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The houses was dead silent devoided of the noises and hues of a normal day. Although it was Sunday afternoon after the morning activities during which the whole family had attended the usual church service, they would on return find their ways into their individual rooms and sleep of. Anyway, Sunday is said to be a day of rest so true to its purpose, the whole family will observed their rest during the afternoon before the evening comes and the usual activities returned. Chloe could be seen lying down on her bed, sleeping soundly as if trying to find hidden energy embedded in the rituals of sleeping and gathering energy for the tasks ahead. After some hours of sleep, she turned on her bad, yawn then turned towards the small clock beside the bed to check the time. "it's 4pm already! So I managed to sleep for four hours" she muttered to herself as she sat up on the bed. She swang her leg for few minutes as if trying to determine the nest task to do. Her phone suddenly rang, she stretched out her hand to pick the phone up which was lying on the table beside the clock. "He'll aunty Nina" she said is a sleeping voice "Hi Chloe, you sound somehow, don't tell me me you are still sleeping" Nina replied from the other end of the receiver. "In fact, I just wake up. How is uncle Frank?" "He is okay. I just want to call you to confirm if we are still meeting today" "Definitely yes! nothing changes please" Chloe replied with a trace of excitement in her voice "we will be on the way shortly. Hope you had gotten all the ingredients ready as planned" "Yea, everything ready, just waiting for you" "okay, see you soon" Nina said as she ended the call. Chloe Jumped off the bed immediately the call ended, she hurriedly put her feet in the slippers as she dashed out of the room and was half running towards the kitchen. Although she had gotten all the ingredients needed for the recipe Nina was planning to teach her, yet she will still have to sort them out and arranged them in the trays as instructed. As she barged into the kitchen, she was taken aback to see someone already inside the kitchen at the hour that was usually meant to be for resting, so she was not expected to see anyone in the kitchen. "Mum what were you doing up here in the kitchen, I thought you were still sleeping in your room" she asked her mother with surprise look on her face. Nina turned her face towards the entrance of the kitchen where Chloe was standing "you are right, but while I was trying to get more sleep, this stomach of mine refused to calm down, so I had to get up and eat something light" "Okay, you startled me because I was not expecting you to be here" "Anyway I am already awake and here, but what were you too not sleeping? " she asked jokingly "it was Aunty Nina, Frank's wife phone call that woke me up. She just want to confirm if we are still set for the evening cooking lectures" Chloe said as both mother and child bursted into laughter at the sound of the word "cooking lectures" . "What recipe does my name sake want to teach you?" Nina asked "Just wait until she gets here. You know Aunty Nina studied food related courses in the college, so let's see the new things she will bring with her today but she said something about the recipe she learnt from Nigeria when she was there for one of their holidays" "Ah! You mean that pounded yam and Mellon soup recipes?" "Yea! Something like that" "But my friend Mandy was also interested so she ought to be here to learn it. It better I quickly put a call across to her so that she can get here as fast as she can" "No! No! No! Mum! You know Aunty Mandy she will not get here in time, you know even if you send the fastest car to get her she will still spend nothing less than Five hours on the way greeting all d**k and Harry" "Chloe Are you making fun of my friends! You really are a naughty girl" Nina said jokingly as they both bursted into laughter. "No mum, you know there was hunting yesterday at the mountains and Aunty Mandy new boyfriend caught the largest seen mountain lizard. In fact I heard that before they could dug out the lizard from the hole where it ran into as it was been shot by the arrows, it took two hours and seven strong men to complete the task. It was so big that they had to cut into pieces and carried the meat bit by bit to the bottom of the mountain, coupled with the midnight heavy rainfall, Aunty Mandy will be sure busy! " Chloe added Their laughter did not made them notice Richy whom was standing at the kitchen door way watching them. He shook his head pitifully and then stamped his young feet on the ground to draw the attention of the laughing party who were not aware of his presence. The sound of his feet made Chloe and Nina abruptly stopped laughing as they turned their heads to looks at the cause of the sound. Seeing little Richy standing at the doorstep with his hands by the waist and a little frown on his face. He looked more like a elementary school teacher waiting to s***k the lousy classroom pupil. The unexpected yet funny sight made Chloe and Nina exchange surprise glances as they looked at each other and then back at Richy who was just watching them as if searching for the appropriate statement to lambast them. After about a minute of staring at the boy, the funny scene beholding their sight made them