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Vittoria's POV I blinked as I stared in front of a very familiar building. “What’s happening?” I confusedly asked myself. I looked around with a frown on my face. How come I am standing here? I looked down at my body. I am wearing the uniform of Imperial University. The crease in my forehead deepened even more. I touched my chest where my heart is beating right now. I felt a steady rhythm against my palm. I am alive... But how come? I don’t understand. The last memory in my head is when Alpha Dominic pushed his claws inside my chest before he crushed my heart. I am sure that I died after that. There is no way for me to survive that attack! Even the strongest Lycan wouldn't survive with a crushed heart! So what am I doing here now? Is this some sort of parallel universe? Is this where our souls go after we die? What kind of joke is this? This is the last place that I want to be in right now! All my nightmares started at this very same place! I gasped as I held my pounding head. I feel like it is going to burst any moment now. Just when I thought that everything would end right after I die! I thought there wouldn't be pain or suffering after that. I guess I was wrong. Or maybe my soul has turned into a ghost? Are ghosts even real? But how can I explain my beating heart? I feel so alive. “Oh my gosh! What is an Omega doing here?” I heard someone ask. Wait... Those words sound familiar. Where did I hear them before? And she wasn’t the only one. Most of the students are talking about me as if I couldn’t hear them. I may be an Omega, but I still possess werewolf abilities, including heightened senses. I can hear them clearly. They are talking about me. It means they can see me. So I'm not a ghost... "What's that smell? It stinks!" another she-wolf uttered with pure disgust. "Is she going to study here?" "What else do you think? Look, she even had her books on the first day! Nerd!" the she-wolf snickered. " But how? I thought this school was just for the elites like us?!" "I know right?" I caught how she rolled her eyes in disgust. My whole body turned cold. This scene is familiar. In fact, too familiar! I won't forget this day even after I die! But why does it have to play in front of me again? "Athena... What is happening?!" I asked my wolf in confusion, but all I heard was silence inside my head. Huh? Where is she? "Athena?!" I called out once more, but I still didn't hear any response. Oh, goddess... I closed my eyes and tried to feel her presence but I couldn't. She's not here... The buzz from the students' murmurs of disgust filled my ears. I shook my head while covering my ears, but I could still hear them! I gasped before I found the courage to run away from all their harsh words. "That's right, run away b***h! Run and don't ever come back!" someone yelled behind me. Is this a nightmare? Or is this hell? Was I brought down to hell? But why?! Hadn't I suffered enough in my past life that they still have to punish my soul in the afterlife? What did I even do wrong when I was alive? I tried to run faster to get away from all the scrutinizing gazes that they were giving me. Why does everything feel so real? Is the Moon Goddess playing a trick on me? I badly needed answers, but sadly, my wolf, who is the only one I thought I could talk to, is nowhere to be found! I kept running until I bumped into a tall and muscular werewolf. I landed on my butt because of the collision. The books that I didn't even notice I was holding fell into a mess on the ground. I looked up and gasped when I saw his face. No! This has also happened before! I don't understand. "Are you stupid?!" he growled in a low voice. That was the exact same thing he told me as far as I can remember. Back then, I got so scared of the glare that he was giving me, but right now, all I can feel is utter confusion! What the hell is happening? Why do things seem to be in a replay? I don't need to be reminded of these things! "I'm sorry..." I blurted out just to avoid any confrontation. "Stop apologizing!" that's what Athena shouted inside my head at that time. But she's awfully quiet now. I am actually starting to worry. Is she really gone? "What are you staring at?!" the man in front of me growled, which brought me back to my senses. I kneeled on the floor to pick up my things immediately. I thought he had already left but when I was about to pick up the last book, a foot stepped on it. I looked up just to see the same man looking down at me. He grinned when our gazes met. I remember how I almost found him cute before. What was I even thinking back then? There's clearly something wrong with my eyes in the past! He looked at my face scrutinizingly. Like he was trying to memorize it or something. "You will regret ever stepping your foot here, Omega," he muttered like a promise before leaving me. He doesn't need to say that. I'm already regretting being here. Again. I slowly released the breath that I was holding all those times. I snatched the book before running out of there. All I want is to get away from everything. I ran and ran until I felt that my legs were almost giving up on me. I just stopped when I reached a secluded part of the school. I leaned against a tree while catching my breath. What the hell is happening?! I asked myself for probably the hundredth time. I tried to look around. Everything is the same as how I remember it. It is the same hell where my life started to go upside down. But I still don't understand... Why am I still here when I am supposed to be dead? I sat on the ground when my breathing finally went back to normal. This was my first day of school here at Imperial University. I am sure of that! I can still remember every detail like it was just yesterday. But why is it happening again? This is where my life started to go downhill. This may be the most prestigious school in our kingdom, but for me, it was my own piece of living