Chapter three

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Chapter three Vivienne Hart POV °°°°° (Two months later) The place is crowded just like every other night. I am still trying to fit in here, and I looked at the clock to check what time it was, so I can get my shift over with. These short skirts made me want to hide, and that's what I usually did behind the bar, which was of no use. Since Windy would always ask me to go check on the tables, and I couldn't say no because I wanted this job. Even when I stayed behind the bar, cleaning up, I couldn't help but notice all the stares I got. And how funny they thought it was when I was unable to utter a sentence straight without stammering or breaking the words. But I ignored it, I'm good at that. Feeling nothing. And Ignorance. Or choosing not to feel anything. Everybody thought I was the screwed case and the manager took pity on me. Which might be true, but I am also working hard? Working my best to keep this job. When the clock turned eleven, I quickly rushed inside “Again, leaving early?” Windy asks, as she notices me grab my bag from the locker. And I nod “I am moving things out to my new place.I asked Mr. Marshal's permission. He mentioned that I should be doing extra hours in the coming days” I murmur, my voice breathy and low. “Are you sure you are going to live alone, all by yourself? You can't even walk straight without bumping into someone. Not to forget you're scared of the shadows” she comments and my shoulders drop hearing her. But all I do is nod as a reply. I will figure it out, that's what I tell myself and anyone. “Good luck. If you need anything, you can come to me, you know? I know how it is to live alone in a city you barely know. So don't hesitate” she adds before she walks out to take my place at work. “Thank…” my voice trails off as I see her leave without hearing me. Changing into my track pants and a long hoodie, I step out through the backdoor, so that way I can avoid the crowd and mainly Mr. Marshall who looks at me differently these days. His eyes are always staring at my bare legs and not to forget he never misses a chance to touch my shoulders, my bare arms. But working at the club has made it seem it's okay for everyone to touch me without my permission. Even with a few customers, who just hold my hand with a threatening move which terrified me and I would really have to break myself down to pull myself away with anger, but they just laugh at me like it's funny when it's really not. I have a hard time fitting in this city, which is making me think twice about staying here. But at least until I save some money to move back, I'm going to stick around. I don't want to fail. And the truth is, I'm still searching for a place to stay. The rent is too high. That's why I have decided to move to the nearby shelter for the homeless. At Least for now. I'm not certain how that will be, considering I will not be the only homeless girl there. The outside cold air makes my body go shut as I look at the sky which is dark. Grabbing my beanie, I clasp it over my head, so it covers my ears. And I walk towards the bus stop, as I wait alone in the corner. The bus arrives at its usual time and I ride three stops before I get down. I feel relieved when I don't see anyone getting down with me because it's always terrifying when a stranger gets down with you and decides to follow you. Looking around, I walked on my usual road. But my ankles are throbbing after staying all night in those high heels, which practically kills me. I see a car slowing down, and I start to walk quickly. I hate when the cars slow down and look at you, their eyes staring with lust. Yet so far, I have never had anyone do anything crazy to me, so I have survived. Yet, I can't help but feel the nerves in the dark. When I take a right, I notice the barricades, mentioning that the road is under construction, and it's blocked for the night. However unsure of which other way to go, I decided to go on my usual path considering I'm only walking. My phone vibrates and I pull up to see two messages from Linda saying she is out at a party with her boyfriend Jim as always. She spends most of her earnings on this, but she calls it fun. And in the second message she has shared an address, asking me if I want to go to the party with her. But I just type her saying I'm tired and ask her to carry on… Just when I'm about to throw my phone back inside my bag and go on my way. I hear the loud sound of screeching tires in the background and the loud footsteps like someone is running towards me, but all the noises are distant. So with a momentary panic, I run towards the corner just to be safe and duck down behind the tree and remain in place when another screech soon follows. Usually, such noises are either from the people who are high and drunk and just looking for trouble and teasing as they would throw their empty liquor bottles. But they just disappear once I'm hidden, no one has paid attention to me. Every so often I feel like a ghost walking on these roads. I stare up at the cameras blinking red in every corner and I release a shaking breath, knowing the security cameras on the street are working fine. If something goes wrong, someone will come looking out for me. That thought makes me feel safe. But I'm not certain because I don't have that someone. But for some reason, I don’t come out of my hiding spot even when there's silence for a second. Just when I think of brushing the noises off like it's nothing… A black Mercedes comes breaking the barricade which flies in the air and falls at a distance and comes to a stop in my direct view, its tires leaving a mark on the road.. I suck in a breath, unsure if it's just another drunk passenger who is driving recklessly. No one gets out, though.. Another black car, a van this time, breaks behind it at a distance. Then the loud footsteps appear again as a group of men surrounds the van, my eyes go wide as I notice that all of them have guns in their hands. All dressed in black shirts and pants, like guards. This is like one of the scenes in the movies. But this feels like a horror scene to me to be witnessing it live. The bullets fly in the direction of the van and I quickly cover my mouth, so I don't make any noise and I jump behind at the loud sound it creates and, placing both hands over my ears, I try to block out the loud gunshots. But the fear in me, makes me feel weak. I'm uncertain if I'm breathing… There's a tightness in my chest, I'm shaking, and I'm breathing heavily now as I focus to erase the sounds in the background, but it's impossible to make it stop. The gunshots go on and on for a few minutes. When it stops, I blink my eyes open to see all the men step behind, like they are to make an assembly. All the doors of the van are now open, and I think they will have the dead bodies inside the van, and lay them outside. But instead I notice one of the fully dressed in black men from the group, walks to the van and pulls out a half dead body from the passenger seat. The man they just dragged out is still alive, I can't hear them, but I know he is alive Because he moves his hand and I notice the pain on his face. His dark gray shirt is fully covered in blood soaking down his clothes, And two other black dressed men come behind to force the beaten man soaking in blood to go on his knee without showing any mercy on him. My heart stops, as I point the gun at his head as they hold him down with a fierce stare at him. Just when I feel like I can't breathe that I'm going to black out, the Mercedes door opens and a man dressed in a full suit steps down.. Just like that, I know he is the boss. He should be because even the air feels like it freezes for him.
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