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Grace’s POV The air of freedom is so refreshing. After a long flight, I landed in Rome and the sun was shining over me. It was a weekday and people were in their work mode. Before going to Venice and joining work, I decided to go on a little vacation of my own in this beautiful country. I called Tom, Grayson to inform them that I have reached safely and my phone might not be reachable as I was going on a hike. I didn’t book my trip through a travel agency, so I was on my own as a hippie. Definitely not a wise option for a first-time traveler but I am in a total adventurous mood and not in a mood to make the right decisions. I brought a map and settled in a pizza place to decide on my next destination. For the first time after so long, I don’t feel any lingering eyes on me. In the end, it was only my paranoia getting over me because of my overthinking habit at Stanford. I clicked photos of literally everything. Every trip we took as a family, was mostly in eastern Asia or different parts of North America. Except for Britain, I haven’t explored Europe much but I am going to rectify that. I paid for the pizza and followed the map towards the Vatican hills. I saw many people were buying hiking gear on the way. I already have shoes and clothes but I should also get a hiking pole. I checked the battery of my camera and approached the hiking gear shops. I saw two girls discussing which pole to get. I stood there checking the stretchability of the poles. One of the girls looked Italian with tanned skin, while I am not sure of the other one. They both definitely enjoy a lot of beach time, their freckles added unique beauty to them. “You should get that one, for your height,” I suggested to the girl with black hair. Both of them turned to me then averted their eyes to my suggested pole. “For your height, it will support your joint and can be stretched according to your comfort,” I added. The black-haired girl took a look and she decided to buy it. I also choose the same one as my height was similar to hers. “So, you go hiking a lot? Oh god, where are my manners?” She was Italian but she sounded Australian. Okay, I need to stop making assumptions. She brought her hands forward, “I am Aurora and she is my friend Angela.” I shook her hand. “Hi, I am Grace. Yeah, my dad used to take me and my brother to hike every weekend while we were in school.” Grayson and I would race towards the Hollywood hill and see who reaches it first. Fun times! I helped them get proper gears and they told me about their trip. Even though Aurora is originally from Italy, she hasn’t visited in almost a decade. Angela is from Tennessee and she went to New Zealand for her college, where she met Aurora. They seem like a great person, especially Aurora. I don’t know why but I feel like she has a story but I kept my thoughts to myself. “Grace, come with us. We are going to Vatican hill as well, we will have a great time.”  Angela offered and Aurora insisted as well. “We have a little group, all from our college.” I really wanted to go with them. Within an hour, I have grown to like their company. So, I agreed and they introduced me to their group. Everyone was welcoming, before starting the hike I double-checked the things in my bag. Water bottle, caps, extra pair of shoes, and camera; I am ready.   We started to follow the map and for the first half-hour, we were clueless. But we saw few monuments indicating we were on the right path. We, three girls, got together and others from the group scattered around. Angela and Aurora told me about their college life, Aurora told me that she had family here but she is not sure if she could visit them. I don’t know what she meant exactly. “I have been to LA once, that city is awesome.” “It sure is.” I agreed. “I would love to visit New Zealand someday.” “You should come with us,” Aurora told me. “Uh, I wish but I have to get back to work.” With this small talk and after about 3 hours we reached to the top of the hill. The hike should only be for 2 hours but we kept on stopping at every point to click photographs and tease the guys from their group. I haven’t felt this free in so long. We set up a little picnic opposite the best viewpoint. The beautiful city of Rome was ethereal from up here. I kept on gazing at the view in front of me. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Aurora asked me. “Perfect, this city has the capability of making you feel alive with mere effort,” I spoke in a low voice. “Yes but you look like you belong here. I am sure Italy will give you what you are looking for,” She said with a smile. Aurora is my age but she is so mature for her age. “I used to love roaming around in the street with my brother but now that is impossible. I hope that someday I can return back home and live without any fear.” She spoke so quietly that I had to listen very carefully. “What could be that bad keeping you from your family? I don’t mean to pry but for family, you can always find a way.” “You are right and maybe someday I will have that courage to find a way, till then to satisfy myself I will roam in my own country as a tourist. So where is your next stop?” Suddenly the serious and sad girl disappeared and got replaced by a bubbly, sweet girl. I didn’t dwell either and told her I was going to Milan and few other cities before finally reaching Venice. “You are going to Venice?” Her eyes had different emotions brewing through them. “Yes, I got a job in Ikona photo gallery as administrator and adviser.” “Oh that gallery is still there, my mom used to have her art displayed there.”   