*Louis Shifting*

1140 Words
Third Person POV "I think we are stuck. We need three new members for our club tomorrow. What is going to happen today? Where can we recruit three new members from, today? We can't just let today pass by," Rachel said worriedly. "Oops! I have an idea. We have to check out Miss Janice's adventure stakeout. Come let's check out the notice board for more information on how we can reach them," Excited, Scarlett rushed out of the class. Rachel and Carlos followed behind her. Scarlett got to the noticed board first. "See! she said pointing her fingers at the noticed board, "Miss Janice's adventure class is open to year seven syllabus, so year seven has to go" Scarlett chuckles while still pointing at the board. "Scarlett, you are a genius. if we give out all our club cameras to year seven, I bet we will surely get three new members for the club by tomorrow." Rachel said. while they were still at the notice board. Rachel sniffs Louis's scent in the hallway. Louis had arrived at his locker to drop off his books after the class. "I thought I smell something funny, is that your lunch on your hand young man from wales?" A boy from his class asked just to annoy Louis. his name is Liam, Jimmy's minions. Louis had a fruit stem in his hand, which he sniffs from because he is partially a vegetarian. "I am not even from Welsh," Louis replied. Jimmy with his friends laughed at him as they turned around to leave. Furious at Liam who just made jest at him, Louis aimed his back and throw the fruit stem at him. He missed his target, hitting Jimmy instead. Jimmy felt he has had enough from a snub and mannerless dude. He stopped on his track, turns around to face Louis. Louis couldn't hold his growl. He is ready to fight Jimmy even. "You got a problem, Vege.. boy," Jimmy said as he ran towards Louis to fight him. Louis rushed at Jimmy before he could get to him and plunged on him like a wolf. He held him on his collar jerking him angrily. His growls were so loud that Rachel heard him and ran towards the scene. She got in front of Louis but she didn't know what to do next as she saw Louis laying on Jimmy. She knew Louis was in trouble and was looking for a way to get him off, Jimmy. Gazing at his hand, Louis saw dark scary veins erupting from his skin. He knew he was going to change into his wolf due to his outrage at Jimmy. He didn't want anyone else to know he is a wolf even though Rachel already knew he is. He pulled off from Jimmy trying to cool off his anger but it was late, he would change into a wolf in front of everyone. If that gets to happen Louis knew his never going to inherit his father's throne and that will be better off he is dead because his father would kill him for not being able to control and hide his identity to graduate from the best school in town which is a prerequisite for being a king in the Golden Coast Royal pack. Louis kept staring at himself as his skin continues to shapeshift. The dark black veins on his arm were becoming visible and his skin was turning pale. Everyone's focus was on him, "What is going on here?" Mr. Cameron arriving the scene. Rachel knew she needs to help Louis. She knows she will be in trouble if Louis shapeshifts in the presence of everyone. He might expose her too. Immediately she saw Mr. Cameron was getting closer, "Come on here, get in." Rachel dragged Louis into the storeroom beside her and locked the door. "What are you doing?" Loius yelled at her. "It is alright Louis, just breath!" Rachel yells, trying to get him to be calm. "No, you have to get out of here!.. Just go! You are not safe!" Louis yells back at Rachel. He is restless in the room. He hits himself against a cupboard it fell on him as a result. Rachel stood still glaring at Louis as he growls and pants continually. "I am sorry," Louis begged Rachel. he lost control over his wolf ability. A loud growl. Bone cracking and eyes dilating. Louis shapeshifts into a large dark brown wolf. Louis in his wolf snarls at Rachel. She at some point got scared because Louis wolf ran began to run all over the storeroom dismantling every piece of equipment in the room. She tries to get closer to him but he is running away from her, cursing more damage in the storeroom with his great strength and quick pace. "Louis stop running from me!" Rachel yelled, nearly crying. Rachel is worried if they take more time in the storeroom everyone will be forced to know what is helping in there. So she tries to calm Louis because that is the only way he could change into his human form but it wasn't working so fast. Rachel decided to try her luck once more. She slowly motions her arm to Louis to sit on his tail. As she brought her arms lower to the ground, Louis followed her arm movement. She continued gradually until her palm touch the floor and Louis managed to sit. Rachel took up her head, to stare at Louis her eyes had turned yellowish-red. Immediately Louis wolf looked into her eyes and saw moon color in her eyes. He quakes and became calm. Mr. Cameroon who had got off his office to control the situation had gotten a hold of Jimmy but he couldn't find Louis. "Where is Louis?" He asked Jimmy who stood in front of him. He doesn't have any idea either where Louis is at the moment so he kept mute. But then, he tries to explain to Mr. Cameron that Louis is the one who tried to fight him but Mr. Cameron isn't interested in his explanation. "He attacked me. He hit me on my head with a stem" "Where is Louis!" Mr. Cameron yelled. "I will catch up with him later. You follow me to buy office" "I knew there was something about you. The way your eyes went, It is true, isn't it?" Louis paused with a smile, "You are like me? You are like!" Louis asked excitedly. "I am not like you! I don't show off. I don't pick a fight at anyone and invade others' pack territory. You are endangered to us all. And as soon as you leave the better for you!" Rachel yelled. Key turning the doorknob Rachel looks behind her to see Carlos and Scarlett enter the storeroom, with a surprised look.
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