Chapter 2

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Dax POV "Come on Axel, stop acting like an old man. You really won't come out with us?" I asked my twin brother. "No, I told Amber that I would spend the evening with her. I wish you would get to know her and we could make her our chosen Luna. I've talked with her about it and she is fine with it," he said. "No thanks. She is a b***h. I don't like her. She hasn't done a single thing besides spend your money to make me think she would be a good Luna," I spat back at him. "Well if we don't find our mate soon we are going to be forced to choose one. We need a heir and mom and dad aren't going to let it go for much longer." "I know but anyone but her." "She really is a good person if you would just give her a chance." "Nope and I am done with this conversation. If you are not coming out with us then I am leaving." I got up and left him sitting in our office. It was seven pm and I still needed to shower before we went out. I headed to my room and got in the shower as soon as I was there. I kept thinking about my brother and what he said about Amber. I still didn't understand it. I knew my brother was the more serious of the two of us. I like to go out and cut loose at least once a week and occasionally take home a girl. I had had my fair share of one-night stands but never anything beyond that. My brother however has had the same girlfriend for the last year, although I didn't know what he saw in her. He may be my identical twin brother but we definitely had different tastes in women. We were both the Alpha of our pack. The Deep Lakes Pack. Our father handed it over when we turned twenty. The usual age was eighteen but he was hoping that we would find out Luna but we didn't and still haven't. I did wait for her but once I turned nineteen and hadn't found her I gave up and started to have fun. We were now twenty-four. Since we were identical twins we would share a mate and we were both ok with that, it was something that had been told to us our entire life. We did work together as a great team. I was finally done in the shower and got out to get ready. I found my favorite pair of jeans and my black button-up shirt. I rolled my sleeves so that the tattoos on my arms were showing and kept the first couple of buttons undone. I loved this shirt. It was like magic with the girls. They liked the way it was tight across my large muscled chest and tight on my arms. It wasn't so tight that it ripped when I flexed but tight enough that all of my muscles were on display. "Dax are you about ready?" Mind-linked Talon. Talon was to be our next Beta. The current Beta Richard was an ass and I didn't like him either. He was about ten years younger than my father so he wasn't ready to retire when my father did. He was Beta due to birthright but he only had a daughter and she isn't of age yet and she also doesn't want to be a Beta. She has made that clear with her lack of training. So this left us being able to choose who we wanted as Beta and we went with our best friend Talon. He had worked hard and alongside us since we were pups. "Yes, on my way now." I linked him back. As wolves, we could do what is called mind linking. It's basically like a phone call in our minds. We just thought of the person and the message we wanted to send and they could hear our voices in their head. However, if we were too far away from each other we couldn't get the message but it had a pretty far distance. We could also shift into our wolf form anytime we wanted. My wolf was Rocky. He was pretty much like me. He wanted to be the center of attention all the time. I finally made it downstairs and found Talon waiting for me along with Wyatt our Gamma and Mark, Cruz, and RJ. They were all warriors and damn good warriors at that. "Where are we going, tonight guys?" I asked them as I walked up to them. "We were thinking Sevens," Mark said. "The human bar in the next town over?" I groaned and asked them. The human bars could be fun but the girls didn't know what we were but because of our size and muscles they were attracted to us easily and it could get annoying. "Ya, we can find an easy lay. You know how the human women are," Cruz said laughing. "OK, fine. Let's go," I said heading out to the SUV we were taking. It was about a twenty-five-minute drive from the pack house. Someone broke out some beer out of a cooler and passed them around, but I refrained since I was driving. It took more for us to get drunk but we were headed into a human town so I didn't want to get caught with one while I was driving. The other five guys were chugging them back like they were water. I could see where this night was going to end up. They were going to try and get hammered drunk and I was going to have to drive them home. They would have to drink a ton to get that way but I could still have my fair share and be fine to drive home. I pulled into the bar's parking lot and it was nine pm. It was still a little early but we would be able to get a good table and watch all of the ladies come in tonight so we could pick out which ones we wanted. We walked inside and the bouncer just let us in. It was a smart move on his part since we were twice his size and could easily take him. Once inside we walked straight to the bar and ordered our drinks and found and table waiting for them to be brought to us. I sat down and that's when I was hit with the most refreshing smell. It was what I imagined to be berries and cream. I couldn't figure out where it was coming from but I wanted to. "You need to find the owner of that scent," Rocky my wolf linked me. "We will calm down. Let's have a drink first." He