Chapter Six. The Ceremony.

2418 Words
Edited. Layla's P.O.V The truth is, I really don't understand what's going on right now, so much has happened in my life. I'm laying here sleeping, well trying to sleep, but I feel like something or someone keeps watching me. Suddenly, I got up and went towards the window, looking outside. I could have sworn I was looking right at a pair of red-yellow eyes and they weren't friendly. I turned and looked at Logan, but he was sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake him up. I turned back to the window and nothing was there, but the breeze in the night, maybe my mind was playing tricks on me. Who knows? laying back in bed I finally fell asleep. Unknown P.O.V “I'LL KILL HER! SHE TOOK WHAT WAS MINE! SHE DOESN'T EVEN LOOK THAT STRONG! I BET SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO FIGHT LIKE US! WHAT DOES SHE HAVE THAT I DON'T?!” I growled loudly, watching her when she was close to the window. “Madam, she has the King and the ceremony is in two days. You can't do anything about it now, all the guards will kill you on sight! Why do you do this to yourself?” My maid asked me, looking worried. “BECAUSE HE IS MINE! I'LL GET TO HER SOON ENOUGH AND WHEN I DO SHE WILL DIE BY MY OWN HANDS! THEN I WILL BE QUEEN!” I snapped at her, still growling. “Yes madam.” My maid said, bowing her head low to the ground. Layla's P.O.V I woke up bright and early, knowing I had a lot of things to get done or at least start to get them done. Tomorrow is the day of the ceremony and I'll officially be crowned Queen, but I have no idea what to expect. I wonder if there is a book on this sort of thing, at least that would help me figure out what I needed to do. I got out of bed, got dressed and left my room in search of the library. I bumped into Liz and Olive on the way and they decided to tag along and help me find, first the library and then the book I was looking for. Liz and Olive showed me to the library, which was at the end of a long hallway and hid behind two huge double doors. As we approached I could see that each door was solid wood with carvings of wolves and the moon on them. They were very beautiful and very heavy. When we entered, it was just like a scene out of beauty and the beast, there were rows upon rows of books and there were so many shelves, that it would take me over a hundred years to read all the books on them. Some of the books here were really old and some were quite new, but you could tell that they were very well maintained and looked after. We each took a row and carefully looked down each one until we finally found the book I was looking for. I pulled the big old book out and carried it to the couch by the window. I sat in the middle, with Liz and Olive either side of me. We flipped through the pages, until we finally found the page we needed. It seemed that everyone had a part to play in the ceremony, Liz and Olive read what their part consisted of and then I turned the page to find what my part consisted of. It took me most of the day to read it all, I knew it was old school back in the day, but now it's different. I felt like I was going to go cross-eyed from reading so much, when suddenly a pair of arms went around my waist making me jump in surprise. It was my mate, my king and my love, Logan. I looked up at him smiling. “I thought I might find you here.” Logan said, smiling at me and looking over my shoulder at the book in front of me. “I've been in here almost all day, Liz and Olive left a few hours ago.” I replied, looking back at him and biting my lip. “Yes I know, they are cooking dinner. How are you feeling?” Logan asked. He knew I was still in heat and just the simplest of touches from him sent sparks, igniting through my whole body. I watched him lick his lips, as I leaned my head back against his chest. He inhaled my scent and his eyes turned black with lust and desire. I turned around in his arms to face him and he picked me up, carried me to the table in the corner and sat me down. He kissed me so passionately, that both our lips were swollen. Logan trailed his kisses down my jawline to my neck, all the time moving his hands up my thighs. I leaned my back against the table, as Logan took my panties off and moved his head to between my legs, starting to relieve my heat. We stayed in the library for a few more hours after that, when we finally came out, we were both hungry. We made our way down to the dining room, my mouth was watering from all the lovely smells emanating from there. When we walked in the food was already on the table, there were lamb chops, baby peas and salad. It all looked so delicious. We ate our food and then headed back up to our room to take a shower. I was first in the shower and then he went in afterwards. Once we had showered and changed, we both lay on the bed, snuggling up to each other and went to sleep. It was going to be a really long day tomorrow. The next day, we both woke up at the same time and it was funny to see him with bed hair, as he was normally up before me and I never got to see it. I smiled at him and then my nerves kicked in, today was the day of the ceremony and we both had lots to do. “I need to go downstairs to the office for a few hours, to make sure everything is ready for the ceremony. I promise I won't be long.” Logan said, as he stretched his whole body into waking up. I nodded as he leaned over and kissed my cheek, he got dressed and smiled at me as he left. I got up, but before I could do anything Liz and Olive came scrambling through the door, making me jump. “We need to start getting you ready, my queen.” Liz and Olive said in unison, I calmed my heartbeat down from their shock arrival and laughed at them. “Very well, but can I use the bathroom first?” I said and smiled at them, they both nodded and smiled back. I went to do my business and when I came back they were both still standing in the exact same spot. “So, what do we need to do first?” I asked them both, wiping