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—9 Years Ago— Someone was following me. And I was right. As I kept walking, I saw a silhouette following me. My throat went dry and I started shivering badly. I increased my pace hoping it'll leave them behind but luck wasn't on my side today. I was about to turn in a nearby Alley from the main road not caring where it lead when I saw a man appear from there too. I turned around to run but that man was getting closer. As they closed to me, These two give each other devilish smirks and I realized that they knew each other. They had planned on herding me. They started circling around me giving the same cringy laughs and I couldn't find an escape. I found my voice and said, "let me go or I will shout." "Hmm. That would be more fun. Go on... do you see any houses here? Nobody is going to hear you." He laughed again. It look like my tears gave them some sort of pleasure. Both of them held my either wrist and started pulling me to the car and I couldn't help but scream loudly, but that did not affect them anyway. I kept on kicking my hands and legs. In a swift movement, a strong hand held one of them by neck and banged his head on the bonnet of the car. I looked at him shocked and terrified and saw the very face that I longed to see. It was him. Where were you all this time? He held the other one by his collar and kicked him mercilessly in the gut and punched him so hard that he fell on the ground bleeding. I kept staring at him through my tears when he said in his silvery voice, "Are you okay?" "I am now." I replied honestly. I found him, finally. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was perfect. Or maybe it was my feelings that made him flawless. His pitch black hair, brown eyes, tan complexion, subtle beard everything was perfect. "Come I'll drop you. This area is not safe for women at this time of the night." He pulled me out of my thoughts. After a few minutes, he seemed to recognise me and said, "Are you the same one who at the fire incident a few days ago? My God! Do you really have bad luck or you do such things on purpose?" He asked with a chuckle shaking his head. "What's your name?" I asked as he guided me to his car, standing a few blocks away. "Amaan. Amaan Shaikh." *** —Present— —Kochi, Kerala— The cold breezes and eerie silence didn’t help the four lighten their mood. It was an abandoned highway with lush green grass and trees covering both sides. The sky was starry but little did it lessen the deep, hollow darkness around the place. Bryan’s Intel got them some the report that Shahmeer Zamán was going to be in Kochi for finalizing a deal. “Wow. This is a romantic setting for ghosts. They must have candle light dinners here and we seem like interrupting.” Bryan said with clattering teeth because of cold, standing casually behind a tree. “Are you sure he is going to use this route Agent?” Shermon asked Bryan through the Bluetooth. “Absolutely. There’d be three to four cars crossing this place within about 20 minutes and he’s going to be in one of them. And why couldn't we wait in our car?” Bryan replied. Shermon ignored his question and asked Myra, “Are you ready Mye?” Yousuf asked again. He was standing on the opposite side with her. “I am.” She nodded confidently. “Alert! The cars have passed the checkpoint and will be here any minute.” Bryan’s call. “So hear this one more time. This sedative will start to have effect in 30 seconds. By the time they reach here, the continuous speed breakers from the road will have the car’s speed broken to a minimum, although… there is a slight chance of injury. Now I am going to place you there so it looks like a hit-and-run situation.” Yousuf explained one more time. “And Ron and Yuka tested it right?” She asked looking at the syringe. “Sorry but we didn’t have time for that.” Yousuf said sympathetically. “Oh great.” She replied sarcastically. “Last call agent. You can initiate retreat at the moment if you want.” Shermon asked concerned. Myra peeked from the tree to the other side to look at his face and even though it was dark, she could see the hardness and anxiety in his features, concern in his eyes. The recently speeding cars were now slow because of the constant speed breakers on the road. The frontward driver stopped the car abruptly causing the ones behind stop brusquely too. Astonished by the sudden tires screeching, all the guards were alarmed and ready to act. Shahmeer climbed out of the car and walked to the cause of confusion when his eyes beheld the beauty of a well-known face lying on the road, bruised and dusty. *** While eveyone was on their way, Ronn and Yuka were struggling hard over something in the lab. "I don't believe we did it!" Ronn and Yuka exclaimed in delight giving each other a hi-fi. "Yes Yuka." Ronn said carefully holding the transparent blue liquid in a testube proudly between his fingers. "But it took a lot of hard work buddy." Yuka said brushing his light brown hair back and forth. "Let's call Jerry Sir and tell him the formula he asked for is ready." "But we haven't tested it. We have to take it to the other lab where the subjects are present and test it first." "You're right Ronn. We'll do it tomorrow itself and then call sir and hand him over this. Even though testing is just a formality. I know it's perfect." Ronn nodded repeatedly. "Yuka do you have any idea why sir would have asked to keep this completely confidential and requested the file along with the formula?" Ronn shook his head. "No. But it's a powerful d**g. It can activate the always passive brain cells make a normal person Sherlock Holmes for a few hours. He must be in need of good desk agents." He shrugged. *** As he started walking towards her, Rajat, his security head, stopped him by his hand. “Boss this can be some set up. You go back to the car, we’ll