CHAPTER 19: Detention Pals

1828 Words
“Sit. Down,” Chuck instructed with warning in his tone when Alastair stood up all of a sudden to inspect the glass cabinet where a few things were on display. Alastair ignored him though and had started to prance towards the back. It was only the three of them today — Nathan, Warren, and Alastair — plus the pleasurable company of the Student Council President, Chuck. Of course, none of the other three guys were delighted to be placed in the same room for obvious reasons. But Alastair doesn’t seem to mind. Or more like, she doesn’t really care. “Alastair, will you sit down?! I’m getting dizzy over watching you walk around in circles.” “Ooh.” Alastair turned to him with a teasing stare and chuckled. “So, you were staring at me?” “It’s really hard not to, really. You’re like a bull in a China shop. And it doesn’t help that you’re deranged, too.” Nathan let slip a small chuckle and before he could even realize what he did, he felt Alastair’s seething glare on the back of his head as he heard her footsteps heading straight for him. “You dare laugh, mortal?” she asked when they were finally eye level and Nathan tried his best to ignore both her and Warren who was just snickering from his seat. “You still owe me one.” His forehead immediately creased and he turned fully towards Alastair, meeting her gaze with an outraged look. “Excuse me, I owe you?” He scoffed and stared at her with a look that suggested she might as well eat her hat. “Audacity must be on sale this year, then, huh?” Alastair smiled at him and ignored the derision lacing his voice, making Chuck roll his eyes. “I told you a little something about eating the donut from last night, didn’t I?” Nathan’s eyes grew wide and he mockingly gave her a shocked look. “Oh, the one that I bought with my money? Oh, let’s see, it’s a little foggy. But I think it’s something about raining hellfire upon me?” “And yet?” “And yet I’m here without an umbrella.” Alastair gritted her teeth and made a move as if to shove Nathan off of his chair when the door burst open and Castiel came prancing in with his angelic energy, his face all happy and sh*t. “Good day,” he greeted and smiled at Chuck who had previously kicked him out into the hallway for not having a detention slip. “I believe, you were looking for this?” Alastair’s eyebrows furrowed as she leaned to the side to look at what he was handing Chuck, her self-proclaimed best friend. And there, in between his ‘big, fat fingers’ as Alastair would like to describe it, was a familiar red card with the word ‘detention’ written in bold letters. “Where’d you get this?” Chuck asked, and Al nodded. “Yeah. Where’d you get that?” she repeated like an exasperating parrot. Castiel simply smiled and pointed at the hallway outside where another two of the identical Student Council lapdogs were standing like guards. “They gave it to me. I practically have to beg them to.” Chuck’s expression turned to that of absolute confusion and gazed back and forth between the paper in his hand and the smiling pug-like face of the angel in front of him. “You know … I’ve never seen anyone as weird as you and your friends.” Castiel simply smiled at his remarks and rocked himself on his feet. “What can I say? Mundane is boring, Chuck.” ··· “Oh, s**t,” Nathan cursed when he saw the time on his phone flash 05:36 in the afternoon and he immediately made a run for it, absolutely sure that with the amount of traffic during this time of the day, it would take a miracle for him to get to work on time. “Well … ” Alastair said and simply watched as Nathan frantically got on the last bus and left without his things, Alastair included. “Imagine his face when he realizes that I stole his wallet.” “You did what?” Castiel turned to her with an appalled look on his face and pointed at the spot where he last saw Nathan. “Doesn’t the mortal need his money to pay for the bus?” Alastair laughed maniacally and started walking down the hallway with a satisfied look on her face. “This one’s for the donut.” “Hey, Al?” Warren tried calling out from behind them but they just ignored his entire existence, their attention wrapped up in the idea that their human being would no doubt get kicked out in the middle of the road. “Imagine the look on his face when he realizes that.” She snickered again and glanced at the watch on her wrist, counting down the minutes until she appears beside Nathan. “Al?” Warren called again, but like before, there was no response from either of them. “You’re seriously cruel,” Castiel said and sighed as he grabbed Nathan’s things along with him, half a smile betraying his words as he followed her down the