The Hellhole

2390 Words
CHAPTER II I woke up with a start when I felt the engine stopped. It was already dark outside when I opened my eyes. We all went out of the van. My eyes scanned the surroundings. In front of me is a tall house that almost looks like a building that is surrounded by high fences. “Bring them up to their rooms.” Madam ordered one of the men with us. “You can take a rest for now. Your job will start tomorrow.” She told us before going back to the van together with the driver. “C’mon, follow me.” I shivered with his voice, he sure sounds scary. I held on tightly to my bag as I quietly walk behind them. We walked to the right side of the house until we reached the back. Maybe we can’t go through the front doors because we’re just house helpers. There was an iron stairs attached at the walls, it looks like a fire exit. The man used those stairs and we just followed him. I was almost out of breath when we reached the fifth and final floor.  A metal door stood at the end of the stairs. The man opened it before motioning for us to follow. I saw nothing but a long hallway with rows of closed doors on both sides. He stopped in one of the doors before getting his key to open it. “Get in!” he gruffly ordered and we followed at once. Inside the room were two bunk beds and an old cabinet. “You’re dinner will be brought here later.” The scary man said before finally closing the door behind him. I plopped down on one of the beds. I feel so exhausted, maybe because this is the first time that I’ve travelled that far even though I slept most of the time. “What’s your name?” one of the girls asked me, she’s the taller one. “I’m Julia. How about you? I’m sorry I can’t remember your names. My mind was in turmoil earlier.” I tried to explain. “No worries, we understand. I’m Stella.” “And I’m Diane” said the shorter one. I can’t help but notice her nice body curves even though she’s a little shorter than us. It’s noticeable even behind her simple jeans and tee. Stella on the other hand has a beautiful face. Her naturally wavy hair framing her heart shaped face. “Do you guys know each other?” I asked them. Dianne shrugged. “We just met earlier too. I even thought that I was the only one recruited by Madam to work here. But this is better, the more the merrier!” she smiled, showing her perfect set of teeth. “This house is really big. No wonder they needed three house helps.” Said Stella while walking to the only window inside the room. You can see nothing but a concrete wall outside of it. It seems like the owner of this house is a security freak. “Wait, I need to pee.” I walked back to the door to look for a toilet but to my surprise, it is locked! I tried to shake it but it wouldn’t budge. “What’s the matter?” asked Dianne when she noticed that I was forcing to open the door. “I can’t open it.” I tried to knock it. Then I shouted to ask for help thinking that we were accidentally locked here but no one came. I’m starting to get anxious. “Here’s another door.” Stella pointed at by the cabinet. I didn’t notice it. I almost run to get to it and relief washed over me when I was able to turn the knob. Only to get more disappointed when I realized that it was a bathroom. I still did what I have to do inside even if I’m really starting to worry about our situation. When I went out, Stella and Dianne were just normally talking to each other like nothing’s wrong. Well maybe there’s nothing really wrong. Maybe we weren’t allowed to roam around unless we have something to do. With that thought, I just went to the bed to relax my tensed body. I think I got muscle cramps for sitting almost the whole day. A door slammed and that’s what woke me up. I got up and run to it frantically but to my dismay it was locked again. I banged my fists into it. “Open the door!” I screamed but nothing happened.  I turned to my two companions but both of them seem relaxed, unlike me who’s almost desperate. “Why do they have to lock us in?” I asked confusedly. “Maybe because our work will start tomorrow that’s why we can’t go out yet.” Stella calmly explained. “Nothing bad will happen, don’t worry. Madam Rose is so kind, I’m sure she won’t put us in danger.” She added but it didn’t calm me down.  I really have a bad hunch about this. “She’s right Julia, stop being so paranoid. Maybe you just miss your family. C’mon let’s have our dinner.” After dinner, we all went to bed. It has been a long day and we need to rest. I already heard Stella’s steady breathing after a while. She’s sleeping under the bunk bed next to me while Dianne is on the top bunk.  They’ve been sleeping for quite some time already but here I am, still wide awake. I’m not sure if it’s because I overslept, or I’m in a new place or maybe because of my worries. I think it’s the latter. I can really feel it in my gut. Now I want to smack myself for being so gullible. Why did I trust Madam so easily? How can I be so stupid? I twist and turn in bed but I really can’t sleep this time so I just decided to stand up. I went to the window wondering if I can see anything but there was nothing but darkness. I even tried to put my ear against the wall and door but I can’t hear anything too causing me to become restless for the whole night. The next morning, Madam Rose went to our room after our breakfast. She’s beaming. I was about to ask her a lot of questions but she preceded. “Come follow me, I will introduce you to the boss.” She declared before going out of the room.  