About this book

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Changing lines is the second book to Crossing Lines. It plays off in the Crossing Lines, like the book before, but is the legacy of the next generation. I would suggest reading the first book, but if you don't want to, I will add some details here to make it easier to understand. Crossing Lines consists of three towns that make up the border protection between the human world and the supernatural world. Hunters: This is the government appointed soldiers that protect the border and keep the peace in the towns and the surrounding areas. They act like a combination between the police, military and bounty hunters. Crossings School: It is the school catering to three towns in the Crossing Lines that protect the border between the supernatural world and the human world. This school has both humans and supernaturals, but they pride themselves on anonimity to protect all the students. Midnight pack is an ally to the hunters along with their carefully selected allies; they assist the human Hunters with tracking outlaw supernaturals and occasionally with muscle. Their pack borders are the first line of protection for the towns set between them and the Crossing Lines. They have a standing agreement with the Hunters to protect both sides from the other, which includes certain laws. I will be doing updates on this book twice a week: Wednesdays and Saturdays.
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