hell! Only the ranked werewolves' kids can study here. But they made an exception for "gifted" people like me. The buzzer rang. It was a sign that the first class in the morning had already started, but I didn't even flinch. There is no way in hell that I would attend classes here again! Instead, I remained seated and tried to recall what happened before, after I bumped into Rowan. That's the name of the werewolf that I bumped into earlier. I think I also ran to find my classroom. I tried to be invisible during class, but it was just impossible. With all those higher ranks around me, my Omega scent surely stood out anywhere I went... "Welcome to Imperial University. I am Professor Kana," my first professor of the day introduced herself. She's obviously a Lycan based on her powerful aura. She's taller than an average female wolf. Her skin is spotless. I wonder how old she is. Lycans are known to have longer lifespans than werewolves. She could be over a century old but still looked like she was in her late twenties. "Before anything else, we should be acquainted with everyone, so you have to introduce yourselves," she announced. I felt my blood turn cold. Why?! I have a bad feeling about this. Don't they know each other yet? Why do we still need to introduce ourselves like grade schoolers? "Let's start with you," she looked at a she-wolf sitting in front of the class. I sighed in relief. At least I won't be the first one to do it. The she-wolf called by the professor stood up proudly and looked at us with a broad smile on her face. "Hi everyone! My name is Carla Brown from Moon Howler's pack. I am the Beta's youngest daughter." she proudly introduced herself. "Even though I am the only daughter, my father made sure that I got to train even when I was young." She had no doubts talking about herself, and so did everyone else. As expected, they are all from high-ranking officials' descendants. I was at least expecting someone ordinary, unranked but not an Omega. But it seems that I ran out of luck. How am I supposed to introduce myself then? I'm sure everyone would laugh at me! I gulped when it was finally my turn. My heart beats so fast. There's no doubt that they can all hear it. If the room wasn't soundproofed, then the sound could even be heard across the whole university! "Hello. I'm V-Vittoria Hall-" I stuttered before I was rudely interrupted by another student. "We all know that you're an Omega. We can smell your filthy scent! No need to say it," he mocked before he was berated by our Lycan professor, Ms. Kana. "Stop it," she coldly stated while glaring at the werewolf. He shrugged and acted as if nothing had happened. It didn't stop the giggles and mocking chuckles from my classmates though... That's not the worst that happened that day. My next professors were worse. They didn't care when my classmates openly made fun of me! One of them even started picking at me, then laughed with my classmates. That wasn't what I was expecting from the kingdom's most sought-after university. This university is exclusively for all the higher ranks' lineage to study. Whether it be future Alphas, Betas, or Gammas. Even the heir to the throne, Prince Lucas himself, studies here. And other students that belong to the royal Lycan family. That was the reason why I had high expectations of this school, but they just proved me wrong. I was only admitted here because I was lucky to have our family's healing ability passed on to me. They accept "special" or gifted individuals like me. Now I really don't think it was luck. It was more of a curse. I can still remember how I endured this day despite all the harsh words and actions that they gave me. But those are not the highlights of my day. This was also the day when I first saw him. My mate. Zander... My heart started to beat erratically inside my chest at the mere thought of his name. It was lunchtime. I went to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. I was looking around for an empty table but my eyes landed on a pair of pale blue orbs instead. My breath hitched and my wolf started to feel uneasy at that time. Who wouldn't? He was looking at us like he wanted to pierce right into my soul. I felt like drowning in the intensity of his gaze. It drowned out all the noises that I hear from other students. Back then, I had no idea who he was. But he already knew that I was his mate. He was eighteen and I was just seventeen. There is no way that I could've sensed him as my mate. However, he was very well aware of it. I know that now. He knew that I was his mate right from the start, yet he did nothing. He just watched as the whole school bullied me. I clenched my teeth in anger. How could he do that? How can he act like he doesn't know me despite our mate bond? Is it because he is an Alpha? There is no doubt that he is stronger than me in every way. Is that why he was unbothered? On the other hand, I was just a "weak" Omega! So weak that even after being rejected, my heart still beats for him! I wanted to hate him, but I couldn't... Even now, after his father killed me in the most brutal way, I don't think I can hate him. My mind had already come up with a thousand excuses to exempt him from his father's evil sins. I shook my head when I noticed how I had been wallowing in the past. There's no use in that now. Everything is already done. I can't do anything to change it. But wait... "Oh, goddess," I murmured with my eyes bulging from their sockets when a realization suddenly dawned on me. Could it be? I gulped. I can clearly remember how I died, but I also can't deny the fact that I am very much alive right now. I can feel my heartbeat. I took a deep breath to fill my lungs with fresh air. Positive. "I am alive!" I uttered in disbelief. I looked up at the clouds as if I would miraculously find the Moon Goddess there. Did she bring me back to life? Was I reborn?!
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