didn't answer me back but laid down in my head with a huff. "See anyone prospects yet?" RJ asked. "Not yet," I answered him RJ must have seen someone because he got up and went over to someone at the bar. She was a taller woman for a human but still smaller than most she wolves. She had what looked like black hair and porcelain skin. He had good taste that's for sure. "Dax, go find that smell again, I can barely smell it now," Rocky linked again. "Calm down dude I will." I sat there drinking my whiskey and looking around. People were really starting to file in now and the dance floor was completely full. I watched the crowd as they all danced and rubbed their bodies together. It was time to get out there and see what was waiting for me. RJ walked back over with a giant smile on his face. "So that girl over there Ivy has invited us to the VIP room she has reserved for tonight. You guys in?" He asked. "I think I am going to hit the dance floor first," I told him. "Me too," said Cruz. We both got up and headed to the dance floor. I had to shove Rocky back because he was trying to get me to find that smell again and I just really wanted to find some chick to dance with. We got to the dance floor and we were instantly surrounded by different girls. I grabbed a redhead and led her away from the group of girls. Most looked disappointed. I pulled the redhead to me and started to move my body with hers. We both got lost in the music but she suddenly reached her arms up around my neck and pulled me down to her and smashed her lips to mine and as soon as we made contact the smell of berries and cream hit me with full force. It was so strong it was taking my breath away. "That's Mate, I can fully smell her now. Go find her." Rocky yelled in my head. I broke the kiss from the redhead and she was smiling for me but I had to get rid of her fast. If my mate was a wolf we could have problems on our hands and if she was human we could still have problems. Rocky was trying to push forward to find her. "Rocky, stop. She could be human and won't understand all of this. We have to find out for sure." "Just find her please." I tried to walk through the crowd of people dancing following the scent. It seemed like it was all over the place. How could she move around so much? I had been everywhere on the dance floor and still couldn't find her. Rocky was getting really impatient with me. I headed towards the bar and that's when the scent got strong. There was a staircase that lead up to the VIP room and her scent was strong going up there. I followed it hoping that RJ was still up there. I got to the door and slowly pushed it open. I found RJ still there with the same female but she was straddling his lap making out with him. There were a few other girls around and Mark and Talon were talking to a couple of them. The last girl I see has her back to me but it's her I can tell. My heartbeat picked up and Rocky was prancing around in my head and telling me to go to her and take her and mark her right now. She still had her back to me but I could tell that she was beautiful. She was short, like really short. She also had long blonde hair that was curled down her back and her body was smoking hot. I could tell that she worked out a lot. Her dress was short and her thin toned legs were on full display for me. She also had this nice little ass that was perfect for grabbing a hold of. I just wish she would turn around. I started to walk over to her and that's when I hit the table drinks went flying and spilling everywhere but it got her attention and she turned to see what happened and I was correct she was beautiful. She was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She had these bright green eyes and red full lips and high cheekbones. Her neck was long and slender. She turned back around as quickly as she turned to see what happened. I ignored the drinks I spilled and walked over to her. "Hello," I said to her and Rocky is screaming mate in my head. "Hello," she said back but didn't bother to look at me. "I am Dax but that's short for Daxton." "And I don't care." "Wow no need to be rude," I told her. "Well, your redhead girlfriend down there would probably feel different if she saw you up here talking to me." I cringed at that. I was hoping that she wouldn't have seen that but that's not my luck tonight. "She isn't my girlfriend. I don't even know her name. We were dancing and she kissed me. I came up here looking for my friends and then I saw you and just knew that I had to meet you." "Well we've met now you can go." This girl was frozen like ice. I was really going to have to work my charm. I couldn't even get her to look at me, let alone tell me her name. She huffed and stormed over to the girl that was making out with RJ. "Ivy come on, let's go dance. You drag me out here and then sit her basically f*****g some mutt. Either leave him and go dance with me or I am going home," she yelled at her. Did she just call him a mutt? Does she know what we are? I couldn't detect any supernatural on her but that doesn't mean she isn't. "Chill out Cat, let's go take a shot you could use some loosening up." Cat. Her name is Cat. It's odd but beautiful like her. She can be the kitty to my puppy. s**t, I needed to tell Axel. He needed to be here also. "Axel, can you hear me?" I linked him. I wasn't sure if we were too far away or not. I may have to call him. "What do you want? If your to drunk to drive home then walk. I am not coming to get you," he linked back. "No, our mate is here." "Are you sure?" "Yes, and she is human and she is beautiful." "I am on my way."
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