Chapter 2: It's Diabolical

1787 Words
???Three Thousand Years Later??? The Bright scorching sun is shone down upon the City of Manchester, A City located in The Country of England, It's a bright Monday morning and the people of the city could be seen advancing towards their destinations. Cars moving on the highway while the students were moving towards their high school, The Southern Wale College, Students swooped into the school compound in groups while the Rich kids parked their cars orderly. The Southern Wale College is a school of the rich...The Children of Politicians and High Ranking Men in The Country are the supreme beings of the School, Creating gangs and bullying the weak based on their status. A blue lamborghini drove right into the school compound and every stopped what they were doing to stare at the incoming vehicle, The Lamborghini halted and the doors were opened afterwards. Big Mason, A Leader of the Netero Gang and the Son to the Prime Minister of England, He bullies the weak, Controls the best of the girls and dominate over his teachers and superiors in the school. All because of his status and connection to his father, The Prime Minister!! Big Mason, Dressed up in his right Thousand dollars outfit shut the door of his lambo and he slowly approached the Building with pride, His Gang were following him from behind like he is a King. Everyone gave way for The Big Mason to pass, No one wishes to mess with Big Mason and The Netero Gang, They are Terrifying after all...Big Mason was advancing towards the School Building with pride. When he suddenly stopped to see a red ferrari make its way into the School Compound and all attention drifted to the Ferrari, The Door opened up and the boys were all stunned by the beauty standing before them. Crystal Rodriquez, Dressed in her crop top and a leggings and she is putting on a Nike Sneakers, She stepped out of her Ferrari with pride and smiles on her face, Crystal turned to back to see a car pull over and her friend, Amaya came out of her car. Let me introduce Crystal Rodriquez, An Eighteen Year old Daughter to the Multi Billionaire, Mr Vlad Rodriquez, One of the top wealthiest men in the world and Crystal Rodriquez hugged her best friends. With smiles on their faces..They both advanced towards the School Building when Big Mason smiled, He stopped firmly with smiles on his face, Expecting Crystal or Amaya to notice him but they both walked passed him. The Girls were about to enter the school building when Big Mason with great annoyance grabbed The Hand of Amaya and he pulled her back, Crystal turned in shock to see Big Mason standing before her. " What is the meaning of this...Why did you...? " Amaya couldn't complete her words when Big Mason lashed at her, Unleashing a brute resounding slap across Amaya's face and Amaya staggered back in shock. Crystal Rodriquez was about engaging in a fight when the bell rang. Crystal Rodriquez grabbed Amaya's hand and she helped her to her feet, While caressing the area of the slap, Both girls walked into the building, Leaving Big Mason and The Netero gang outside. The Students rushed into the School Building Because the lessons were already started, After few minutes, The Netero gang entered into the school building, A Young guy, Dressed in a black hoody walked right into the building. He looked up to gaze at the massive building with smiles on his face, His blue eyes were the mostly amazing and he is just too cute, The Young Man advanced towards the School Building with smiles on his face. ???Two Hours Later ??? Students were already in their seperate classroom, According to their grades, The History Teacher of The Senior Class, Mr Dunbar could be seen relating history to his students and the girls, Crystal and Amaya were at the front sit. " Students, This Beautiful Country of ours was once the Beautiful Kingdom of Britannia, Ruled by the Mighty King of Heroes, King Alonso the Mighty One, King Alonso became a king at the age of Eighteen and he has always been the Strongest " Mr Dunbar said. And a student raised up her hand which Mr Dunbar gave her the permission to talk. " Mr Dunbar, It is said that King Alonso's vanished into the thing air with his wife while they welcomed their new born baby, A Daughter to be precise...Was the body of King Alonso found? " The girl asked. " Good question Clara, The Remains of King Alonso hasn't been found since the day he went missing, Nor his wife or his daughter has been found...The Kingdom of Britannia chose it's next King who buried the history " Mr Dunbar answered. " But I still believe there are few archeologist searching for the remains of King Alonso the Mighty, Are there any more questions? " Mr Dunbar asked as he adjusted his glasses while staring at his students. A boy raised his hands up and he rose up to his feet based on Mr Dunbar's signal!! " Mr Dunbar, There are different religions in this world, There are