bursted into another round of laughter. While both were struggling to control their laughter. Richy found his voice. "You girls are pathetic! You were disturbing my sleep with you hullabaloo laughter, get yourself busy for God sake!" He said with a stern voice as he walked away from the door towards the siting room. Chloe and Nina could no longer control their laughter as they both laughed so hard and tears were coming from their eyes. By the time they had managed to control themselves, Richy was already sitted in front of the television crouching his little legs as he resumed his favourite cartoon series he was watching the previous day. " That boy head is bigger than his age imagine that small thing telling us to go busy" Chloe said amidst another round of laughter. "He sure spoke like a little man we should go get busy indeed" Nina replied "Anyway let me get his egg pie sandwich for him before he came back here and tells us to go get a job" Chloe said laughing as she reached for the oven took out two eggs pies into a plate then filled a cup with drinking water from the tap. Several two-tailed monsters that were earlier lucking at the mouth tap immediately made their ways into the cup and could be seen moving in the water in jubilation having escaped from the hot, unfriendly conditions of the pipes and taps. They were shaking their tails as they prepare to carry out their dreaded plans in their new victims. "You bet that boy is your boss anytime anywhere" Nina said jokingly as she watched her daughter walked out of the kitchen. All she could gave to her mother in response to the statement was a mocking smile as she made her way to the sitting room. At the sitting room, Richy was so engrossed with the cartoon showing on the television and was not aware until Chloe had reached his side. She placed the plate with the egg pies on the floor beside him. The boy looked up startled at the looming figure beside him, his facial expression changed as he pointed his finger at her in a warning manner. "Chloe Will you stop creeping on me! " "You must be out of your mind, who is creeping on you? Too much cartoon must be affecting your naughty head, you are already behaving like a cartoon. Silly boy, just stuff the pie in your mouth and stop talking rubbish" "It's like you came here with the mind to fight with me, right" He replied looking directly into her face as if searching for something. "what! Fight with you? Just one little finger of mine will crush you like a pea nut. Behave yourself and keep that mouth shut or I smack your a*s so hard you will pee in your pants" Chloe said in a warning tone. "You dare not try that! If you do, I will release all your little little secret one by one to mummy and I bet you don't want me to do that right? so you gotta calm down right now and let me watch my cartoon in peace! " The boy said making a face with a childish smile on his face. The statement made the initial frowning of Chloe face to dissappear in a moment as she looked at the boy for some seconds, shook her head, then bent down to the boy head level and whispered into his ears. "enjoy it while it last, am gathering all your dirty secrets too, soon you will know I am a better detective than you" "What! you gathering my secrets? You know I have a lot of dirty secrets, like the day I wet my pants and broke mummy flower vase, But you must tell me first. That's the deal right? " the boy replied but with a cool voice and a bit of fear showing on his face knowing that he had more to hide than his elderly partner. "Yea! And a lot more than just that, so you gotta behave yourself with me, you read me ? " "Okay! Loud and clear" he replied in a whisper. While the two were talking, Nina who had left the kitchen few minutes earlier had entered the sitting room and was standing at the other end of the room watching them. She cleared her voice loudly to gain their attention and then she spoke "Is a there something you two want to bring to my judgement seat for amicable settlement?" she said in her usual inquiring manner. Not expecting her to be there at the moment, both Chloe and Richy turned their head to where Nina was standing, then turned to look at each other, sensing the danger that their little secret might be exposed to the person they had so much tried to keep it from. They both smiled then hugged each other in a playful way trying to cancel the early cat and dog fight they were engaged in. After releasing each other from their deceptive hugs "Richy was just whispering to me about the cartoon hero" Chloe said with a disguised smile on her face. Nina turned to Richy, with a smile yet an inqustive voice and asked "Will you mind sharing that with me if what Chloe said is the truth" "No mum, why are you getting involved in our private chats? It's just brother and sister chats not old people thing" Chloe replied her mother in a defensive manner. "Yea! That's very correct, it young people gists not old folks business" Richy added backing Chloe statements. "Hmm! Okay so both of you suddenly fell in love, after you said she should go get busy and you called him little thing is that right? " pointing to Richy and Chloe in turn "Chloe, was it true you called me little thing" Richy said looking at Chloe with a form of warning in his face. "Oh! You we're the one that first said I should go get busy so that there will be