the sleep from my eyes. Liz pulled out a small notebook and her and Olive looked at the notes they had made from the book yesterday. “First we need to run you a warm bath and put these rose petals in the water, then you get in the tub for an hour.” Olive said, as she went to the bathroom to start the water and put the rose petals in. “Then we need to wash your hair with milk and honey, leave it in for thirty minutes and then wash it out.” Liz continued, looking at her notes. This was going to be a really long day. “Well, let's get started then.” I said and made my way to the bathroom, I stripped down and got into the water, the rose petals covered my body. I laid my head back and closed my eyes, as Liz put milk and honey in my hair. They washed my hair with the milk and honey and left it in for thirty minutes, then they washed it out and put on a special conditioner to make my hair soft. After two hours of soaking in this bath, I was able to take a proper bath. Finally getting out of the tub, Liz and Olive wrapped a towel round me and dried me off. Liz handed me my bra and panties, I put them on and then they helped me into my dress. I walked over to the dresser and sat myself down, so that Liz could do my make-up and Olive could do my hair. I wasn't used to people fussing over me, especially like this. I was finally finished, Liz put the heels that matched my dress on me and I stood me up. I walked over to the full length mirror and my eyes went wide with surprise, my make-up was done perfectly and my hair was done in a French braid with yellow and white mini roses in my hair. I couldn't believe how beautiful they had made me look. “You are finally done and you look beautiful, my Queen.” Liz said, bowing her head to me. “Thank you, both of you, thank you.” I said, blushing at their compliment. “The King will be waiting for you downstairs, he is already ready.” Olive said, reminding me of what was going to happen next and sure enough I felt the butterflies fill my stomach again. “Is everyone already here?” I asked, not really wanting to know the answer, as it would make me even more nervous. “Yes, my queen.” Liz replied, smiling at me. “Liz, please call me Layla, nothing has changed in our friendship.” I said, smiling and taking hers and Olive's hands in mine. They both looked at me and nodded. “Alright Layla, we need to get going, the King is waiting.” Liz said. We walked downstairs and Logan was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. “You look ravishing, Layla.” Logan said, as he looked at me with awe filled eyes. I started blushing a deep red and once I got to the bottom of the stairs Logan took my hand in his and led me to the ceremonial hall. When we walked through the doors, all eyes were on us, I could feel most of the women's jealousy towards me and if looks could kill, I would be dead. Logan's Beta Ron stood on stage, he cleared his throat and everyone turned to listen to him. “We are all gathered here today to welcome your new queen. My King, My Queen please come up on stage.” Beta Ron announced, we walked up on stage kneeling on red soft pillows, Beta Ron took a dagger from the table. I could feel the nerves and butterflies dancing around in my stomach. “Queen Layla, Do you promise to protect us alongside our King, to be there when needed the most, to love our children, to be fierce when needed, to stand by the King with every decision he makes and to correct him when he needs to be corrected, to correct us when we need to be corrected and to fight alongside us?” Beta Ron asked, as I looked down to the ground. “Yes I promise, I promise this to everyone.” I replied, raising my head. “My Queen, My King please lay out your hands.” Beta Ron said, picking up the dagger. We laid our hands out to him and he took the dagger, slicing a cut in the middle of our palms, causing the blood to drip down into a glass. “Now please hold each other's hands.” Beta Ron gestured to us. We did this and we both felt sparks flying through us. I felt his power enter me and he felt mine enter him. “Now please shift into your wolves. This will complete the ceremony and you will officially be our queen.” Beta Ron announced, holding his hands high in the air. We stood up and turned toward the huge crowd, looking out I saw many faces and it unnerved me slightly. We started to shift, our bones cracking and turning, as we both transformed. I looked down at my paws and I saw white fur, I was bigger than I was before. I looked over to look at Logan and he was a huge black wolf, with dark brown eyes. “My blood is in you now, that makes you bigger and stronger.” Logan mind-linked me. We both howled loudly as others shifted and howled along with us, when the howling was done we all shifted back. “Ladies and Gentlemen, Please welcome your new Queen.” Beta Ron announced, sending the crowd into eruptions of cheers, whistles and yelling with happiness. “Please enjoy the food and drink, your King and Queen have some business to take care of.” Logan announced, smiling at the crowd. We walked out of the hall and just as the doors shut behind us, Logan picked me up bridal style and started carrying me upstairs. “Why are we going upstairs?” I asked, confused. I thought he said we had business to take care of. “Because there's one more thing we need to do, love.” Logan said, smirking at me. We got to the bedroom with him still carrying me and he set me down on the bed. “I didn't want to do this while everyone was watching, I thought you would want us to have some privacy.” Logan whispered in my ear and I nodded. I knew what was going to happen next. He unzipped the back of my dress and let it drop slightly, exposing my neck and shoulders. He leaned forward and put his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent. I watched as his eyes turned black as the night, he licked the place where he was going to mark me and he bit down, his canines sunk into my flesh.
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