1. Going home

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"No! I will never go back there! I have my own life here! Please stop bugging me for f**k sake!" Chloe snarled at the person on the other line, not even minding if its her mother, begging for her to come home. "Chloe, we need you here, your Dad needs you here!" "Mom.. I can't—." "Your Dad is dying, Chloe." Chloe froze upon hearing what her mom said, she has an idea that her dad was sick, but dying? That was too far from what she learned from her cousin Charlene two days ago and she actually despise hearing it from her mom, because she know that her Dad was as strong as buffalo and she didn't expect that her mom will stoop to that level, using her dad sickness just to force her to return. "Give me another week." Chloe sighs in defeat, putting her irritation away. "Ok then, I'll give you a week and after that, no more excuses, I want you to be here." Mrs. Smith firmly said and hit the end button. Chloe stares at her phone for several seconds, heart clenching to the fact that she needs to leave everything, her friends, her job and her life in New Zealand that she built for 8 years and now she needs to go back where she came from just because her parents misses her and want her to hold the company. The place she's trying to forget after her last heartbreak with her ex-boyfriend Harley. The guy she met in her senior high and the guy who broke her heart after she caught him having a passionate kiss with some random girl at the back of their campus on the night of their senior prom. She drew a deep breath and put the phone on the side, she open the laptop, booted it and her finger rapidly tapped the keyboard to book a flight in an online site. "f**k my life." Chloe hisses after tapping the last key and throw her head back, shut her eyes and blew an exasperated sigh. "What's waiting for me there?" She asked in the air and let another sigh to drew out. The phone buzzed in a ringtone that she sets for her favorite cousin, she reached for it and slides it to answer the call before putting it in a loud speaker. "Charlene!" She wails. "I assume they finally made you agree to go back?" There's a hint of teasing in the blonde's voice on the other line that Jennie decided to ignore. "Is there any good modeling agency there? I mean, I need a job because I don't want to stay inside our house and take care of my not-totally-sick Dad." "Why are you like that? He's your dad!" "Yes I know, I said not-totally-sick Dad." Chloe scoffs and brought her head up, putting down the phone on the side and starts typing on her laptop. "Ivy and I are both models." Charlene replied and this time, she was the one ignoring the sarcastic reply of the brunette, coping with the question earlier. "Should I tell them that the great Chloe Smith will return in New York?" "No need..." Chloe paused as she saw her cousin and one of her childhood friend in a cover of the new released magazine for 2020 and it's one of the biggest fashion companies in New York. "You b***h, you didn't told me that you signed a contract with Vogue!" "Oh I didn't?" Charlene laugh on the other line. "Surprise?" "Indeed." Chloe chuckle softly and picks up the phone as she stood and walked to her bed, she bend over and pull out her big suitcase under her bed. "Tell them I'm going in and see you in a week." She said and hit the end button, tossed her phone and turn her heels and walk into her walk-in closet. After preparing everything, she went back to her working table, let her finger works for resignation letter and as she waits for the letter to print out, she walks back to her bed and reach for her phone at the other end of the bed, with her arm stretched too much, regretting that she tossed it too far and too lazy to walk around. "Hey Lev? Set an appointment with the management, I'm going home to my country." Chloe said at the man on the other line, which is her manager and without waiting for his answer, she ended the call. She knows she's a b***h, her manager knows that she's a b***h, her bosses knows that she's a b***h, her parents knows she's a b***h but her cousin and her childhood friends back in New York knows that she's a whole ass baby. Her feline eyes that looks like an angry cat eye makes everyone think that she's a b***h but she couldn't care less, no one needs to know who's the real Chloe Smith anyway, think what they want about her, because for her? She doesn't need to explain herself because she realized, people only understand