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I was laying across from Lee on his bed talking about how cool our Senior Year was going to be (trying to be happy about it mind you) not to mention the fact that for the first semester I was living with the Flynn's since my dad was promoted and sent on a trip to help start up a branch office in Washington D.C. he was set to return right before Christmas. He agreed with me and the Flynn's that it being my Senior year it was too much for me to be changing schools so much. So, a week ago I said goodbye to my dad and my Lil bro Brad till Christmas. The one thing that June, Mathew and my dad insisted on was that Lee and I could not be roommates. It had nothing to do with them worrying about us doing anything seeing I was now engaged to Noah. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Right before Noah left for Harvard in the middle of the airport he proposed to me so of course, I said YES! Not only did he have a beautiful engagement ring for me which he placed on my finger he had a band that was engraved with Shelly's for me to give to him. I was so happy he wanted to make sure everyone knew we belonged to each other. Well back to why Lee and I couldn't be roommates. Turns out shortly after I moved in Lee's Uncle Tom called and said that Lee's cousin Blake had been kicked out of yet another school. His parents thought a complete change of scenery would help keep him out of trouble since he always seemed to keep the same friends no matter what school he was in. Since none of the guest rooms had locks on their doors it was decided I would stay in Noah's room since I could lock the door. Plus, they were not sure Blake would not tell the whole school Lee and I were sharing a room and as June said the last thing I needed was for the school to think I was sleeping with Lee. All of a sudden I heard "Elle they just pulled in new rules start now move it." I sighed jumped up off of Lee's bed and made my way to Noah's room. In case your wondering the new rules were 1. I was not allowed in Lee's Room and he wasn't allowed in Noah's (since that is where I was staying) 2. We were not allowed to change in front of each other (even though he just my twin eww) 3. No more me coming out half dressed asking Lee for help 4. Unless we were on the couch no more falling asleep together. Lee and I hated these new rules. Since as far as we were concerned not only were we best friends but we were also twins. Unfortunately, members of Joan's family didn't feel that way. Maybe it is because they hardly ever saw us together. Anyway needless to say Noah didn't mind them. He wasn't too thrilled with Blake moving into the same house with me in it but he liked the rules. Turns out he was starting to get annoyed that his lil' bro was seeing me in my underwear now that we were together and since we got engaged it made it worse. I was laying across my bed, oops I mean Noah's bed or as he says our bed when my phone dings. Noah: How is my beautiful sexy fiancée doing? Me: Missing my hot fiancée I was sitting there waiting for him to answer back. I was getting annoyed he was taking so long so I decided to text Lee. Me: Let's go for a swim Lee: Hell yeah meet you in 10 I changed into one of my bikini's figured I would lay out as well to get some sun since school started tomorrow. When all of a sudden my phone goes off and there on my screen is the sexiest man I know. I didn't even stop to think about it and instantly answered him. Me: Oh, Noah I miss you so much. Noah: Oh, I really like what I see. I hear "damn dude she is smoking hot" Noah: Babe please grab a shirt. I giggle get up grab his old football jersey and pull it on. Me: This better Noah: Yes and no Me: What you don't want me wearing it Noah: Shelly baby it is not that, believe me. I just really miss you. Me: I miss you too. I can't wait to see you in two weeks Noah: Me either so remember don't wear the ring to school just my jacket. When I get back in two weeks will announce the engagement to all our friends. I couldn't help and I frowned Noah: Baby I know but I thought we agreed we wanted to be together to tell our friends like we were when we told our families. Me: No, Noah I understand believe me I do it is just now the only place I can wear my ring is in your room. Noah: Correction their Shelly our room. ME: O.k. Noah our room Noah: Oh, yeah I forgot Blake might spill the beans. Don't worry. Oh, I did tell Tuppen. Before you get mad I needed to explain why it was extra extra important for him to keep you safe for me ok Me: got it I hear a door close Noah: good my roommate left. damn, Shelly looking at you In my old jersey is giving me ideas. Me: Really like what Noah: hmmm you in my arms in nothing but the jersey or me making love to you with it on. Me: really I get up to go to the bedroom door and lock it. As I start walking back I can tell he is watching me intently I start to slide my hands up my thighs I pull down my bikini bottoms Noah: Shelly this is not funny my roommate can walk in at any minute and I am kinda not up for visitors right now. Me: go somewhere more private. Noah: Damn, Shelly this side of you is so damn sexy where did the sweet innocent girl disappear to Me: Oh, that's easy she got the resident bad boy (I pull off my bikini top and show it to him as I drop it to the floor) to fall in love with her. That Flynn guy really showed her how to open up. All of a sudden there is a Knock on my door. Me: who is it Lee: Hey Shelly what is going on Me: Sorry Lee talking to Noah be down in a bit Noah: Damn it hearing my lil' bro is just like a bucket of ice water. I better go I need a cold shower thanks to you and I can hear my roommate coming back. I love you Shelly and I really did enjoy myself I really find this side of you sexy. Me: hmm now you are giving me ideas bye I shut off the face time before he could ask me what I was up to. I needed to really think about it. I had an idea but I needed to make sure I could get the courage to do it. I pull off Noah's jersey put my bikini back on and pull on his jersey then grab a pair of shorts. I open the door and Lee is standing there holding my one piece. "Ran to your house to get this mom thinks you should wear it." "O.K. be down in a minute. I quickly change suits but unfortunately, my butt is hanging out of it and when I bent over to pick up Noah's jersey my boobs popped out. Damn, I just remembered the last time I wore this suit was right before as Lee would say "I blossomed" well the bikini it is. I switch suits yet again pull on my shorts and Noah's jersey and head downstairs.
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