Chapter 2-1

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CREATED BY JUTOH - PLEASE REGISTER TO REMOVE THIS LINE Chapter 2 “Ron. Ron.” Someone was nudging him, gently and repeatedly. Ron swam slowly up out of a sound sleep and yawned, aware at first only that he was lying in bed with Elizabeth pressed against him. He opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was her face, with those lovely dark eyes and her quizzical little smile. He kissed her before he noticed that it was a lot dimmer in the bedroom now than it had been when they’d both laid down for a short nap. “I think we were both a bit more tired than we’d thought,” Elizabeth said. “I think you’re right,” he agreed, and yawned again. “What time is it, anyway?” “I don’t know,” she replied with a tiny shake of her had. “There’s no clock in here. All I’m sure of is that it’s close to sunset. She smiled sleepily and slid one long, smooth leg over his as she bent her head for another kiss. Her long, dark hair tumbled down so that their faces were in a sweet-scented chamber of loose curls. When she drew back, she smiled again and brushed her hair back with her hand. “Are you hungry?” Ron asked. Her smile widened. “I’m ravenous!” she replied. “If you didn’t wake up soon I was thinking of devouring you.” He chuckled and sat up, looking around for his pack before he remembered that it was still back in the foyer along with Elizabeth’s. “I’d say it’s a bit late to go shopping for something to cook for dinner,” he said. “But I remember seeing what looked like a restaurant earlier. Let’s get dressed and see what it’s like.” “How should I dress?” Elizabeth asked. “Well, what did you pack? Did you bring some dresses along?” “Yes, I did,” she answered. “Quite a few, in fact. Are we going some place fancy?” “I really don’t know,” Ron shrugged. “I’ve never been here, remember, so I don’t know what things are like. I’m guessing something like upscale casual Friday night should do. But you just go ahead and pick something that you like.” “I think I can find something,” she said as she slid off of the bed. She padded over to where the luggage they had sent on ahead of them was stacked neatly against the wall. Hers was a much larger pile than his, and her suitcases were not as old and battered. Well, she had more money than he did, and could afford to buy the best. But it looked as if his closet and drawer space was going to be minimal once they’d unpacked everything. He watched as his female began opening bags and moving them around, marveling yet again at the ripe abundance of her body. If she looked like this at forty, what must she have been like at twenty-five? The more he thought about it, though, the more he suspected that the younger Elizabeth would not have been as alluring as his Elizabeth was. Some women aged. Some matured like a fine wine, only getting better with time, and she certainly fell into that category. He felt a familiar stirring, followed by an urge to go over there, grab her, and carry her back to the bed. Then his stomach growled, loudly enough for her to hear it. “I’ll be ready quickly,” she said. “I think I’m as hungry as you are.” She straightened up and turned to face him, holding a dress up in front of her. It was a warm yellow color that suited her, but there didn’t seem to be much of it. The fabric looked to be silky and thin, with spaghetti straps to hold it up and a skirt that ended somewhere around mid-thigh. “Will this be all right?” she asked. He hadn’t seen her in that particular dress before. Truth be told, he hadn’t seen her dressed at all for most of the time they’d been together. He was curious to see how well this little frock would cover her splendid body while putting it on display at the same time. “That’ll be fine,” he grinned. “Go on, the bathroom is yours. Make yourself pretty. I’ll find something for me to wear.” “Thank you.” Her voice dropped to that throaty purr that always affected him so strongly and her smile became sly and knowing, which also affected him. For a moment he was inclined to delay going to the restaurant again, and then his stomach growled once more. Elizabeth laughed as she gathered up a few more things from her baggage and then padded into the bathroom on bare feet. She didn’t close the door completely. Ron had to sit down on the bed for a moment. He wanted her more than his stomach wanted food, but he would have to wait. She was like a powerful drug that he could not get enough of, and he hadn’t felt this way since he was a teenager. He hoped that he would never get over this feeling, but there was still that nagging worry deep in the back of his mind that he might. How many women had he hunted, captured, broken and trained since he started working for the Organization? He’d stopped counting years and years ago. He could only remember a few of the faces, a few of the bodies, and hardly any of the names, except for a select few. Only a very few of those stood out in his memory. The one who did the most vividly was the slender little blonde he’d called Elf-Girl, and that wasn’t just because she was one of his last subjects before Elizabeth. Elf-Girl had really made them work to catch her, and for all the fight she put up once he and his team had run her down and caught her, once she’d been broken down she was the sweetest little submissive any man could wish for. She’d been something, and someone, very special to him, and it had been surprisingly painful to cut her loose when the time was up. After that, the women who came along after her seemed somehow predictable and colorless. He’d just about decided to retire from the business of hunting and training women when the Organization, in a last, desperate move, had snatched him up out of the country, plopped him down in an unfamiliar city, and pointed him at Elizabeth. In