from their level of perception. She took an hour preparing herself and she stops in front of the full-length mirror inside her room, looking at her outfit, an exact opposite of how she dressed as a model in one of the biggest modeling agency in New Zealand, a jean jumper that she cuts the pants and turned it into a shorts and a rainbow colored hoodie beneath and paired with white Chanel sneakers, a gold sling bag and dark shades. One last glance and she's ready to go, she grabs the letter in the table and slid her phone inside her sling bag and stepped out of her room and into the hallway of the condo building that she was in and pressed the down button of the elevator. Her phone buzzed but Chloe ignored it as she can see his manager when the elevator arrived at the underground parking lot, he's standing outside the black Sedan SUV, phone attached on his ear and foot stomping impatiently at the ground. "Lev!" The guy snaps his head at the way where the tiny voice came from and he groans when he saw Jennie. "What are you thinking?! Why do you suddenly want to go home and why the hell on earth–." "My dad is sick." Chloe interrupts the bombardment. Lev's mouth fell open and blink his eyes three times. "Is it serious?" "My mom said yes, want to ask her?" Chloe asks and fishes out her phone and hands it to her manager. "What? b***h no, I hate your mom." Lev scoffs and pull the car door open in the backseat, Chloe laughs mockingly before sliding inside the SUV and smiled at Lev, who just rolled his eyes. Lev got into the driver seat and drive into the modeling agency where he sets a meeting with the bosses and even if he's reluctant about Chloe's sudden resignation, his friend/talent's reason are enough to let her go. The drive is silent, Chloe looking out the window, watching all the establishments along the way, campuses, stores, building of any companies and restaurants where she would go in a disguise, knowing that she's one of the most prominent model in New Zealand. New Zealand, the place where she decided to mend her broken heart, the land where she found herself, picked up her s**t together and live a new life, but now that she has to leave everything for the sake of her Dad, she feels so gloomy and down. Lev been sparing her friend a glance every minute just to make sure that Chloe is fine, but he never dare to say any word and just observing the brunette. Until they arrived at the agency, he parked the Sedan in exclusive parking for the models and unbuckle his seatbelt. "Lev.." Chloe call softly. The guy stopped from opening the door beside him and looked at the brunette, waiting for Chloe to proceed. "Come with me in New York." "I was waiting for you to say that." Lev replied and open the door, he ran to the other side to open the door for Chloe and offer his hand. The brunette reached for his friend's hand and offer a wry smile before they enter the building, both feeling gloomy. The agency where Chloe has been a model since she stepped in New Zealand was her second home. Suddenly, a lot of paparazzi that's waiting for her, gathered on the side, mobbing her, asking her lots of question why she suddenly ask for a meeting with the bosses, flashes of camera blinding her, but no questions been answer even one, guards and men in black tuxedo with wires on their ears formed a circle around her, protecting her to not get harm until she finally entered the building wherein paparazzi are not allowed. "Is there something like here in New York?" Lev asked the brunette as he pressed the up button of the elevator. "Yes, but don't worry, no one will know that we're going to arrive there." Chloe said. "You're Chloe Smith, your schedule are always leaking." "I have plans." Chloe said to dismissed their topic. The meeting with the bosses didn't go as easy as Chloe was expecting, but since she was certain about her resignation, her bosses couldn't do anything but to accept her letter and let go their biggest asset of the company, but they are still hoping that if Chloe decided to come back, they are still going to accept her with open arms. /// Day of her flight, everything was ready, her stuffs that's already at the back of Lev's car along with Lev's stuff, she roamed her eyes at her condo for one last time and smile sadly before pulling the door close and locked it with a click and she makes her way to the elevator and descends. "Ready?" Lev's asked as he open the front seat for Chloe, a car that's not his, but a rental, so no one would ever