Love and War

1054 Words
"Raine !! Just wait!" Brylle shouted while chasing Raine. He's getting tired of going around the whole campus. They are here now at Elite University; they say that the six of the Junior Black Ice are here. They just don't know who they are because they don't want to say what their names are. The elder says it's not their problem anymore. So we need to find ourselves. "Raine, I'm getting tired of chasing you." -Raine stopped and faced Brylle. "You can stop if you are tired." Her eyes are full of pain. "I just said I was tired, but I did not say I would stop," Brylle said, and a smile at her makes her more annoyed with him. "Stop smiling like that, Brylle; stop hurting me." Brylle didn't expect her to cry. He tried to make her stop crying. "I didn't mean to hurt you, Rain." Raine looked at him with a teary eye. "But you already do, Brylle. Why is it like this? Why are we in the middle of conflict with our families?" She sat down while crying. Brylle approached her and hugged her. Their family is currently having a Cold War, so they are obliged to follow the policy or they are going to be dead meat. "Everything will be fine, Raine. Trust me." 'I'm doing everything I can to make things better for our families, Brylle said in his mind. Brylle is planning to set up a peace meeting on the other day and is hoping everything goes well in the meeting. "Sorry, Brylle, I have to go; someone might see us." -Raine gently pushed Brylle to get off on him and left. Brylle couldn't do anything but look her behind. He took a deep breath and fixed himself. "For now, mission first." He went back to where they were. They are on the school grounds, and the surroundings are quiet and peaceful. Verlene was sitting on the bench, Geo was lying on her thigh, Owen and Yushie were on top of the tree, and Raine and Isha were on the other bench. Isha was leaning on Raine's shoulder. He looked at Raine, and she was too, but she immediately looked away. "Commander, I'm lying down too!" Brylle shouted as he ran closer to them. "You're so loud, Brylle." -Owen "So what? We are the only ones here," Brylle said in a childish way, and she sat beside Verlene. "You are interrupting us," Owen said angrily. Brylle lay down on Verlene's thigh and looked up to see Owen. "You may now Rest in peace Owen" -Bryllw laughed then close his eyes, It so peacefully here. 'I want to be here forever.' "What the?" Brylle was suddenly awakened when something suddenly hit his face: a black berry. It turned out that the tree they climbed was a blackberry tree. "I'll drop you there if you do this again," Brylle said to Owen, throwing back the black Berry. "That's enough, both of you. You're too noisy," Yushie said without throwing a single glance at them. He was just reading a book up there. "You're both interrupting Verlene," he added. Owen and Brylle looked at Verlene. She's busy typing something on her phone. 'What is she doing? ' "What are you doing, Commander?" She stopped typing and looked at Brylle. She looked shocked when she saw him. "Oh, Brylle, are you here? I thought you were somewhere else," Verlene asks. It makes Brylle sad. "Waaaaa ~! I've been here for a long time," he said, like a kid, wanting an ice cream. "Wahahaha, I'm just kidding, Brylle," Verlene said, and she returned to doing something on her cellphone. "What are you doing, Commander, and you seem to be busy there?" Brylle asks. He is very curious, because she seems very busy; she does not even notice Brylle coming. "I'm just checking the background of every student in this university; I think with their background, I can identify even one of the Junior Black Ice." It's hard to find someone's background, especially here at Elite University, where the profiles of the students are hidden. "Did you know even one of them?" Brylle asks. Brylle thinks Junior Black Ice must be related to Black Ice or something. "I can't remember if I know one of them, because I haven't heard them these past few years,but I'm still hoping to find one of them," Verlene said without throwing a glance at him.They seem quiet, eh? Are they waiting for the result too?. Brylle, look at Owen and Yushie. They are still doing the same thing. Owen is sleeping peacefully, and Yushie is reading his book on the other side of the tree. "I found one!" Verlene exclaimed. They were all shocked because of what she said. They come closer to her, and she shows them her phone, which contains a profile of the student named Xandro Tady. His last name is quite familiar to Brylle. 'I think I heard it before.' Brylle said to himself. "Xandro Tady, from the family of the Tady Clan, a clan of Class S Ninjas. The Younger Brother of Alex Tady, the Leader of Black Ice": 'He's the younger brother of Alex Tady? The Great Ninja?' Brylle knew he was right. "Alex has a brother?" Brylle asks in an innocent tone. He was totally shocked because their family never told him that Xandro existed. "Didn't Verlene just say that Xandro is his little brother?" Owen defended. He always meant Brylle. That's why sometimes he hates him. "Sorry, I thought he had no sibling because they never said anything about the Xandro guy, hahaha." Brylle awkwardly laughed. "Baka" Yushie whispered something. What is that? Is that a kind of bad word? "Bro Yushie, we are not at the farm, so there is no cow here. Do you want to be a farmer?" (note: 'Baka'is the Filipino translation for cow, but in Japanese, 'Baka' means stupid in English.) Yushie just shook his head because of Brylle's stupidity. "That's enough, can you? It's so annoying," Isha said, annoyed. She seems disturbed by her Siyesta. (Sleeping in the afternoon is called Siyesta in Español.) "Alright then, let's go. We should look for Xandro Tady. By him, we might find the other member of Junior Black Ice." 'Let's finish this game. Hide and seek.'
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