Aurora told me more about Venice and it was more like she was reminiscing her memory. “You should come with me, stay there for a week then you can return to New Zealand.” I offered her. “No, I only have a week and I don’t want to piss off my brother. We were planning to go to Greece but let’s go to Milan.” She cheered. So, Aurora, Angela, and I were inseparable for an entire week. We met new people, ate all kinds of ethnic foods, clicked tons of photographs,s and tried a whole lot of adventurous activities. They made my vacation much more fun than what I would have had alone. I kept my friends and family updated as I didn’t want them to worry about me, if dad would not get a call from me; I know that he would have jumped on the next flight to Italy. Thomas and Penny have returned to Stanford for their work and post-graduate studies.   Today was the last day of my vacation and even around this time I got various snaps of beautiful places which might help me at the gallery. I have a passion for photography and traveling to different places but for that I need money. I am not going to use my parents’ money for my passion and interest. I have to take this job seriously as it will be a great experience and get to live in such a beautiful place. I have a gut feeling that Venice will really become a turning point in my life. I am at the hotel packing all my things, I have to wake up early and get to the train station on time. My phone started to blink and it was my Penny. “Hey!” I stuck the phone between my ear and shoulder while I kept on folding my clothes. Hey girl, how’s it going? “Great, now time to get back to work.” Your work is fun whereas I got stuck in the corporate.  “You want to work in corporate… wait you got the job?” She applied for a multinational company, Penny really wanted to work there. Yeah, I did. I went to the office today to look around and it was so gigantic and awesome. Remember when we went on the tour of a company in sophomore. “Oh yeah, you and I almost dropped all our plans and decided to join that company.” Both of us laughed. Exactly and now think about this company twice its size and good plans for employees. Almost half of the employees are from Ivy League or Stanford. Competition is real tuff. “Hmm but you will emerge, I trust you, Penny.” I motivated her and we continued our chat for a while. I was all packed by now. I heard a knock on the door and checked through the peephole. It was Aurora. “Hey I will call you back in a while,” I said and hung up the call.   I opened the door and let her in. “What’s up?” “What time is your train tomorrow?” She asked me with hesitancy in her voice. “It’s at 8 am.” She quietly nodded her head. “Do you wanna come? I know you said you are not ready yet but you can just take time to visit the city rather than meeting your family. I know Venice holds huge importance to you, schedule your flight from there.” “You make it sound so easy.” Her chuckle was painful. “It’s not easy at all, visiting a place after a decade which was once your home will need all your willpower. The decision is yours.” I said and she looked deep in thought.   I went to bed and scrolled through the gallery’s website to gather more information and be prepared for the first day at work. I was about to turn off the light when I saw a message from Aurora. I am coming to Venice!! I smiled and in some way, I saw myself in her right now. She fought with the negative side and is ready to face the optimistic side. I can’t help but think what might have happened that kept her away from her brother for so long and who is her brother?   The next morning, the trio left the hotel and reached the train station. Angela and I kept on talking and joking to lighten Aurora’s mood. I can’t even imagine what was going through her mind. We reached Venice by 11 am. Suddenly a smile made its way to my lips. What is that about? I barely know anything about this city and I already feel at home here. Is it even possible? Whatever, I am gonna enjoy this place and if needed will make this city my home. I looked over at Aurora and her eyes were brimming with tears. I caressed her shoulder lightly. “I don’t have exact memories but there are some glimpses in my head.” She looked up to prevent the tears from falling. “Let’s go, I know a few places and wanna see all those before our flight.” The gallery has arranged a place for me near work, so I dropped my bags and looked around. It was a spacious place and had a great view ahead. I will manage all the things once I return. Aurora and Angela sent me a location to meet them. It was a church. I changed into a summer dress, more suited to the weather outside, and packed a small shoulder bag with a camera, phone, and my wallet. I called Aurora and locked the house. Her phone was unreachable. I was distracted by my phone and suddenly I tripped, was about to fall but someone held me. “Oh god, thank you.” I looked up and saw a man with long hair. His face was covered with a mask that covered half his face. “I am sorry, I wasn’t looking ahead.” “It’s ok.” Whoa! That’s the deepest voice I have ever heard. I could place his accent, definitely wasn’t Italian. He was still holding my arm but pulled back after a while and his blue eyes were still fixed on me. I heard some chaos from the distance. The strange man got alert and looked around. “Stay safe.” He muttered and fled from there. 
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