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Myra nodded. "I hope someday I learn to trust you like you trust me." She said with a smile and he guided them to the dining table. Myra had never seen so much affection, nobody loved her so much. Not since she left her parents. How would they be? Would they be okay without her? The questions raised in her heart many times but she silenced it. 'I should cherish where I am. This is the path I chose. No one fσrced me. I knew the consequences then, I know them now.' She reminded herself. After having breakfast, Shahmeer insisted her on eating more but she didn't. Rajat also joined them. Shahmeer personally went to invite Fiza. She didn't know the equation they shared but she was shocked to see her coming down with him with a smiling face. Jealousy pricked her heart silent for Shahmeer. It was a beautiful environment. It didn't escape Myra's eyes how Shahmeer loved and pampered his Nani Maa and his siblings but totally ignored their mother. She didn't mind. It was like she was used to this hostility. After that, Shahmeer went on to introduce her to all the servants who were like family members. Again she was surprised at his gentle, kind nature, treating even the elderly servants with respect. 'How did you survive in this business for so long?' The question raised in her mind. While walking to the room, Myra asked him, "Shahmeer I want to see the whole house." "My Love, some other day. Today you are to get ready. The beautician would be here anytime." *** —Shimla— "How are we going to tell this to Myra?" Nisha asked holding her head in her hands. "Myra is a smart girl. I am sure she will understand." Yousuf said. He did not like it himself but they had to accept the orders that came from above. "This is her years of hard work. I don't know how she would react." Sherry said. For the first time, he was unsure about how Myra would react over something. "What if she decides to challenge Sir Leonard's decision or do something stupid?" Bryan said in a low voice. "No she won't." Rose called coming down stairs. "Guys... Myra called. It's her and Mr Khan's reception tonight and we are all invited. It is a good chance. Let's talk face to face." "She is right. It would be a nice occasion and Myra would be in a good mood." Nisha said. "We're talking about her mood not yours. Well, Rose is right. This is the perfect time to touch the topic." "Now hurry! It's a four hour flight." Rose said. Myra was standing in front of the mirror wearing an off white beautiful Anarkali frock ending below her ankles, having pleated full sleeves, and her head covered with a thick laced netted dupatta. She looked at herself in the mirror. The diamond jewellery completely matched the heavy work of the dress. Shahmeer walked in wearing a white suit and stood behind her. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He wrapped his arms around her and said, "Look at us Love. We look so perfect." He said emotionally like watching a dream come true. Myra took a deep breath and said, "Shahmeer, I can't do this!" Amd started removing the Diamond encrusted bracelet in her wrist. Shahmeer was shocked. Stop! He said placing a hand on hers. "What are you doing Love? At Least tell me what is wrong?" "Don't you see what is wrong? This Jewellery, this heavy makeup, my hair, this dress. It's not me. What if I am not able to carry it and I make a fool of myself in front of so many people? I am not used to it. And... I am not compatible." She said irritated. "Myra please stop. It's just for one evening. Only a few hours and you won't make a fool of yourself. I will be there by your side, every minute, every second, like a shadow. I promise you will never have to go through this again but just for today... for me... don't say no. Please." She sighed helplessly. In his eyes, she saw a request and said, "Okay. Only for a few hours and remember my choice next time. I'm not going to do it again for anybody." He Nodded and smiled. "Thank you. And you have no idea how beautiful you look today. The moon and the stars would be jealous and hiding seeing your beauty." She said something that had been in a mind for so long but she never asked, "Am I really that beautiful?" She asked, staring into his eyes through the mirror. "Myra, if I were to write your beauty in words, all the poets in the world would either worship me as their master or Kill me out of jealousy saying no such beauty exists. That's how beautiful you are. And I fell in love with your thoughts, your character, yourself and not just your beauty." He completed. She smiled and said "ok. Let's go now. And... you look… handsome too." He just shook his head at her attempt to compliment him. "I didn't know you could compliment someone." "I can but I am not a poet." *** The party commenced and Myra saw totally different people from the last party. "Shahmeer?" "I know what you are thinking. These are the people from my automobile business. There will be a party tomorrow and there I will invite all those people that you saw last time." "Really. Why didn't you invite these people for engagement?" "I have my reasons. And I don't mix up the clients and partners from both businesses." She didn't ask any questions regarding that after his answer. He was a Businessman and he knew very well how to handle such things. As he had promised, he stayed with her throughout the party, proudly introducing her to the guests as an explorer. She could see how some women were jealous and trying to flirt or throw themselves at Shahmeer. Even with small hair, healing bandage on his neck and scratches on his face, he looked handsome. She enjoyed all the attention but was waiting for her friends to arrive. They were more than just a team. They were the place she felt like home, only their presence would make this party worth attending. Shahmeer's Nani Walked to her and said, "Myra, you look tense. Is everything alright?" She asked in a soft voice. Myra could only stare at her. Didn't they have an argument