no little secrets leak from my diarrhea mouth right?" She replied Richy with an expression that looked like trying to warn him to calm down or get his secret leaked. Having understood the dangerous situation, with the look on Nina which express the determination to get what she really want to know from both of them, Richy raise his eyebrows in a childish manner. "Okay, I think that get busy thing I said earlier was a little slip of tonque and that little thing Chloe called me was like that too right" he said turning to Chloe with a look on his face as if trying to pass a message to Chloe "let's settle these before this old woman poked into the world of our hidden secrets" The expression on Richy face passed a clear message to Chloe as she too quickly concur with a quick response "Yea! That's right, a slip of tonque indeed" " So you gotta stuff your mouth with those pies right?" She added winking her face at Richy as she got up and stylishly walked past her mother out of the sitting room. Nina watched both of them in turns, shook her head and smiled. "Whatever both of you think you can hide, I will know soonest its just a matter of time" Nina said as she sat down in her favourite sofa and then stretched her leg on the floor and shaking them in her usual manner. Richy had turned his attention back to the cartoon showing on the TV, he took a big bite from the delicious and yummy egg pies on the plate beside him. The bite exposed the egg and several other spices that Chloe had packed inside the protruding belle of the egg pies. Chloe could be said to be an addict to spices and vegetables, her sandwiches especially pies will always be packed, so much filled up with different spices like the unlucky prisoner incarcerated in the prison cells of a third World Country. As he took the last bite from the first egg pie, he whipped his mouth with the back of his hand in a childish mannered as he used his other hand to pick the cup of water and lifted it up into his mouth. The two tailed monsters were watching with keen eyes from inside the cup of water, praying silently for their innocent victim to not change his mind. "Richy will you please turned down the volume of that TV, I think I heard a car pull into the yard" Nina called out to him. In a bid to please Nina, for failure to do so might mean the end of that cartoon been watched for the day he hurriedly complied with the instruction which made him to withdraw the cup of water before it reached his mouth. He gently Place the cup of water down beside him and reached for the TV remote control then turned down the volume. "Get up and take a look to know whose car it is" Nina said signifying to him with her head movement. "Okay ma" Richy said as he got up and walked towards the window overlooking the drive way. He took a look outside but the parking space was empty. "No one there mum" he said as he turned away from the window and made his way back to the Tv. He stretched out his hand to pick the cup of water again but the inviting look of the remaining egg pie made him changed his mind and withdrawn his hand from the cup he instead picked the remaining egg pie and took a big bite, shaking his head with satisfaction as he chewed on the delicious sandwich. There were disappointing look on the faces of thousands of the two tailed monsters in the cup of water as their earlier expectations and high spirits were been dampened by the action of their victim - to - be. After some minutes of sitting, Nina looked up at the wall clock to check the time which shows 4:45 pm. She turned her head towards the side of where the exit of the kitchen was and then called out to Chloe "I think you said Nina called earlier that she was on her way here" she asked raising her voice so that Chloe could hear her from the kitchen. "Yea! She called and Uncle Frank is coming with her" Chloe replied from the kitchen "How long ago was that" "That should be about Fourty five minutes ago" "I guess they ought to be here by now" Hadly had Nina finished the statement that there was a loud horn from a car which appeared to have drove in into their drive way. "Chloe, I guess that should be their car outside" Nina said. "Yea! Mum you are right, I could hear the sound from here that sound more like uncle Frank truck. I amcoming to go bring them in" Chloe replied from the kitchen where she was rinsing her hands at the tap, she hurriedly cleaned her hands with the kitchen towel and made her way into the sitting room then towards the entrance door to go and usher the guest who were already standing at the door into the house. Nina turned to Richy whose attention was still fixed on the cartoon showing on the Tv "You get your a*s up and take that plate and cup of to the kitchen right now! " she said making a gesture with her hand in the process. Richy quickly pick the Tv remote, press the Pause button, then dropped the remote control. He picked up the unfinished pieces of the egg pies he had earlier dropped from the plate forced the whole lump into his mouth as he picked up the plate and the cup of water with each hands and hurriedly made his way towards the kitchen. Just as a young chap will act, his mind was on the cartoon. He was so much in a hurry to get rid of the plate and cup of water to allow him get back to the cartoon that he lifted the cup of water into his mouth and was gulping the