Seducing The Alpha

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" I'm not your mate..." Andrea's words resound in his thoughts. That sight of her talking with another man seemed irritating him, and to add that stubborn reaction of hers, made him feel... Damn! Why am I even affected? Blaine shook his head. I shouldn't have brought her to that party. But...why is her face...and her rouge scent disturbing me like she's some kind of familiar? No...I'm just tired. He thinks. Blaine loosened his tie and get a shot of tequila. There was a knock on the door. It was his secretary. She handed him an invitation telling him that he was the host's most sought guest and that his presence would be much appreciated. Blaine glanced at the invitation card. He placed it back on the table his face seemed uninterested. He knows parties like these. There will be women. There will be lots of she-wolves and alphas making connections, and building alliances. But that is not his thing. He wouldn't have been known as the most elusive bachelor alpha in the werewolf world if he was the party guy type. Yes, he goes to some social gatherings, but it's selective, and mostly its for business. Not for meet and hook up. " Why do they want me there? What do they want from me?" Blaine asked. " Uhm..sir, haven't you seen that?" " seen what?" The secretary was quiet for a moment. Blaine saw that she was hesitant. " C'mon talk it out!" " Uhm..the party organizer, they're the same group who's calling you out on social media, challenging your...pack status," said the secretary. " Whaatt?" " Yeah, they're spreading that you are not a real alpha because you act more like a beta, submissive...instead of add you're avoidance with female wolves," " Who's the party organizer?" The secretary shook her head, " they're anonymous, sir," Meanwhile, Andrea's pack is having some important talk now. There are lots of things to talk about. First is the Optivital. Then the big-time pill she heard from Salvatore, and last, she wants to check her pack if they're already ready for that big night. " What I have here is just a low key sample of the Optivital," Andrea said giving the pill to the pack doctor. " Can you give us a report on that in due time?" she asked. The pack doctor nodded. "What have you got about the Moon Pharma's medicine and The Solace?" Gonzalo, the Zeta wolf laid pictures on the table. " This is the entire map of the lab," he said. " Good," Andrea ordered them to give her advance information about Magnus' lab before she was scheduled to visit it, so she could plan how she digs out from it. Gonzalo clicked the tv screen in the center. And the huge area of Magnus' lab was reflected in it. "This part here, is the lab proper, a building..." Gonzalo pointed. " But this entire area...all of this is already vacant...yet it's included in their property as this is inside the barbed fence," he added. So, it looks like that Magnus lab is located somewhere in an isolated area, on a large piece of land, with just a 3-storey building on it. No other facilities can be seen on those hectares of land. "Why is that?" Andrea asked. Gonzalo shrug his shoulders, " we're still figuring that out," he answered. So lame that I couldn't use my fangs. If I could...then I would go there alone, and uncover its secret. Andrea thinks. But if ever I use my fangs enemies will know that I was reborn. She thought to herself. "How about Salvatore? Anyone got information of him?" Andrea asked " Oh! That guy!" Verlice chuckles. Her voice sounded mockery. " He's still an asshole," she said. " Aside from that he's enjoying the title as the most influential alpha, he's playing with women and abusing his power," " And his finances?" Andrea asked. " He got no clear source of income like a business or job. It just said that he's an investor," Verlice answered. " investor? where?" Andrea scoffed. " In Moon Pharma, and other small-time businesses that are connected to infertility pill," Andrea clenched her fists. Okay, she gets it. It seems to her that these three wolf men - Salvatore, Magnus, and Blaine are working together, cooperating and conniving, getting themselves filthy rich out of the pill that destroys her, that fuze their death. And who knows what I'll discover is even worst than this? She thinks. The party is being streamed. That's what Blaine knows when he stepped into the club entrance. Though he doesn't like attending he was provoked. He wants to prove to the werewolves nation that they're wrong. That he's a true alpha, that he's got the nature of alphas, and so, he's here dashing in his clubbing outfit - chino pants, black button-down shirt, dressy black shoes, and shades. Women inside the club turned their heads at him, thrilled at how hot he is. Blaine sitted in the bar lounge and order some drinks. He plans to stay here while waiting for surprises to be unveiled. It's been a puzzle to him why they wanted him to be here, so he's expecting he'll have some gift or recognition here. So, would this be just typical clubbing? No party? Blaine asked himself. He begins to get bored sipping some wine. After some time of waiting for some time the host was seen on stage acknowledging Blaine's presence, and as a gift to him, he was asked to proceed to a VIP room. Though hesitant, still concerned with what will be the opinion about him, Blaine followed. Inside the VIP room is a masked stunning woman waiting for him. She was sitting fiercely in her provocative outfit. He knows he's smiling because those thick red tempting lips curved wide when he comes in. "" Blaine stuttered. He didn't sign up for this. The woman walks seductively closer to him and caresses his face. He turned away and grabbed her arms. The woman chuckled. His eyes widened. The sound of her laugh sounds familiar! " Ms. Gaitlin? Andrea?" She didn't answer. Instead, she continued touching him, provoking him. Blaine captured her palm, flipped her, and pushed her unto the wall. "What game is this? huh?" Blaine whispered behind her back. She could sense his teeth gritting, and his hot breath bringing tickles to her ears. He reached out to her mask, wanting to pull it off. She resisted. She wrestled until they both found both their bodies closer than they expected, and what's even more surprising, their bodies are reacting opposite to their will. " has no one told you not to play with fire?" Blaine's voice sounds more sexy than angry. "Well..." her hand trailed on his chest. Then she looked at his eyes, " are you just gonna watch me burn?" she whispered. Her tone was inviting. Her chuckles were tempting. Damn! Why did you say that? Andrea keep your sanity! You have a goal here! She scolded herself. It was like she was frozen in her feet with the nearness of Blaine's face to hers. His lips are just an inch away to brush on hers. Wait...what is this? Why it was like I am waiting for him to...kiss me? Blaine's slowly moved closer to hers. Andrea didn't move, perhaps she was expecting more, or perhaps she just miss. But to her surprise, he didn't reach for her lips, instead, he quickly grabbed her mask off. " so it's you!" Blaine laughed. " You're the party organizer?" Blaine asked. His eyes still teasing. " Another business," Andrea shrugged " business?" Blaine buried, his eyes trailed on her body. " with that outfit?" Andrea just glared at her. Damn! plan failed! She thinks. " The host told me that in this room was my gift..." The smile on Blaine's face was flirty. His eyes were on her body. "You look sexy in that...why don't we finish we're we..." "Time is up! Gift is done!" Andrea scowled. She turned her back and begin walking out of the room. Blaine grabbed her waist, but she quickly flexed out her claws, pointing their sharpness at his chest. Blaine got stunned. Yet he was turned on. He grinned and looked at Andrea straight into her eyes. " Damn! You're so feisty hot huh?!" he growled. " You impressed me!"
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