her own way, his female had been just as difficult to run down as Elf-Girl had been, but once he’d caught her she hardly put up any resistance at all. She had come with him willingly to the Office, and once there had submitted readily to all the things he did to her or made her do. It had confused the hell out of him at first, given how very hard she’d made it to be taken in the first place. It had never occurred to him, until she told him, that he had won far more than her body in his determined stalking of her. His stomach growled again, more loudly. He got up and started looking through his own luggage for something to wear. He didn’t know how many restaurants there might be here in Gordburg, or if they had dress codes, so he settled on dark slacks, a plain white shirt and a dark sports jacket. He had packed them carefully days ago, and they weren’t too wrinkled. He shook each garment out anyway and dressed quickly. Now that he was planning on dinner in the immediate future instead of hot, sweaty s*x, he was starting to feel very hungry. “I’m ready.” Elizabeth came out of the bathroom. She’d brushed her hair until it shone. The sheer material of the dress clung to her breasts and hips in a way that made him jealous. The flaring skirt left her legs bare to mid-thigh. The thin spaghetti straps holding it up practically invited him to break them with a couple of hard yanks. She twirled in place for him on her sandal-style heels, and the skirt flared out, exposing a bit more of her thighs for a moment. He could tell that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She didn’t always need to. He wondered what sort of panties she might be wearing under that dress. He would find out later. He was sure of that. “Do I look all right?” she asked. “Oh, yes, indeed you do,” he answered. “And you already knew that, so don’t be coy.” “Yes, Master,” she dimpled. “I suppose you must punish me for that later?” He could tell from the impish tone in her voice that she was teasing him. “We’ll see,” he replied, trying to sound ominous, but failing. “I was wondering, though,” she said. “What should I call you here? Master? Ron?” “We can settle that later,” he answered. “Right now, I’m hungry.” He offered her his arm, and she took it. “Shall we go?” he asked. She kept her arm linked with his as they walked through the cluster of bungalows, most of them dark, under the tall trees to Gordburg’s main street. The few streetlights were on, though it wasn’t dark enough to really need them yet. Across the street and up a little ways they could see the hotel. It looked big enough to have its own restaurant, and judging from the number of people coming from it and going to it, it probably did. Even if it didn’t, there would be someone there who could tell him where they could go for a meal. Beyond the hotel was the nightclub. That probably had some sort of restaurant in it as well. “Ron?” Elizabeth said as he paused to consider where to try first. She was still holding his arm, and he could feel the soft, warm weight of her breast pressing against his arm. It was a good feeling. “This way,” he said. “We’ll try the hotel first.” The hotel had a restaurant occupying most of the rear of the building, with a well-appointed bar up in front right next to the check-in desk. The headwaiter told them that there would be a short wait for a table for two, and suggested that they wait in the bar. It sounded like a good idea. Heads, mostly male, turned as they entered the bar, and once again Ron was sure of the reason. It wasn’t crowded, but every man there looked up and around when Elizabeth entered, as if she had broadcast some sort of subliminal signal. There were some women in the bar, and they couldn’t help looking either. One of them jabbed her male companion painfully in the ribs when it looked as if he was going to start drooling. Ron steered Elizabeth to the bar and held a stool for her. “Thank you,” she smiled up at him as she settled down. She leaned closer and whispered. “It does sort of feel as if I should call you ‘Master’ here, you know?” Ron looked around the bar. Some of the men were still staring at his female, but every one looked away quickly as he caught their eye. He realized that he was all but glowering at them, daring them to make any sort of advance on her. He hadn’t felt so strongly for quite some time. He had forgotten how invigorating that feeling was. “I may take you up on that, but not right now,” he said. “We need to learn more about this place first.” One of the bartenders wandered over. He was an elderly man, but even he had trouble tearing his gaze away from Elizabeth. Ron had the distinct impression that she was enjoying all the attention, and he didn’t begrudge her that. What woman wouldn’t enjoy it? He ordered some wine for the two of them before sitting down and facing Elizabeth. “Men are staring at me, Master,” she whispered to him with a smile. “I can’t say as I blame them,” he whispered back. The dress covered her decently, but it left her arms, shoulders and much of her back bare. “I’ve always been started at,” she said. “Pretty much all of my life. It used to make me feel uncomfortable.” “And now?” “Now? Well, after a while I got used to it. I might feel uncomfortable now, though, if you weren’t here with me. I know you’ll keep me safe, no matter what.” He was about to say something when he heard someone announce that their table was ready. He carried both of their drinks into the restaurant, with Elizabeth holding his arm. There were more turned heads and a couple of slack-jawed stares from the male patrons there. The waiter led them over to a small table in a corner, held Elizabeth’s chair for her as she sat down, handed them some menus and left, promising to be back soon.
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