Chapter :- 4.

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It's been almost two years since Zene found her powers. Two years since she gave up on her throne. Two years after she found out that her sisters hate her because of her beauty. And two years, she's keeping this huge secret buried inside her heart. She hid everything so perfectly that nobody even have a doubt about her. The only problem that she has to face is, whenever her little sister Kally or any new shifted kid request to swim with her. She can't shift in front of anyone because if she does then everyone will witness her transformation into the white Mermaid, which nobody knows about. To keep her powers hidden, she had to break their hearts every time. Today is King Triton and Queen Angelia's eighth and last daughter Kallianassa or Kally's 16th birthday. She is the last daughter the king and Queen have their hope on. Not only them, but the whole kingdom is looking forward to her shift. Everyone's really excited, along with Kally because they know that if none of her sisters shifted, then she is the one who will become their future Queen with her first angel shift today. There are only two persons who are not happy with their excitement. One is Sylvia, who thinks that her only chance to become the Queen is at great risk today. And the other one is Zene, who knew that their excitements are in vain. Nothing is going to happen like they are expecting. She knows that Kelly won't shift and become the Queen because the person they are searching for is Zene herself. That's why she's sad the whole day by imagining everyone's broken hope. “Look at her. She's sitting there all alone with a frown on her face. She's upset by the thought that she won't become the Queen and her little follower is going to be the Queen instead.” “She's the favorite daughter of our parents. Maybe she's upset by thinking that Kally is going to take her place. Poor Zene.” Zene heard her little twin sisters Sequanna and Savacia discuss it among themselves. She couldn't understand why they hate her so much? What she has done to them to deserve such hate? Zene always loves her sisters and always cares about them. Then what made them go against her? To celebrate the occasion of King Triton and Queen Angelia's last daughter's birthday, every one of their kingdom is gathered on a big ground. They also arranged a feast to spend the day until Kally shifts. “Sis! Why are you sitting all alone? Why didn't you come to wish me like everyone else? I was waiting for you.” Kally said as she went to Zene. “I'm sorry. I was just panning what to give you for your birthday.” Zene said to her. “Maybe a smile. I don't like your sad face. I like the beautiful smile you give from your heart. You can give me that smile for my birthday.” Kally said to her sister and instantly a sweet smile came into Zene's heart. “You're the sweetest person on this island, Kally. I love you so much. I wish you a wonderful life on this special day. I pray that you can get the happiest life you want. Happy birthday, my sweet sister. I can't believe you are turning 16 today. Your growing up so soon.” Zene wished her sister and hugged her. “I can't believe you're going to turn 18 in less than two months. And after that, you're going to find your mate and move out of the house like Amatheia and Andrina. I will miss you so much.” Kally said in a sad tone. Amatheia and Andrina, the 2nd and 3rd daughters of King Triton and Queen Angelia are now almost 20 years old. They choose their mate soon after they turn 18 and as soon as they turned 19, they got married to them. They both don't live with their parents anymore and chose to live in their husbands' house. Not only them but their 4th sister Marcellina, also chose a Mermaid as her mate. And soon she's getting married to him and move out. But although Sylviana is now 21 years old, she never found the right one to call her mate and chose to stay single until she becomes the Queen. She's still waiting for a handsome hunk, who will swift her right away from her feet. “I'm not leaving you anywhere. If I have to move out, I will take you along with me.” Zene told her sister. “Really? You will? Thank you so much. I don't want to let you go too. I love you, sis.” Kall said and hugged her again. “Okay. It's time for your gift now. Look what I made for you.” Zene pulled out a few ornaments from the fold of her skirt. Kally always loved how Zene dresses up and uses ornaments that she makes herself. Zene instantly gave her a necklace, headband, and bracelet that she made out of colorful seashells. Kally's face instantly lit up by seeing her gift. “Oh, almighty God. Did you make these for me? These are exactly like the ones you wear. Now I can look like you too…” Kally said as she checked those ornaments. “Let me help you wear them. You are going to look amazing wearing them.” Zene helped her little sister to wear the ornaments she gifted her. And as she expected, her sister looks beautiful with them. Her mood also lightens up by seeing the happy face of her sister. This is the only thing she always wants. To see her family safe and happy. Although all of them were happy and enjoying their time at the banquet, the truth didn't change its course. As the moon came on the top of their heads indicating that it's already midnight, everyone's heart broke. They realized that Kally is not the Queen that they expected. It turned out that none of the rulers' daughters gained the ability of mermaid and angel. None of them is the future queen who is perfect for the throne. But still, they need someone to look after