Chapter One-3

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Alyssa, seemingly calm and self-composed in leering down at his shameful struggles, yet with her cheeks deeply flushed as she fingered the tips of her bosoms so eagerly, read it all in his unsteady eyes. “Yeah,” she whispered fiercely, “don’t hurry! Take your time, you bad boy. Show me how naughty you are!” She struggled for breath as she tugged at herself so assertively. “Show me. Sh-sh-show me…” Wriggling somewhere deep inside, Brad complied, wickedly. Rather than a simple rhythm, for example, he now and then speeded up or slowed down his gripping palm, trying not to climax too swiftly but instead working unashamedly to prolong the sweet agony so that he could truly wallow in the dirtiness of it all. Occasionally, wildly conscious of the girl’s intent gaze upon him, he even scratched the fingernails of his other hand shyly at the sensitive skin of his twitching testicles—oh, that secret little delight felt so good, and it was so wonderfully perverted to expose his most private acts before her! Gasping, Brad writhed in his seat, performing so intimately beneath her steady gaze. On and on Brad strove, m**********g like an animal. When finally he had teased his poor body as much as it could humanly take and he teetered on the delirious brink of orgasm, the girl read it in his face, and she reached calmly down with unhurried graceful fingers and gave a savage double-handed yank to his hairy male n*****s. That shockingly personal contact seared like lightning straight down to the base of his clenching balls—it seemed so kinky, an unexpected and yet strangely titillating pleasure like nothing he had ever experienced before. Whimpering with the impossible bliss of it all, he just discharged immediately, all over himself. First there was a quick jet of anticipatory fluid, thin and drizzly and yet surprisingly copious—a great liquid splat upon his heaving belly. He kept right on yanking, though, and immediately after came the true product of his lusts, thick clingy gouts of sperm dredged up from the very base of his balls, a grunting, throbbing bliss that seemed to have no end. Groveling in his helpless joy beneath the girl’s demanding red nails, he erupted what seemed like half a pint, spurt after spurt of goop jetting from a spasming urethra that felt dilated as wide as his thumb. Unreservedly he poured himself out, semen splattering out all over his naked belly and chest, his gasping face, his tousled hair. Oh, how good it felt to empty himself as she pinched and stretched the surprised, sensitive flesh of his erect little n*****s, to let his clenching balls scream with the sweet agony of their mindless release. It was kinky, it was messy, it was shamefully primal—and yet Brad didn’t care! His poor overexcited body knew no shame or remorse, only the exquisite joy of its wild, exhibitionistic gratification. Every squirt brought a burst of pleasure that shook him to the very center of his being, and he wallowed without restraint in the messy culmination, a great spattering geyser spouting to the tribute of this inventive girl who tortured him so sweetly. He just kept on pulling, pulling, pulling, panting, grinning, whimpering as he milked himself. It was a long, long time before his orgasm was finally done. At last, however, as his hammering heart gradually began to slow, he became embarrassedly aware that there was c*m all over him, thick and glistening and drippy. He could feel it start to ooze, all over his bare, trembling flesh. His forehead was wet, and something started to drizzle down his neck and into his collarbone. One nostril felt almost glued shut with his own jism, and as the great tangled glob hung heavy upon his gasping upper lip, threatening to drip, it seemed that he could smell nothing but the liquid reek of his own shame. He froze, afraid even to move. Never had he displayed his most private acts before a girl like that, never, and suddenly, as the once-proud flesh of his poor uncertain d**k began to creep back upon itself in fright, still drizzling, he felt cold and exposed and vulnerable. Calm in the face of his slow, abashed understanding of the what he had done, Alyssa leaned courteously down, and as he blinked hesitantly up at her, she closed her heavy lids beatifically and bent further, obviously with the intent to kiss him upon his open mouth. Despite himself, he recoiled back into the lowered seat, acutely conscious of the semen all over his face—his chin, his forehead, his reddened cheek, his lips. Alyssa, however, did not stop. As the open circle of her soft red lips descended across him, it chanced to catch that enormous, heavy glob of sperm which had trembled upon his own lip, and it swept the gluey thing right into his gaping orifice. Brad flinched at the bitter plop of goop upon his poor cringing tongue, but the girl’s mouth closed firmly upon his, and her probing tongue fell happily into the stringy mess. He squirmed beneath her, and yet Alyssa’s kiss burned with her secret passion, and he found he could not resist. Moaning, he surrendered to her. One of the girl’s hands stroked gently at the wet plane of his blazing forehead, while the other pinched delicately at a sensitive male n****e that made him buzz once more somewhere deep within. He cringed, feeling polluted and embarrassed and vulnerable, but as she cradled him there in the moonlit darkness and toyed so knowingly at the tingling flesh crowning his hairy masculine chest, she mastered him utterly. Her tongue fluttered and swirled within his cheeks, and he was forced to taste the sour tang of the utter depths of his submission. Brad shuddered at the impossibly intimate contact, thrilling that the wicked darling would even touch him after how thoroughly he had revealed his basest lusts. And yet she did—graciously, indulgently, wordlessly. How wickedly dirty it was! Though the inside of his mouth felt bitter, and strangely slippery, he smiled inwardly as he realized that her tongue wallowed in that gloppy sperm no less than his did. He reveled secretly in the way that she, too, tasted his most primal fluids, and his pulse beat heavily at the thought. Despite its recent exertion, his tired little c**k began to twitch one more, restlessly. Finally