Encounter With Lord Vernon

777 Words
(Skylar P.O.V) "Wonderful. Just wonderful," My aunt said, getting up from her chair. "You're right. I love to listen to lady Ananya's voice, " Erika said while clapping her hands in excitement. "I must say I really enjoyed it," I said while smiling at them. "I am glad that you enjoyed it, ladies. Shall I get back?," Daniel asks, getting up from his seat. "Yes, I am quite tired already," my aunt said, smiling at him. "Then, I will-" Daniel said but cut off by someone. "Lord Collins," someone said, and we turn to look at a man in a tuxedo, tall and tan, with a sharp jawline and his hair tied behind his back, standing there with a smile on his face. "It's been a long time, huh?" Daniel said to him. "How is he?" I thought while looking at him. "This is my fiancee, Erika, and her mother and cousin Skylar Mathew," Daniel said while introducing us to the stranger. "Ladies, this is the fourth baron of Middleton, Mr. Alexzander Knight," Daniel said while introducing the stranger. "It's a pleasure, ladies," he said while bowing in front of us. "Miss. Mathew, I heard that you were engaged to earl Raychand," he asks. "Yes, I am. How do you know my fiancee?" I ask. I don't know why, but there is something about him which is not right. "We were old friends," he said while smiling at me. "were you?" I ask while raising an eyebrow at him. I don't remember Xavier talking about him. I want to say that to him, but I control myself. "Yes, and that is why I'm warning you about the danger you're in. You've let yourself be tricked by a blood-seeking beast," I warned me. I want to say something to shut him up, but Daniel beat me up to it. "Watch your mouth Knight," he shouted at him. "Excuse me, I didn't realize that you are young, so probably didn't hear the story," he said. "And I will ask you not to retell it for me," I said while narrowing my eyes at him. "I am just concerned about you. Your future husband is a killer," he said while looking at me. "He has killed his own brother even--" he said but cut off by a familiar voice. "That enough, knight," Xavier said while walking towards us. "Your late, Milord," I said, turning to face him. And there he was, walking toward us with a rose bouquet in his hand. And I heard my aunt sigh, probably from relief. "For you my dear," he said while handing a rose bouquet to me. "They are wonderful, Thank you," I said smiling at him. "Raychand still playing your game I see," Alexzander comments. "So you have returned to England Knight," Xavier said ignoring his comment on him. "You dared to hurt another innocent girl, ain't you,' Alexzander said referring to me ignoring Xavier's question or statement. "After everything, you did to Ellasa are you going to go the same road?" Knight asks him accusingly and that makes him angry. "After what have you done, it's better if you leave now. Your company isn't welcome here anymore," Xavier said to him while dragging daggers at him. "Truth hurts isn't it Raychand. But it isn't over yet," he said while smirking at Xavier and walk out of here. Xavier keeps looking at his back keep dragging daggers at his back as he leaves. "He really has some nerves," Daniel comments on Knight, taking words away from my mouth. "Let's go. It's getting late," Erika said to change the atmosphere. "I'll go and get the carriage," Daniel said and walk out of there. "Collins takes your fiancee and her mother with you. I will like to have a talk with Skylar in my carriage," Xavier said to him while closing his eyes to calm down himself. "Like I would let that happens,' my aunt protest while taking my hand to drag me with her. "Like I ever ask you. This is a personal matter so stay out of it," he said to my aunt while glaring at her. "Come, Skylar," he said while taking my hand and led me to his carriage. "What did he tell you?" he asks as soon as we reach his carriage. "Nothing more than you have heard," I said while looking at him intently. "I see. I am surprised to see him here," he said while looking down at the ground. "He hates you? that's obvious but why? and who is Ellasa, what did he mean by this is not over?" I ask while looking down at the ground.

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