their land after King Triton and Queen Angelia goes to Olympus. So they decided on the only choice they had at that moment. “My fellow Mermaids and Angels. Today we were gathered here to witness the first shift of our future queen. But unfortunately, that didn't happen. Kallianassa is not the one we are waiting for. Your queen and I came to a conclusion that if we are gathered here to welcome the future queen then we will. We need someone to look after our land once we are gone. So we chose our firstborn daughter as the future queen because she's the rightful owner of the throne after the one we were waiting for. But before that, we want to know your decision too. Do you agree with our choice?” King Triton announced and immediately all the people agreed with them. Although everyone loved Zene more than any of her sisters, still they agreed to their King. They need a strong queen who can protect them from any danger, and Sylvia is the right choice for that position. She was trained to be the Queen since she was a child because at first, they thought she's the one. And now she is going to be the Queen. “So it's final then. In the next full moon, we would crown Sylviana as our future Queen. You can return to your home now.” King Triton announced and everyone went back to their houses. Sylvia became the happy person hearing the announcement. She never smiled this big until she heard that her dream is about to become reality. She's going to be the Queen like she always wanted to. All of her other sisters were a little jealous of her but still, they smiled at that and congratulated Sylvia for the good news. The only other person who was happy with the decision was Zene. Her wish became true. She wanted Sylvia to have the throne, and she got it. Maybe now the distance between both sisters can end. This was the only thought of Zene, at that time. The night ended with the decision of Sylvia being crowned as the queen. Everyone was happy with the decision too. But from the next day, everything changed. Sylvia's attitude completely changed. She became ruder than she already was. She started treating others low. Sylvia started acting like a queen even before she was crowned. Marcellina, Sequanna, and Savacia became more of Sylvia's fans and started following her everywhere. Zene didn't like any of it. She became more and more worried about the future of their land. If Sylvia keeps behaving like this, the people of their land would be doomed. Maybe it's not the right decision she took in the first place. But one day Zene realized that she took the right decision when Sylvia handled a problem excellently. After three days of the announcement, a fight started in the middle of the market between a Mermaid and an Angel. They were fighting for some unnecessary cause of who pushed the other first in the crowd of the market. Sylvia was nearby that place and rushed there as soon as she got the news. Zene and Kally were in the market at that time to buy some fruits too. As soon as Zene heard the chaos, she went there. She was about to stop the fight when Sylvia jumped in and stopped it. “I don't care who pushed whom first. We are all in this land as a family. And if you want to stay in this family, say sorry to each other and end this matter here. If you won't, then there's no place for that person on our island. Decide what you want now.” Sylvia's one speech made them both stop fighting, and they said sorry to each other. She stepped into the matter and solved it just like a queen. It made not only Zene but everyone present in that place feel proud of their decision. She is indeed the Queen this land needs. Zene was finally having peace in her, mind thinking that she took the right decision to let Sylvia take the throne. With a happy heart, she went to her secret spot. Shifting into her Mermaid form, she sat into her favorite rock a few feet away from the seashore. She dipped her layer of fin in the water and kept splashing water with it playfully. It was the night after few days of the full moon, so the moon was shining above with all its glory. Its light was reflecting on Zene's fair skin, and white scales making it glisten live silver while her long white hair was flowing with the wind. Sitting on her seat, she was enjoying the gorgeous night and playing on herself and didn't realize that it was way past midnight. She realized that she's late when her eyes became heavy, and she felt the urge to sleep. Taking a deep breath of the light fresh breeze, she was about to jump back on the ocean to get to the land when she noticed some movement inside the water. Although it was miles away from her, still she noticed that for some reason the water was moving, or you could say boiling in that place. It instantly caught her interest and she wanted to find out what was going on in that place. Zene knows that she needs to be careful in any strange situation, so she first observed it carefully. After few minutes, when she saw that the water movement was not stopping, she thought to go to that place and look at what actually was happening there. Diving into the water, she quickly swam towards that place. As she was getting closer, she felt the water was getting warmer. It made her more eager, and she went to the exact place. Reaching there she noticed that there was no boil on the water, or maybe it stopped by then, but the water was really warm, and it was moving crazily. Like some big fish is flapping under the water or something. What can cause such movement? Is it truly a fish or is it something else?
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