notice what's Chloe doing in an airport, her resignation will be announce once she landed on New York so the paparazzi wouldn't mob her. "No." Chloe admits but still offer her manager a small smile. Chloe isn't ready, she never thought that she will ever come back to her home, she never thought that she needs to face those people who made her leave her country, she never thought that this day would ever come. "Wear those shades, dear." Lev said before he shifts the gear and maneuver the car. Jennie chuckle softly but still obey, she wears her Gentle Monster Jack Bye 01 and a simple logo black cap, hiding the upper part of her face. Hiding? Maybe yes, but since they released fake schedule of her flight, they are not worried about paparazzi and Charlene will do the rest once they landed in New York. Lev pull the car on the lot where the owner of the car they've used are waiting for them, he gives the key and the guy helped them to bring their stuff inside the airport. People are scattered around, busy with their own world, running and looking for their own flights, afraid that they might miss their flight. Chloe was just walking casually with Lev on her side, wearing a bucket hat and another guy behind them pushing their stuffs. No paparazzis, no fans, nothing, just few people sparing her glances for having an over flowing charisma with her outfit, wearing a grey pull over hoodie and denim patch jacket on top, grey fleece pants and chuck taylor all star sneakers, a Chanel Logo black cap and her Gentle monster Jack. Screaming BDE. "We'll take it from here, thank you so much." Lev said politely to the guy who helped them and slid a bill in his chest pocket and took the luggage from his hand and followed Chloe who didn't bother to stop from walking. "Why are you in a rush?" Lev asked as soon as he caught up with the brunette in front of the conveyor where their things need to go through to an automatic scanner. "I feel like someone is watching me the whole time." Chloe replied, eyes glancing everywhere. "Paparazzi?" asked Lev. "I don't think so, no one knows that today is our flight." Chloe said and she finally turn around and search for a pair of eyes following her since they arrived at the airport but to no avail, she saw nothing, just some girls giving her that look, as if they are deciphering if she's a lesbian because of her outfit and maybe thinking how they would gonna ask for her number and some guys looking at her as if she was a waste, thinking that a gorgeous woman like her wants a girl than guy, but Chloe ignored all of that. "Relax, maybe just one of your fans." Lev dismissed and pulled out their passports and tickets from his brown satchel and showed them in one airport staff. Chloe didn't response and just took Lev's word. They board at the plain and the odd feelings of someone is staring intensely at her was all gone and Chloe drew a breath. "That was weird." Chloe shivers and removed the cap at the same time her dark shades since they are in first class, no medias are allowed and her privacy are more secured except from a guy taking out his phone in his pocket and starts taking shots of Chloe. "Uh Lev?" "Yes yes, I'll take care of that." He said as he stood up and approach the guy. "Excuse me? I'm afraid that you are intruding my friend's privacy, mind to delete all–." "Hell no! That is Chloe Smith, it's a rare case that I've had the same flight with the most–." "I know I understand, she's Chloe Smith, I get it, but lower down your voice and I have a favor to ask." "What is it?" The guy asked accusingly. "I will let you keep the pictures but please do not post it until we've land in New York. You don't want your crush to get mob by the medias and gets uncomfortable, right?" "Deal, as long as you won't ask me to delete them." The guy said, Lev stop himself from scoffing and smile at the guy and bow his head before he walk back to his seat. "I wanna punch his gut." Lev murmured. "Relax. You are no beautiful at all if you keep that scowl on your face." Chloe teased but still thankful that she have her manager with her or she doesn't know how to deal with that kind of people, intruding her privacy. Lev flip her imaginary bangs and sighs deeply, calming himself. "I cannot stress this enough, Chloe. I deserve a good spa when we arrive at New York." "That's decided." Chloe chuckled and rest her head and shut her eyes, thinking that the guy earlier was the one following her earlier. // A light shrug on her shoulder awoke Chloe, her