she released him, and as her cream-colored visage drew gravely back, those beautiful dark eyes gazed down upon his defenseless face. Something thick and clammy swam at the back of his drooling throat, and for a moment he gagged. He wanted to sit up, wanted to lean out the window and spit the sour mouthful, but he knew that if he moved, the sperm that was still all over his chest and belly would run into his clothing—and Alyssa’s orbs bored intently into his, bright and expectant, willing him onward somehow… At last, then, as the girl watched approvingly, the poor blushing boy had to swallow. His gorge rose threateningly for a moment, and he had to work to get the clammy mouthful down—but swallow it he did it, ashamed and reluctant and yet unable to resist. As thick swallows of clingy, bitter shame slithered down his cringing throat toward his queasy belly, he realized that Alyssa’s excited gaze never wavered. Brad blinked up sheepishly. He was acutely conscious of the bitter aftertaste in his mouth, of the fact the he was still covered with his own c*m, of the smallness of his satiated little organ. The girl smiled faintly at his discomfiture. Her cheeks were warm, and her nostrils flared. “Why, what a naughty, naughty boy!” she exclaimed with a smirk that made him thrill somewhere deep within. Alyssa straightened her spine once more, and as she pulled her shoulders back, the motion made her naked breasts stand out firm and proud and white. They were, he could not help but notice, still agonizingly stiff-nippled in their excitation. Oh, how beautiful she was in her fierce aroused! He looked for a long moment up into her lovely face—and the wicked little quirk of her lips made his eyes widen. “But that is what you like, isn’t it, baby?” she murmured. “You like to get all turned on, and to expose yourself, don’t you? You just love having to masturbate for me, and then showing exactly me how dirty you can get…” As Brad lay there, breathless and uncertain, the girl reached down once more. Smiling placidly into his eyes, she placed both of her hands about his little male n*****s, and again she began to pinch and pluck at the hairy things. “And this is what you need, huh?” Tingling fire ran straight to his groin, and his breath caught in his throat. His sticky, shrunken p***s began to plump up for her again, thick and red and hungry. “A guy’s n*****s can get turned on, too, can’t they…?” “Y-yeah…” Brad groaned, shuddering. He bit his lip, blinking up at her— Alyssa’s red lips were crooked and knowing and sly as she scratched and pinched so energetically at his sensitive flesh, making him shiver. His c**k stood straight up in its renewed excitation. He was flushed and sweaty, exposed and shamelessly titillated beneath her sultry gaze. It felt so good! Finally, groaning, Brad just had to reach down, and as Alyssa drank in the sight, he began to masturbate once more. “Oh-ho, that’s my boy,” the girl laughed softly, looking cool and superior in the face of his helpless exertions. “Show me,” she instructed him calmly. “Show me.” Grunting, Brad jerked himself ravenously once more toward the orgasm she made him crave. Writhing comfortably beneath her inflaming touch, he gasped and sweated and shivered in his helpless agitation, until finally he could not help crying out and again squirting off all over his belly and chest. Oh, how sweet it was! “Thank you,” he gasped when his poor spasming balls had emptied themselves to their mindless satisfaction, “thank you!” Suddenly a bit shamefaced again, he tried not to notice that the copious of his previous orgasm still pooled in cooling globs about his neck and collar bones… Alyssa said nothing, merely smiled down at him. And then, when he had caught his breath, she c****d one smoky eyebrow challengingly, and in a calm, regal, superior sort of silence she began playing with his oversensitized n*****s once more. He shuddered happily, and then, obedient to the sultry-eyed angel’s unspoken command, the poor agitated boy started working on his third orgasm… Gluttonously Brad had wallowed in his lusts that night, on and on and on, until finally his poor clenching balls could force only the tiniest dribbles of thinning fluids through the spasming tip of his exhausted, shrinking cockhead. Oh, how fulfilled he was, how comfortable and cherished and pampered! Blinking, he looked across his chest and fluttering belly at what he had done, feeling sweaty and sticky and gooey. Alyssa watched him drowsily as, using tissue after tissue, the shamefaced boy at last silently wiped himself clean beneath her superior gaze. Only when at long last he was done, his poor shrunken p***s wrung pitiably dry and unable to perform any further, did Alyssa straighten back up again, bare-breasted and lovely, and while Brad watched in awe, she began to masturbate herself to the beautiful orgasm that on that night she did not yet deign to let him cause. As Brad’s fingers twitched in restless sympathy upon the leather of his bucket seat, the enigmatic girl stared back a silent, somehow self-assured challenge and reached up a hand to caress her shapely chest without modesty or shame, squeezing the high, pert mounds, rubbing them, even pulling directly at the exquisitely crinkled n*****s. Nostrils flaring, the heavy-lidded thing then pushed her other slender red-nailed hand across her flat young belly and down into her jeans, and she started rubbing herself there, very dirtily and very directly. He could not see it, perhaps, but he knew what she was doing—ah, the way the tendons on the back of her hand writhed so urgently, the sound of her nails scratching within the coarse damp fur there, the excited fishy smell of her that wafted so irresistibly out! The act was inexpressibly lovely. He did not interrupt her, nor did he saw a word. He scarcely blinked. Mesmerized, Brad simply gazed up longingly as the wanton angel, already heartbreakingly lovely, strove to make herself ever more beautiful in her innocent pleasure. She did not hurry, and when finally her breath caught in her throat, and she threw back her head and whimpered out her unguarded bliss, Brad seemed to melt inside. He had never felt closer to anyone in his life.
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