Christan Religion, Islamic Religion and the rest but I have a question to ask, Are the gods real? " The Boy asked and immediately he asked. Crystal groans in pains as she bent her head down, Falling the strange Vibrations in her body after hearing the word ' gods ', It was like she was burning deep down in hatred but she suddenly became still. " Miss Crystal Rodriquez...Is anything the matter? " Mr Dunbar asked after noticing it. " You don't have to worry about me, Mr Dunbar, I am fine, I am just having some slight pain right here " Crystal Rodriquez lied and Mr Dunbar nodded, He looks up to face the Students and he sighed deeply. " Well we are yet to confirm if those Divine Beings are real or not, But for now, It's safe to consider them as myths until they are proving real " Mr Dunbar answered and Crystal Rodriquez rose up head up. " What happened to me...What the hell happened to me? Why did I lose my composure? " Crystal Rodriquez asked herself in shock, She couldn't believe what happened, Not listening to the words of Her Teacher...Mr Dunbar. " Class, There is a Transfer student and you all will welcome him to your midst, Please come inside " Mr Dunbar spoke out, After almost an hour of teachings concerning history of The Kingdom of Britannia. The Young boy dressed in black hoody walked into the classroom, He stood beside Mr Dunbar with smiles on his face when Crystal Rodriquez clenched her fist unknown to her, She looked up to see the boy and her hatred became even more Destructive than ever. " KILL HIM!!! " A Voice filled with rage and anger spoke into the mind of Crystal while she Gnashed her teeths, The Presence of The Boy even became more infruiating but she kept a calm composure. " Can you introduce yourself to the class? " Mr Dunbar asked. " Good Morning Everyone, My Name is Round Tower and I am the son of Mr Richards Tower, A Senate Member to the Federal Government of Spain, I am a transfer student here and I hope I am welcome " Royd said and he smiled. He looks around to see the discomfort of the boys Especially Big Mason and his gangs, The Girls were already gushing at Royd as he went to take his sit at the center, Close to Crystal Rodriquez who is filled with rage. " HE IS EVIL...HE IS HORRIBLE, HE IS A MONSTER... KILL HIM, KILL HIM...KILL HIM..KILL HIM NOW!!!!! " The Voice uttered repeatedly while Crystal Rodriquez Gnashed her teeths in anger and she closes her eyes. She turned to Royd Tower and she smiled at him, Royd Tower smiled back and he brought his bag and he opened it up, Giving Crystal Rodriquez a hand band which immediately she touched, It caused her pains. The wrist band fell down from Crystal's hand and Royd Tower apologies immediately, He turned to see the burn on Crystal's hand and he looked away while grabbing the wrist band from the ground. " I am sorry for all of this inconveniences..I hope you can forgive me " Royd said with bright smiles on his face, He kept the Wrist band back into his bag while Crystal looked Away, She could still feel the hatred. She hates him but doesn't why she suddenly hates him...Her Hatred is what she doesn't know! ??????????????? In a divine world, A Temple could be seen at the Center of The World and inside the Temple, A Man Cladded in black robe walked into the throne room of this Mysterious Being, Sitted on his throne with great darkness hovering around him. " My Lord...The Prophecy is finally coming to pass, The Goddess of War, Ashura has been Reincarnated into the living world " The Man in black said and he fell on his knees while bowing before the Ancient Being. " The Goddess of War..?? Ashura has been Reincarnated into this age? It seems like the Fire Spirit Elzar failed to complete his mission, Ashura must be slained before she fully awakens her darkness " The Ancient Being uttered. His voice echoed around the Mighty Temple. " I am afraid to say this, My Lord but we can't act carelessly in this New Era, This Twenty first Century has become aware of our presence and any single mistake would blow our cover to the mortals " " Ashura isn't awakened... Killing her won't be a problem but there is a problem " The Man in black said and he bowed his head, The Ancient Being adjusted his sitting Position and the runes on the walls glowed. " What is the Problem, Kizini? " The Ancient Being asked. " He is in the Mortal World, The Last Son of Chaos...The Deathbringer, He now dwells in the Mortal World, We cannot afford to act without a plan, We need to inform The Elder Gods " The Man said. " The Elder Gods? There is no need for them to be involved in this Chaos, Prepare the Chariots of hell, I will put an end to that b***h, Even with that man in the human world, As long as I don't cross his part " " Killing Ashura will be made manifest, That b***h will suffer and she will never be Reincarnated in this world ever again, I will end it all... Myself!!! "
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