this morning? How could Nani forget all that? She didn't. But Nani's Smile and concern seemed genuine. "Nothing, Mrs Khan, just waiting for some of my friends to arrive." "Ya Allah! How many times do I have to remind you that I am as much your mother as I am Shahmeer's. Now onwards, you will call me Nani." Myra wasn't used to burdening herself with relationships, still she nodded, "ok... Nani." Nani blessed her and walked with a smile. "Oh my God! I left for just 10 minutes and you managed to get yourself in an argument? What happened?" "Nothing." Myra said angrily. "What do you think I am? A fighter cσck? Anyways, I am going to call my friends." Just as the phrase left her mouth, she saw Sherry and Nisha coming in with bouquet of flowers. She rushed to them and hugged Nisha. Myra looked around and asked, "Where are the rest of them?" "They are coming." Nisha said with a smile. "You look great." She said taking in Myra's entire appearance. "I could use your designer for my wedding Dress." "Ok." Myra said awkwardly, rolling her eyes. Shahmeer came there and greeted them with a smile and Myra saw her other friends entering. She walked to them while Shahmeer led Nisha and Shermon inside. Shermon got busy with a phone call and Nisha turned to Shahmeer. "So, how are things going on between you two?" Nisha asked chirpily. Shahmeer smiled. "Good. I don't mean to insult anybody but you are the only person who talks normally, behaves normally among these people." He said and she chuckled. "I hear that a lot. So does she talk to you? Don't get me wrong. I just mean that Myra is so introverted." "Yes. We talk. Not much but we do." He said with a proud smile on his face. "And does she eat with you?" Nisha asked. "What?" Shahmeer asked, confused. He remembered the whole day, how Myra ate so little breakfast that made an excuse to skip lunch and dinner. She said she would have it with her friends. "What is wrong?" He asked Nisha. "Actually Myra has a weak digestive system. It takes her almost 40 minutes to finish a plate. So she usually prefers a liquid diet, only because she is embarrassed about it. She does not eat with anyone other than us. Not even at restaurants." "Oh. I'll take care next time. Thank you." Shahmeer said. Nisha smiled. "It's okay. I love Myra and I know she won't share her weakness with you so I told you. Anyways, how long will it take before all this is over?" "Within an hour. Why?" Shahmeer said looking at his watch. "Um… We have something important so we had to take Myra with us." "Really? At this time of the night?" He asked. "Is something wrong?" She asked with a shrug. "Nothing." He had promised Myra he would never interfere with her work but he never expected it to be tested so early. Rest of the party went on without another talk between him and Nisha. Shermon and Shahmeer talked a little but Shahmeer only pulled away because he knew too much about Myra and that was angering him. After Myra and Shahmeer left from the party, and returned home from the banquet hall. Yousuf had given Myra an address and asked her to come there. They had to discuss something important. *** It was 1 o'clock in the night and Shahmeer was restless at her going out at this time. She took a shower, changed into her casual clothes, tied her hair in a high end ponytail and was wearing her shoes when he said, "can I drive you there?" She smirked. "Why? Suddenly you don't trust me?" "It's not about trust. I just want you to be safe." "For safety, I have this." She said loading a gυη and placing it in the holster. She wore a leather jacket to cover it up and Shahmeer could only admire her guts. "Shahmeer It's confidential. But I will try to come sooner." He kissed her forehead and said, "Just make sure Nani Maa doesn't see you." She nodded and muttered a 'take care' and left. Shahmeer couldn't get over his worries. He asked two guards to follow her from a safe distance. *** Myra drove the car at high speed. She was excited. She had Shahmeer by her side. She was the βeta of the most desired, adventurous group. She was sure that it was a New, exciting mission. She was surprised at herself now. Her mental state was so much better. The loneliness gone. The restlessness that she was facing for so many months was gone. It was like Shahmeer was the answer to all her questions. He was the peace of her mind. For the first time she accepted this. *(***)* —Hotel— She reached the hotel and saw the room number written on the card that Yousuf gave. She saw it and went straight to the room. It was like a huge apartment and everybody was sitting there silently. The Silence felt so heavy today. She asked, clasping her hands together, "ok so... what is it?" Rose smiled and stepped forward. "Myra, it has nothing to do with us. I hope you understand what we are going to tell you." "Okay. But is it about me?" Myra asked. "Myra, you know the protocol and rules very well. No matter what the case is but you are married... and that too, to a warlord." She nodded for her to continue. Rose closed her eyes and said, "You have been stripped of your rights as the vice-decision maker of the group. You are no more at the βeta position. It is given to Yousuf." She looked on. It was so difficult to accept this. No matter how collectively they worked, she was the boss. She took pride in the fact that she was superior to them and now… that was taken away, she didn't know what to say. "It was your years of hard work. We didn't know this could happen." Yousuf said helplessly. Myra composed herself and said, "OK. I will hand you over the files and all the details within a few days." "You aren't angry about what they did. I mean you work so hard and you're outstanding." Yousuf asked. She smiled. "They do it to check our teamwork. But you be alert. This honour leaves faster than it arrives. Anything else?" She asked. She wanted to leave now. Sherry shook his head. "No. Come. I'll drive you." "I brought my car." She said walking away.
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