eyelids slowly open and got greeted with sky hues of pink and orange out the window, tiny buildings underneath them like a miniature and Lev's sleepy face. "We're here." "That was fast." Chloe said with a yawn, stretching her limbs above her head. "That's 12 hours." Lev chaff and buck his seatbelt as the pilot announced, he did the same to Chloe and prepared for the landing. As soon as the airplane wheels touch the ground, Chloe's heart beats three times faster in a second. This is it, no more backing out, she's really home and she needs to face the people she's been avoiding, not that she's still affected, it's just that she doesn't want to see them for no reason. Chloe and Lev thought that the airport are going to be deserted as no one in the media industry knows that today is the return of the great Chloe Smith in Korea, but to her dismay, there are a huge crowd of paparazzi waiting at the exit. She took step backward and immediately wear her cap and her shades, Lev did the same and after taking their things, Chloe keeps cussing her cousin inside her mind while they are trying to hide their faces as soon as they exited. Lev encircled his arm on Chloe's head and one hand pushing their stuff in a trolley. They are expecting to get mob as soon as the press will see them, but they've already exited the departure area and no flashes of the camera, no medias or even fans approach them. "Oh." Lev utter in surprised when he saw the paparazzi mobbing someone else. C hloe got curious and she remove Lev's hand and looked at the crowded people. "Bitch." She snort when she saw her cousin in the middle of the crowd, wearing a single-breasted jacket, a Cashmere flannel, a cotton poplin underneath and black necktie paired with mid-rise black skinny jeans and Lou Suede ankle boots with multiple buckles, carrying a Carre Satchel and wearing a dark shades and she let her blonde hair down. "Who's that?" Lev asked curiously while eyeing the blonde in the middle of the dazzling flash of cameras and paparazzis. "She seems famous." "This is her plan?" Chloe asked in disbelief as they make their way out of the airport and she smiled when she saw her childhood friend standing outside of an SUV, wearing a plain white shirt, round spectacle, fitted jeans and hair tied in a messy bun, neck craning and eyes searching. "Ivy Acker." The woman shifts her gaze at the one who called her real name, a name that only her closest friends or family known that name and the smile registers on her lips when she saw her childhood friend. "Chloe!" Ivy squeal excitedly and skip her way to Chloe, earning the attention of some paparazzi who heard the name of the most famous model outside of New York. "Shit." Chloe mumbles and shoot her friend a dagger look. "Thank you for yelling my name where I was hiding myself." She sarcastically said and walked to her friend. Lev move quickly, putting all of their stuff from the back of the car, Charlene's driver helped him and just before the press could mob Chloe and Ivy, they immediately climb inside the car and wait for Charlene. "Wow Chloe, oh God! I really missed you!" Ivy beams, hugging the brunette tightly, but since Chloe was starting to feel the jet lag from 12 hours straight flight, she could only offer a weak but genuine smile. "Are you really going to stay here for good?" "Actually, I'm still thinking about that, but since I don't have any plans yet until I haven't seen my parents, I'll stay." Chloe replied and removed her denim patch jacket, cap and shades. "And yes, I've missed you too." Lev sat in front seat with the driver and eyed Chloe through the rearview mirror. "You ok Chloe?" He asked worriedly. "Yeah, kinda dizzy." She replied. "Oh by the way, Lev, this is Ivy, my childhood friend, Ivy, that's Lev, my friend/manager." "Nice to meet you." Ivy politely offered her hand to the guy with teasing smile and glanced at Chloe. "I like the shades of your lipstick, what brand is it?" Lev asked but still reach for Irene's hand, though they shook hands, Ivy's face lit up in hilarity. "He's gay." Chloe snorts. "Oh uhm..ok, I thought uhm, yeah." Ivy stammers and laugh softly. "It's Etude house chic Lip lacquer." "I want one." Lev said and looked at Chloe. "Will buy you one later, but for now, call the goddamn chic outside." Chloe groans, referring to Charlene. Since Ivy already took the press's attention, Charlene had the difficulty to enter the SUV and her driver had to climbed out of the car to help her boss. "Oh God!" Charlene blurted