hallway. “I thought you said that you’re not as evil as people think you are?” “Yeah.” She smiled. “I’m much worse.” “Alastai—” “WHAT?” Alastair snapped and whirled around so fast that Warren almost bumped straight into her, the blood on his face slowly draining out of his body in pure shock. “If I didn’t answer you the first five times, what makes you think that the next five will work?” Warren let out a small but obviously restrained noise that almost sounded like he was choking a rat and cleared his throat. “I just … I just wanted to apologize for what I did.” “And?” “And … ” He swallowed the lump in his throat and slowly looked down. “ … and I don’t know. I just know that I’m sorry. I just want to be your friend. But if you don’t want to, I’m totally cool with that. I mean—” “Sure.” Warren paused his pity party and Castiel nearly made a double take, his eyes wide in confusion and shock. “You wanna be friends, right?” Alastair sneered at him and extended her hand out for a shake. “Sure. As long as you do one thing for me.” The chip i***t wasted no time and took her hand in his, nodding enthusiastically like one of those car panel decorations with their head bobbing back and forth. “Anything. I’ll do anything for you, I promise.” “Anything?” “Anything.” And that is the story as to how the all infamous video of Warren twirking to a t****k song went online. “You really are evil,” Castiel muttered as Alastair replayed the video over and over again in her phone, her eyes glowing malevolently as the numbers of views grew bigger. “Can’t say I don’t agree.” “Really?” Nathan said as the two of them went back inside the store after terrorizing Warren in the most ridiculous way possible. “You do know that you can’t include the name of the store I work in, right? What the hell were you two doing filming it in front?” Alastair just cackled at this and slid the phone towards him but Nathan just turned it off, not at all impressed about the stunt that Alastair just pulled. “Oh, come on, old man. We were just having some fun. Besides, it got the store more buying customer, didn’t it? Look at those girls over there,” she said and pointed at a group of blond girls who were all smiling and waving at Warren who was only minding his own business, wiping sweat off of his forehead as he sat on the corner of a flower bed, “they were obviously too amused that they didn’t realize they’ve been grabbing too much stuff for a while now. I mean, how much did they buy?” Nathan sighed and glanced down at the monitor as he gritted his teeth, an obvious answer to Al’s question. “They would still probably buy the same number of things even if none of this nonsense was happening.” “Really?” Alastair scoffed. “You mean to tell me that people would just normally buy umbrellas from a convenience store when it obviously costs ten times its normal price even when it’s not raining?” “Oh, so now you’re an expert at marketing?” She scoffed again and shook her head. “And you tell me that I’m the weird one.” “Well, that’s because you are. And don’t get me started about people buying weird things, okay? It happens all the time, trust me.” Alastair suddenly bursted out laughing and sat on the counter in front of him with an accusing stare. “Oh, I know. Remember that flashlight I saw in the—” “Stop mentioning that!” Nathan shrieked and everyone in the store turned to him, their eyes trailing back and forth towards Alastair who was turning red from laughter and to Nathan who was just equally as red from humiliation. “I swear to God, Alastair, if you don’t stop, you’re gonna leave me no choice.” “Oh, yeah? Whatchu gonna do about it, huh, pipsqueak? You’re gonna kill me?” “Oh, I just might,” Nathan said, and Alastair cackled like a witch. “Sorry to burst your bubble darling, but you can’t kill me.” “Funny. ‘Cause I’ve already decided how.” Someone made a slow clap from behind Alastair and they both glanced in Castiel’s direction, behind him was Warren who was only checking out a few things on the shelves beside him all the while still fanning himself. After a few takes of twerking for the rest of the world to cringe on, he now looked like a newborn baby. And it’s not even the cute kind of one. He’s like one of those babies that came straight out of the womb. Those dudes who resembled aliens more than humans? “Great job trying to drag my mortal into hell, Al. You’re such a genius at what you do.” Alastair just blinked at Castiel’s statement and frowned. “The hell are you talking about?” “At this rate, Alastair, you’re going to make him sin way more than a stripper in a club full of pedophiles.” “Oh, please.”
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