phone to anyone of them I have good news "Frederick said in a happy tone " You will have to call back because some people I don't know just came in and put my grandpa on their own bed that have small  tyres and push him into the back of their long car and My mother have been crying since " Evelyn replied in a shaky voice  "what! Please call your mummy right now and give her the phone" Frederick reply gently as he was careful not to panic in front of his wife  As Penina walked toward where her daughter was holding the phone receive and took the phone from her daughter, she looked at her and asked "who is it?"  "It is uncle Frederick" Evelyn replied as she handed the phone to her mum "Frederick, I have called your residence number several times but no one picked up, my daddy passed away about 3 hours ago" Penina said with a sob  "what! Am sorry it we were not in the house, it was about that time that my wife was in labour and gave birth to a baby girl. Surprisingly The baby has a blue eye just like Uncle Jude" Frederick replied in a sympathising voice.  "congratulations, its like my father found her way back to you but as a girl through the birth of your daughter . You were always his favourite" Penina replied with a smile. "greet your wife for me. Will you come to the funeral? . Its day after tomorrow" She asked  "Sure, I will!" Frederick replied as the call came to a end. 
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