
1101 Words
So. Much. Paperwork. Even though I hadn’t officially become Alpha, my father was taking a huge step back from his duties so I could get used to running things. I was grateful for the opportunity to try things out and ask him for advice, but I’d barely left my office since I got back. I was going over the plans for the winter festival for the millionth time when someone knocked on the door. “Come in”, I called, happy to have a distraction. Zander walked in, and I could tell from his wrinkled forehead that something was up. “What’s going on?”, I asked. “Laurier and Marren aren’t back. They were supposed to check in everyday but I haven’t heard from them since Wednesday. I need your permission to lead a recon mission.” “You have it. I’m sure they’re fine though. You and I both know how capable they are. I bet Vesper just forgot to pack a phone charger.” Zander’s forehead smoothed a little, and I could feel his tension diminishing. “You’re probably right”, he said. “Laurier never was very good with technology.” “Call her Vesper! I’ve never understood my father’s obsession with formality. When I’m Alpha you guys can relax that”, I said. Zander nodded and turned to go. “I’m headed out tonight with Elsinore and Watson”, he called over his shoulder. “That means Archer will be on her own until I get back. I’ll make sure she has people to ask if she has questions.” “Stay safe out there”, I replied, but he had already left the room. I pulled the stack of winter festival plans toward me. After ten minutes of staring at the pages without taking in the information, I decided to call it an early night. Laying in bed, I thought about Vesper and Josh. It seemed ludicrous that anything could harm them. They had earth and fire on their sides! No one could possibly stand a chance against them. I certainly wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of Vesper’s blaze. Still, Zander seemed really worried, and his instincts were impeccable. I rolled over, punching my pillow into a better shape. It seemed like only seconds before the piercing rays of sunlight roasted my eyelids. I groaned and looked at the clock. 8:30 a.m. Time to get busy. I went down to the dining room where my parents were finishing up their breakfast. They said hello, then rushed off to start their day. Lately, they’d been consumed with plans for after the festival. It had been their dream to travel the world once my father retired. Now that I was getting ready to take over for him, they were in full preparation mode. As I ate my eggs and bacon, I thought about my day. I really should’ve gone back to my office and finished looking over my paperwork, but the thought of staying inside on such a nice day was depressing. Maybe I’d go into town? Or go to the training arena and observe? I took my plate to the kitchen, where a pretty Omega girl was working. She took my plate and flirted a bit, but I was itching to finally leave the pack house, so I headed out the kitchen door without engaging much. I still hadn’t chosen on a destination, but I figured I’d decide along the way. As I walked across the lawn, the Hunter compound caught my eye. Emma! I still hadn’t had a chance to meet the new girl. This seemed like the perfect opportunity. The sun had burnt off the morning fog, but tiny dewdrops still covered the grass, making my boots squeak as I walked. When I approached the gate, I heard a tinkling bell. Ah, the pillars. When I was younger, I used to train with the Hunters. The pillars were definitely the worst part. I entered the compound and saw an unfamiliar figure working alone at the pillars. I walked closer, but said nothing, wanting the chance to observe before making contact. Leaning against the fence, I got a good view of her. She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. Her shiny dark hair was piled on top of her head in the messy bun, the sunlight bouncing off of it and adding a reddish hue. Her skin was flawless and pale like milk, with a rosy glow caused by exertion. Her blue eyes were strikingly bright, and although they were scrunched in concentration, I could tell they were much larger than the average person’s. She was tall and slender, with a willowy frame and toned muscles. I sighed internally. If this woman were anyone else, I would’ve pursued her to the ends of the earth. But she was a Hunter. Off limits. I’d never heard of a Hunter dating anyone before. They certainly couldn’t mate. As far as I knew, the Moon Goddess didn’t give them mates. I was being silly. I didn’t even know this girl and I was already infatuated. Besides, even if she was available, she might not be interested in me. Still, I couldn’t deny that there was a strange feeling in the air. I felt like something was trying to pull me toward her. As I watched, she landed a particularly powerful blow that rocked the pillar. She looked so satisfied with herself that I felt the urge to laugh. Instead, I applauded. She turned to me and our eyes met. Her eyes widened in shock as I felt a jolt of electricity run through my veins. The earth fell away and all I could see was her. Nothing else mattered. Nothing else ever would. I could tell from her face that she felt it too. I wanted to run up to her and gather her in my arms, but a confused thought poked its way into my befuddled brain. What was going on? Had we just mated? Impossible! Everything I knew about Hunters refuted that. But I couldn’t deny what I was feeling. That light pull I’d felt moments ago had swelled into a tug, and I walked toward her, my legs moving with their own volition. I stopped right in front of her, never breaking eye contact. She was only half a head shorter than me. I breathed in a luscious scent of orange blossoms, and felt my whole body relax. “You must be Emma”, I said. She nodded. “Who are you?”

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