Chapter 7

1074 Words
Alexander I pace up and down in my room, my hands running through my hair. What the f**k is wrong with me? I know there is no way for us to be together without causing another war, so why didn’t I accept her rejection? For one, that was the best kiss I have ever had in my life. Second, a dragon can only have children with their mate, so if I were to accept her rejection, I would never be able to have children of my own, I know with werewolves it works different, they can have children with whoever they choose to mate, and just the idea of her caring someone else’s child makes my blood boil with rage and jealousy. I know Fraya won’t agree to be together in secret, she has too much pride to go sneaking around. I can’t really expect her to wait around for me to take over the throne, and with how I screwed up tonight, my parents might just withhold the throne from me for another century out of anger and spite. Then there is the question of Fraya’s love. Sure the attraction is there, it was clear when she was rubbing herself on me, how wet and ravaging she was. God, the feel of her lips on mine is like the most addictive drug, I could drink from her lips for eternity and never get tired of it, but would she ever love me? My parents did kill the only family she had after all. How could she ever love the creatures that she hated for half of her life? My parents would rather burn the world down than allowing a werewolf on the dragon throne regardless of the fact that she is the queen and the most powerful of the werewolves. I’m not quite sure where their hatred for the wolves really started, but I do know, that of all the shifters, the wolves are the ones my parents hate the most. I wonder if it is because they feel threatened by them, or is it just those that are blessed with gifts. I take my clothes off and get in the shower, images of Fraya wrapped around me, play over and over in my head. I know now that she is still a virgin, I could the innocents on her. I wonder how innocent she is, was that her first kiss? Was it the first time she had an orgasm? I can’t imagine that she hasn’t at least try something with another man. The idea that another man has seen the bliss on her face as she tumbles over the edge, makes me want to strangle someone. No one but me should ever see her face go slack in pleasure, but me. I know that is a selfish way to think, considering the fact that I have had my fair share of women, but I am an selfish bastard and ever though I know there is a good chance that I can never be the mate that she needs, I don’t want her with anyone else. I get out of the shower and dry myself off as I walk into my room. Red catches the corner of my eye and I want to roar in frustration. On my bed is Rachel in barely there red lace panties and nothing else. I wish she would learn her lesson and leave me the f**k alone. I went there once and I learned my lesson really quickly. I finally gave into her about fifty years ago on a night that I was drunk off my ass after losing a close friend in the war, and I took advantage of getting lost in a willing body, honestly that night I wouldn’t have cared whose body it was, but she was there. After that night she went around telling everyone that we are true mates. I never dipped my d**k in that crazy p***y again. “What the f**k do you think you’re doing in my bed?” I growl at her in a threatening tone, but like a bimbo with no brains to realize she is in dangerous territory, she just smiles at me and pats the bed. “You remember how good it was between us, I know you want me. Why do you keep denying your mate?” She says and for a moment I can’t help but stare at her. She really does believe we are mates. “You are even crazier and more delusional than I thought.” I say and shake my head, walking to my closet to get out some clothes. No way am I getting in that bed before all that crazy is washed off, it might just be contagious. “I have seen the way you look at the werewolf queen tonight.” I freeze, I was sure I was discrete in the way I was looking at her. “Was it the red hair? Or was it the fact that she is a bigger girl? I can always change my hair and get some work done if that is what turns you on? Or we can arrange a threesome, maybe get her out of your system, maybe then we can be happy and focus on starting our family.” She says and I honestly don’t know how to react to that. “You and I should get one thing straight. We are not mates. I will never touch you again and Fraya is too much of a self-respecting woman to ever settle for a one nightstand and meaningless s*x. You can learn a thing or two from her, and none of it has anything to do with how she looks, just the simple fact that she is sane and has some morals, makes her a far better woman than you will ever be.” I see the hurt and jealousy flash before her eyes and I know I f****d up. She gets up from the bed and walks towards the door there her nightgown in handing. She puts it on and then looks back at me. “You need to open your eyes see what is right in front of you. For your sake I hope you do before it is too late, mate or not, I won’t be waiting for you forever.” She says before she walks out the door. Did she not hear anything of what I just said? I give a sigh in frustration before calling for the cleaners to remove my bedding and replace it with clean covers.
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