out after her driver shut the door and ran to the driver's seat. "How'd they know that it was Chloe?!" "Ask Ivy." Chloe scoffs. "Sorry ok? I got excited when I saw her and kinda screamed her name." Ivy said guiltily with sheepish smile at the blonde. "I swear to God, Ivy!" "Why are you even in that outfit and really? You stood in the middle of the airport just to get press's attention?" Chloe asked incredulously. "First, I headed straight here after my pictorial, second, b***h! Thank me and not mock my way of luring the press!" Charlene scowled. "Come here b***h, I've missed you so much!" The blonde pulled the brunette's hands and engulfed her tiny body into a tight hug. "Missed you too, Lene. Now can we go home? I really want to rest." "Oh sure." Charlene said after letting go the brunette. "Max, let's go." "Where to?" "Home? Of course? Chloe's house is literally next to our house." "Ok ma'am." The driver replied with salute, ignoring her boss's sarcastic remarks. "God, why is he even my driver?" Charlene hissed and her brow automatically raised when she noticed the guy sitting in the front seat. "Who are you?" "He's Chloe'ss manager/friend, Lev." Ivy chimes in when Chloe was already drifted off due to the dizziness. "Lev, this is Charlene, Chloe's b***h cousin." "Oh I know now, aren't you the two models of the Vogue?" "Yes, yes we are." Charlene smugly said and offer her hand. "Charlene Smith." "Levy Singh." The Kiwi guy introduced himself with bright smile and they shook hands. The ride from the airport t Chloe's house took 30 minutes long and filled with random talks between Lev and the two woman, about fashion of course, while Chloe wandering in dreamland. "Chloe Nicole!" Mrs. Smith exclaimed when she saw her daughter coming out of the car. The brunette's face lit up upon seeing her mom but she frowns when she remember their last talked on the phone a week ago. "Mom, only Chloe." "How's the flight?" Mrs. Smith asked enthusiastically, ignoring the frown on her daughter's face. "I don't know, I've been sleeping all the way here." Chloe replied and hugged her mom tightly, even if she's a little upset to her mom, she still misses her old lady. "Where's Dad?" "He's in his office." "I thought he's sick? What is he doing in his office?" Chloe asked a little high from her normal pitch voice. "He's so stubborn, I told him just to take a rest but he doesn't want to." The old lady said, voice laced with irritation at her husband. "I'll talk to him tomorrow, I really need to rest." Chloe dismissed and turn her heels. "Girls, let's catch up tomorrow, thank you for the lift." "You're always welcome, Chloe." Charlene said. "We'll go ahead, I still need to go back to the studio." "Me too, but I will clear my schedule for tomorrow. So see you." Ivy said, too and waved her hand. "Goodnight Jen." The two women bid their goodbye with a hand waved to Mrs.Smith and Lev before they went out of the Smith's mansion. The old lady eyed the guy behind Chloe accusingly and shifts her gaze to her daughter, silently asking her who is the guy behind her. "You met him before through video call, he's Lev, my manager." Chloe said without waiting for the verbal question. "I really need to hit the bed, would you please accommodate him and being him to one of the guess room? Thank you." Chloe said and didn't wait for her mom's answer as she make her way at the grand staircase and into the hallway leading to her room at the end of the hallway. Inside her room, everything still the same and though it kept clean by one of their maids, it seems that no one touch them ever since she left. She rid off her sneakers and she walked straight to her balcony and as she opened the sliding door, chilly winds of November blew her face and she shudders. Chloe likes sleeping with open window or balcony to feel the winter wind and to put her in deeper sleep, as she was about to turn, her eyes passed through a silhouette of a man standing under a wrecked lamp post not too far from their mansion and if she was not mistaken, the person was looking at her, with its body facing her spot and under the light of wan moon, she could see the head tilting up to her. The odd feelings suddenly struck through her just like earlier, thinking that it's the same gut at the plane. Chloe decided to just closed the sliding door and securely locked it before she pad back to her bed and tossed her exhaust body as her eyelids flutter immediately. ______
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