see.” And gestured his men to look around. But he was too absorbed by the sight. His feet involuntarily moved towards her and he instantly picked her up in his arms and started walking to the car. Rajat stood in the way and said, “I don’t mean any disrespect Boss but I don’t think you should do this. It’s a hit and run case. Let the police handle it.” “Are you out of your mind Rajat? She is bleeding and unconscious in this god forsaken place. Driver, to the nearest hospital now.” He ordered in the angriest voice getting in the car. He held her in his arms and kept looking at her dusty face, bruised forehead and his jaw clenched, breaths becoming heavier. She was no good for him. She created a whirlwind of emotions inside him every time he saw her. The driver stopped at the nearest hospital. It was a small clinic on the outskirts of the city. The cleverly formulated sedative left no traces in blood within twenty minutes. When they reached the clinic, the doctors stated panic as the reason for her unconsciousness as there was no evident blood loss.Shahmeer sat beside Myra and kept gazing at her innocent looking form, bandaged head and peaceful face when Rajat walked in. “Your suspicions got you anywhere Rajat?” he asked, his eyes still glued to the pretty face. That was one thingShahmeer appreciated about Rajat, his intuitiveness. He trusted only his sharp instincts and placed nobody else above them when it came to his Boss’ security. “Boss, I sent men to the place but there was no one in sight.” He said looking down. “Also, I talked to the doctor, there was nothing odd about her. She’s clean. So, I guess I was just being suspicious for no reason. But I can’t help it. That’s how I am.” He completed firmly. Shahmeer patted his shoulder. “I know Rajat. I trust everything you do.” Rajat was more than an employee for him. There were only two people that had this power over Shahmeer. One was Rajat, the head of security, and first friend and the other was his lawyer and consigliore, Fiza when it came to taking important decisions. “So, I guess we should leave.” Rajat asked Shahmeer. “Yes we should.”Shahmeer said firmly glancing back at Myra like he had completely forgotten why he was here. He couldn’t let Rajat or anyone know how he was feeling but Rajat was smarter than that. “Boss she was injured, we got her to the hospital. Our job ends here. If you want, I can ask a few men to stay here and update you about her health but it’s risky for you to stay here.” “Right.” He replied quickly not sure what he wanted. Did he want to stay? Why? He composed himself and went to the car and rode away notifying the doctors to take care of her on the way out and rode away as fast as possible. He had to get away from her. This whole thing was stupid. Stalking her all the way from Singapore was stupid. Letting his emotions rule over his sensibility that day was stupid. Reacting like this today and letting everyone know that she meant something was stupid. *** After a few hours, Myra gained consciousness and even though he wasn’t here but she was sure enough the plan had worked. She carefully got up from the bed and peeked outside to make sure no one was around. The chip, its right here on your wrist. Press a little and you will know where exactly. Tap twice to activate it, pass on the information and then thrice to disable it. She did as told and started speaking, ‘PHASE ONE COMPLETED. PREPARE FOR PHASE TWO.’ So now I ‘have’ to call him back. Great. With reluctance, she decided to lay the trap. She called the number he gave and after a few rings, she heard his loud, penetrating voice which sent chills through her body. “Hello.” His voice was as intimidating as him standing right in front of her. Within a minute, she composed herself and responded, “Hi”. Her voice, soft and melodious completely concealed the nervousness and mixed feelings she was having. “Oh it’s you. The girl from Ship harbour?” He replied in a flat tone afraid that his feelings would overpower him. “I can’t believe you called.” “Yes it’s me.” She gulped down and continued, “Call me Myra.” “It’s been a long time… Myra. I thought you would never call.” He said without hesitation. The way he paused and said her name, he made it sound special, and pleasing. “I needed time to think. I don’t just flirt around.” She replied. “Impressive.” He said in his signature accentuated way. “it’s a surprise that you still remember me?" “Remember you? That’s all I can think of all the time.” His tone suddenly changed to excitement and Myra could say it was involuntary because within a few seconds, he composed himself and straightened his voice. “Ahem,” he cleared his throat and continued… “What do you think? Should we… meet up?” “Yes. I’d love to but I met with an accident and some good person brought me to the hospital. So… if you want to meet me, you’ve to wait for a few more days.” “How are you now?” he asked and Myra was surprised that he didn’t disclose that he was here or that he brought her to the hospital. Wouldn’t that make her easily fall for his helping nature, and be filled with gratefulness? “Fine. Healing. So… Where?” There was a long pause but Myra knew her plan had worked. He could take as much time to think but she knew the answer would be affirmative. With her words, she could manipulate, imprison and e*****e people, their emotions and their heart. She heard him sigh. “I’ll call you back and tell you the time and place.” And hung up. This is whatShahmeer was afraid of. Until now, he restrained himself from being drawn to her, supressed his emotions and gave himself the excuse that she wasn’t interested but that was over now. She called him, wanted to meet him. Those words hit his resolutions like waves on a shore hit sandcastles leaving behind just a pile of mess.
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