contents down his throat, before he could reached the kitchen, he had drank up the water!. As he dropped the cup in the kitchen washing sink, the thousands of the two tailed monsters were making their way triumphantly down his Gastrointestinal tract, forcing their ways through the other contents of the food to get to the site where they will board their transporters and get to their final destination where they will be able to inflict their life-threatening damage. As they reached the finger like structures in the small intestine where they will assembled to make their boarding, their ranks were swelling up as other ones laging behind found their ways into the spot. Finally they were all assembled waiting for the transporters to arrive. One could noticed other good looking two tailed elements and little giants in foods that had also assembled in their large number at the boarding site. They too were waiting to be transported to the parts of the body where they will impact their beneficial effects on the biological systems of their host. While waiting for the transporter, the atmosphere was so tensed and full of resentments as each parties viewed one another with evil eyes. Finally several transporters arrived at the site to perform their tasks. As the transporters came to a halt, the elements moved forward in their large number and there were serious competing, as one tried to outrank the other for the available spaces on the transporters binding site. Full of confidence that they will always be the majority and the biological rules will work in their favour, the two tailed monsters kicked with utmost disregard at other elements as they arrogantly attached themselves on the sites on the transporters. However the competition and resistance from other elements to occupy their designated binding sites was taking much longer than expected which made the site umpire moved to the scene to ensure the rules were followed and timely take off of the transporters. The biological signals from other parts of the body at the moment was that of urgency for their dire need to meet up with replacement of nutrients that had been used up from long period of sitting and excitement reaction of watching cartoon which had depleted the larger percentage of the available nutrients in the host body. As the umpire reached the head of the boarding spot, the atmosphere became calm for the elements momentarily stopped the struggling to allow the umpire perform its mediation function. He made a signal to them that the rule stands ; those elements with the largest member will be given the highest priority at the binding site of the transporters. Thus let those with the highest number first bind and let others take the remaining space. As the umpire finished with the signal, as expected the counter was activated to determine who the majority would be. Before the counter could finish counting, the remaining two tailed monsters who had not binded were already making their way to the remaining binding site been confident that counting process will be in their favour. But the umpire whose function was to ensure strict compliance with the biological rule signal them to stop and wait for the result which made them halted their movements as they reluctantly complied. As the counter finished it work, all those present looked up at the result and suddenly there was a form of jubilation from the good looking two tailed elements, the two tailed monsters looked with unbelievable disappointment at the result as the reality down on them that they were not the majority present at the moment. The good looking two tail elements and other little giants in the foods rushed to the transporter and started dislodging the two tailed monsters from the binding site until none of them was left. As the site filled up, the transporters moved out. Seeing the unfavourable fate that awaited them, the two tailed monsters gathered together to form a resistance forces against the remaining occupants of the small intestine whose biological role was to remove any unbinded elements from that space, push them into the large intestine and then out through the anus, but it was too late for them; for the "F" gangs cells were of special biological molecules in their cell walls with a special type of bonding that no amount of force in the biological system could break them down. In a moment, the "F" gangs enclosed and pushed the numerous two tailed monsters through the small intestine into the large intestine all the way to the mouth of the anus waiting to be evicted. As the bottom of the cup touched the aluminium surface of the kitchen washing basin, Richy felt a sence of fullness in his belly, he momentarily ignored the feelings and made his way back towards the sitting room to continue watching his cartoon. Walking few steps, before he could reached the entrance of the sitting room, the feeling of urgency became unbearable as he made a turn and headed for the Men's room. As he sat down on the closet with his pants off, with the first push, the mouth of his anus opened and the faeces dropped from his anus into the closet bringing the engulfed thousands of two tailed monsters with them as the were flushed out of the closet into their infinite swim through the sewage system into the dark holes of destruction.
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