I was the last one to walk out of the room because I was still feeling nervous. Madam is with the same bulky guy that he was with yesterday. Maybe he’s her bodyguard. He silently walked behind us. We went down to the first floor of the house.  I was overwhelmed by its elegance, it looks so different from the fifth floor. Obviously, all the furniture here are expensive, especially the large sofa and the chandelier. I got anxious when I saw a woman around the same age as Madam Rose.  She silently looked at us from head to toe. It seems like we’re being scanned by her eyes. She appears scary because she looked strict. When we finally approached her, she and Madam Rose spoke in a language I did not understand. I looked up to Dianne and Stella who are beside me and they both have the same clueless expression I probably have. After they finished talking they faced us and Madam Rose introduced the three of us to the woman. “This is Madam Hirushi, she is the boss here.” She just nodded at us before leaving. “Let’s go.” Madam Rose led us to a closed door.  When she opened it, three women in pink scrub suits greeted us. “They will take care of you for the meantime. I’ll be back later.” She then left us with that.  We were left stunned, what are we going to do here? The three women approached us. “Sit down here.” The other woman motioned where, we silently obeyed her. When we’re already settled down they put our feet in a small tub with warm liquid inside then they took our hands and started cleaning our nails. "Woah, we have a generous boss! We get free manicure to welcome us.” Stella happily said but I got more anxious. Why do we need this kind of treatment? We’re gonna be housemaids for crying out loud! After the hand and foot treatment, we were brought to another door inside. “Please remove your clothes before we start.” One of the said. “What?!” I almost screamed! I knew something’s wrong here! “Don’t worry, we will just give you body scrubs. So we need you to take off your clothes.” “Body scrub! I know that treatment Julia, this is exciting.” Stella gushed. “Why do we need to be pampered like this?” I asked skeptically. “Everyone gets the same treatment before working, don’t worry about it.” The eldest answered me but it still didn’t pacify my nerves.  But I don’t have a choice but to go with the flow since Dianne and Stella are really excited now. “Don't you wonder why we still need to undergo all of these when we just have to clean the house and do the laundry?” I asked the after we were done and just waiting for Madam Rose to come back for us.  “Well, I’m also wondering but this is the first time that I get to experience all of these. Who am I to complain?” Dianne said while looking at her well-manicured nails. “And look, my skin got so much softer, even my feet!” she laughed “She’s right. And for sure we won’t get this often so let’s just go with the flow!” Stella squealed happily so I decided to keep mum. I don’t want to let their feelings down with my own worries. A few minutes later, Madam Rose and Madam Hirushi went in together with three big goons. I can feel goose bumps all over my body with the kind of stares they were giving us. I badly want to run away right now. The two women are again talking in a foreign language while the goons kept quiet while stealing glances on us. “Bring them up on the training room.” Madam Rose ordered the three men. They took each one of us and led us outside the door. “Wait a minute.” I turned to Madam Rose while the man is gripping my arm and pulling me out. I can’t just keep quiet. “I want to ask some questions!” I said but Madam Rose glared at me. “Bring them up!” she demanded in a loud voice and the men dragged us into the elevator. They pushed us in before closing it. “What’s happening? Where will you bring us? When do we start working?” I kept asking the man who was holding me while we were in the elevator. “Don’t ask too many questions!” he roared and the elevator doors opened. They dragged us inside a big room and left us there. I run to the door but it was locked. I was almost trembling in fear. What’s happening? There are so many ideas swarming my head but I kept denying it. I turned to Dianne and Stella who were quiet until now. “What are they going to do with us?” I was on the verge of crying. “I have no idea.” Answered Stella while hugging herself. I looked around. One side of the wall is made up of mirror. There’s another door in the corner so I went to it but before I could reach it a woman went out from it. “Well hello girls!” she squealed and that’s when I realized she’s gay. She looked at us from head to toe. “I must say, Rose really has a keen eye for beauty!” she went to Stella and touched her hair. “Hmm. Let’s go.” She motioned for the door but we kept rooted in our places. “I said go!” she screamed and that made us scramble to our feet and did what she asked. We went through the door and there was another big room inside it. There are other girls inside who were all busy putting make up on while some of them are trying out different costumes. “By the way my name is France and I will be in charge of your training girls!” “Training?” I mumbled while scanning the room. There were a lot of clothes hanged in one side of the room. They came in different colors, most of them are shiny and too small for my liking. The other side has a long mirror attached to it. It has lights around it. There’s a long table below it, it’s almost the same length as the wall. It’s where the other girls are doing their make-up. Judging with their tiny piece of clothing that almost cover nothing, I think I know now what we are going to end up with...
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