On the Way Back

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    Rosalina's eyes widened. He... He believed her. Tears started to well up in her eyes, but she bid them not to fall. This was the crown prince in front of her after all. There was also the matter of her leaving the castle grounds that would be needing addressed. She knew she was a prisoner of the castle that was allowed to roam through its halls freely so long as she didn't leave the grounds, she just didn't remember why she was being held prisoner.     A satisfied grin spread across Marcellus' face. She was going to be grateful to him for his kindness. Though he had to make sure to lay it on thick at this moment. "You're hurt? How did this happen?" He looked at the wrapped ankle she couldn't quite fully have under her weight.     "I tripped on a root, Your Highness." She shifted her weight as if she was going to stand soon. "I am still able to walk for when you are ready to escort me back."     Hooves could be heard coming closer as Leon and Gavin appeared in the area. "Your Highness, I see the runaway has been found. We should get her back and in front of the King before it gets too much later," Gavin spoke in a matter of fact tone. His eyebrow quirked up when Isaac and Jeremiah shook their heads at what he had said. They were going to be sure to fill the other two, and the captain, in when they arrived back.     Marcellus chuckled, it was deep and throaty sounding. "If you think I am going to make an injured lady walk back to the castle, you are very mistaken, my dear." Without giving her a warning he scooped her up into his arms and walked the few steps back to his horse's side. She was light as a feather to him. Was she not eating well? The more he looked at her the more frail she truly looked. He was certainly going to approach his father about her mistreatment. None of the other servants were treated as such.     Lifting her up with ease into the saddle, he couldn't help but let out another chuckle as she squeaked in surprise. It was entertaining seeing her slightly flustered like this. Placing his foot into the stirrup, he climbed up behind her, then repositioned her so that she was sitting on his lap.     Rosalina was blushing heavily, she thought he was going to make one of the knights hold her. She was just a lowly servant girl who was a prisoner here, she had no right to be riding with the crown prince. She kept her eyes down as he wrapped his arms around her to grab the reins. He clicked his tongue, and she felt when he shifted his legs to tap the horse gently into moving. The knights fell in around them, giving them an escort back to the gates of the castle.     "Don't worry, my dear, I will clear things up with His Majesty for you." He felt the way she stiffened at the thought of his father. It was true, that King Lysander was a bit on the ruthless side and overly doted on the spoiled princess, but he could also be level headed when Marcellus brought things up. It would be interesting to see how this turned out considering the person at fault was his spoiled sister.     "You really don't have to trouble yourself, Your Highness," she responded quietly.     The meek sound of her voice washed over him and he looked down at her. Had she really not been shown kindness by his sister or father? He had never really interacted with her himself because he was always busy with training or lessons, but she seemed to be resigned to whatever awaited her back at the castle already. "The way you are being treated, my dear, is uncalled for. I won't stand for it." He lifted her eyes up to his.     Now that she was sitting there in front of him on his lap, she could really see him clearly now. He had blonde hair and chocolatey brown eyes. His jawline was strong with chiseled cheekbones. He looked nothing like his father, the king. Of course the late queen was a blonde beauty from what Rosalina had seen in the paintings. He did favor his mother a great deal. His older brother who had went missing twelve years ago looked like their father with his black hair, but everyone suspected he was dead now.     Rosalina blushed again. It seemed unreal that this man was being so kind to her. Maybe there actually were good people in the world. She turned her head to look forward, she could see the clearing coming into view as they neared the end of the woods. Past the clearing was the castle, her place of imprisonment since she was a young child. She took in a deep breath, this was her life, she didn't remember anything else before coming here.     The prince looked down at her curiously as she watched the castle come into view. He wondered just what she was thinking about in that pretty little head of hers. As they entered the clearing, she shivered from a strong breeze that blew. Her threadbare dress did nothing to protect her from the chilly evening air. Marcellus reached into one of his saddle bags and pulled out his cloak.     "Here, wrap this around you. It's chilly."     "I couldn't possibly, Your Highness. You need to protect yourself from catching a cold." She tried to gently push the cloak away, but he wasn't having it. With a sigh, he let go of the reins, the horse stopped, and he opened up the cloak.     "Fine. Then I'll just do this." He threw the cloak over his shoulders, then wrapped it around her as well. The knights exchanged looks with one another but were careful to not be noticed by the prince. They were shocked that he was sharing his cloak with a commoner, a servant no less.     Rosalina gasped in shock and before she could stop herself, she looked at him in the face. Her bright green eyes were wide with shock. She couldn't bring herself to argue with him though. It seemed there was no point to even try. He was a very stubborn person. She turned her head away from him again and just looked down. What were people going to say about her when they arrived back?     Finally, they had reached the castle gates and the prince ordered them to be opened. Once inside, he and the knights, with Rosalina still in tow, headed towards the stable yard. He called out to another servant to fetch someone to help get Rosalina inside to the infirmary where her ankle could be tended to. He dismounted his horse, then gently lifted her down.     "Don't worry, the healer will take care of your ankle," he calmly told her as two female servants came to help her get into the castle. After the servants walked away, the smile Marcellus had earlier disappeared from his face. "Take care of my horse, Gavin," he ordered before handing over the reins and walking away abruptly. Normally, he wouldn't leave the care of his horse to others, but this was a serious matter. He was going to confront his sister and urge his father to transfer Rosalina somewhere else in the castle.
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