The Man Of Wheels.-3

2006 Words

Sir Charles reflected upon this story. "There is a pond in front of the house," said he. "It was dragged in the morning," replied Jerkley. Sir Charles made various inquiries and received the most unsatisfactory answers for his purpose. Major Lashley had been a favourite alike at Tangier, and in the country. He had a winning trick of a smile, which made friends for him even among his country's enemies. Mr. Jerkley could not think of a man who had wished him ill. "Well, I will think the matter over," said Sir Charles, who had not an idea in his head, and he held the door open for Mr. Jerkley. Both men stood upon the threshold, looked down the passage and then looked at one another. "It is strange," said Jerkley. "The light has been a long while burning on the landing," said Sir Charles

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