Plan backfired

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Sally and Nelly walked sadly on the balcony towards their hostel Ruth danced around thinking that it was alright Sally and Nelly would come with good news Joy looked at Angela and Derrick holding each other emotionally she reckoned that they are in love but their relationship is no certain Sally and Nelly knocked the door Ruth knowing that she was waiting for the good news rushed to open sally and Nelly strode in sadly Ruth looked at them she realized that all is not well they walked towards the seat they sat and Ruth walked slowly to accompany them but in her mind, she knew she has all lost she sat she didn't ask anything but waited for them to talk she looked at Nelly Nelly avoided her and looked at a different direction. "What is going on," Ruth asked. They didn't respond. "What is going on please talk to me!" Angela roared. Sally and Nelly looked at each other. "Angela is very smart she is he'd of us billion times," Sally said. "Meaning?" Ruth asked. "Immediately we posted the photos she had the information that it was a fabrication," Nelly said. "You mean she had already realized that it was a ploy to break them up?" Ruth asked. "How and WO informed them that it's fabrication?" Ruth asked in shock. "We don't have any clue unfortunately we didn't know that the lady who took photos with Derrick was his sister which made the plan to be meaningless," Nelly said. "What!" You mean the lady in that photo is Derrick's sister?" Ruth asked. "Yes her name is Becky the move we made was desperate and crazy after all" Sally responded "But do they know who posted the photos on f******k?" Ruth asked. "That is a billion-dollar question I guess they already know if I am not wrong," Nelly said. "What!" Then that will affect us please delete the photos immediately!" Ruth instructed. They access the f******k page already it has hit a hundred thousand likes with several comments Joy was following the post on her face and the post disappeared immediately. "The post has been deleted I guess they have realized that their plan is not working," Joy said. Angela and Derrick accessed the post and it was written contents unavailable they looked at each other in surprise. "Joy you are right thanks so much for your help we are going to be forever happy for what you've disclosed to us," Angela said. "You don't have to worry we will forever be your friend, especially within the time we are going to be at this university," Derrick said. Joy stood to excuse herself Angela wanted her to stay until they sleep but it was difficult for her for words to come out of her mouth Derrick realized that she want to go. "Why don't you stay with us even spent the night here we have extra rooms for visitors," Derrick said. "Thanks don't worry I have not finished the assignment I need to do the assignments for tomorrow before the lecturer got mad at me," Joy said. "I understand please after the class tomorrow join us for the super you've assisted us with," Derrick said. "I will be visiting you most of the time but my advice is don't forget that you have the worst enemies in your relationship don't make rushed decisions do be quick in judging yourselves or you will regret your decision artists too late especially if you Angela Derrick understand you he loves you very much be fair to him," Joy said emotionally. They both kept quiet and looked at each other and looked at Joy joy walked towards the door Angela walked after her she opened the door and left Angela came back and sat there was silence it was already getting late Angela removed what Becky gave them on a wrapped paper she unwrapped and found it was her favorite drink a bottle of champaign she opened and served Derrick took mouthful he wanted to forget their worries they take as they listened to the country music Derrick like the music very much he stood and danced as Angela sat looking at him the drink was getting best if they and the music continued to play Derrick danced the were both drank Angela joined him for a romantic dance they both danced and what followed is hot kisses they kissed like never before they found themselves naked made love on the seat Derrick drove crazy by the drink Angela yelled in pleasure as they make love through the night. "This day is a day I have never experienced in life you are a Darling to me you made love to me I forgot all my worries," Angela said. "You are such a sweet lady I know if I lose you I will never find someone sweet as you you are the perfect choice for me you know how to make me crazy," Derrick said. "You yelled and that gave me strength to continue to make love to you you know how to care your kisses are magical it made me forget myself I love you so much" Derrick reiterated. Angela was happy to hear what Derrick said she faced him and kissed him on his forehead Derrick kissed her on her lips. "Thanks for loving me I don't know if I will ever love someone but I know I have chosen you forever" Derrick assured. Joy woke up at night she remembered what happened previously she thought and recalled Derrick. "I understand the two ladies Derrick is such a handsome man even though I have a feeling towards him but he is in love with my best friend Angela and also my teammate," She said to herself. "I wish to win him not so even to make love to me but how am I going to win him over," She asked herself An idea came to her mind. "I am going to invite him to my hostel and intoxicate him with a dink and make sure she drinks until he is not able to walk then I will make sure he made love to me," Joy said.
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